Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1059: End of the first round

"Okay, let me just start the fight." It was also not saying anything, both players returned to their respective players' battlefields. And in the end, after a week of training, Team Happy unexpectedly lost...

There was no way, after all, Tyranny was more sophisticated, and Happy and their opponent Excellent Era had been preparing for a year, and now they were preparing to defeat the Tyranny team under the command of Zhang Xinjie in a week. It was indeed a bit whimsical.

But this time Tyranny also played very hard, after all, Lin Jingyan survived in the end. Although Happy's teamfight coordination needs to be improved in all aspects, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's direct coordination is here. Two people directly pressed each other and hit three people.

That is to say, the opponent is Zhang Xinjie who is good at defense. He keeps the defense without leaking, and relies on inexperienced, obviously not good treatment. Won the game for the breakthrough. Scored five points at the last minute.

In the end, Happy was the first to win with a score of 6 to 4. But no one dares to underestimate Xingxin, because he knows that this is Xingxin’s first time playing in the league. The opponent is the champion team of last season. They can still play like this. After that, after adapting to the league, they What is the height of his strength?

But no matter what, now that Tyranny is victorious, Tyranny’s fans are the most excited. After all, this match was almost completely pressed by the opponent. Even if the prospects of the ring match were good at the beginning, but in the end, the opponent’s deputy team still had a one-to-two match. It caused a very serious blow to them.

After all, it was their captain who was guarding the challenge, but that's it, still being taken away by the opponent with less than half of his blood. Although the final team battle was very tragic, they still won in the end.

Although Happy said that disappointment was inevitable, the morale was not too bad. After all, for the first time in the history of the Glory League for so many years, this was the first time that the first-round rookie team played an anxious game against the champion team.

After the press conference, the first thing is to talk about the various issues of the winner. The first one is the tactical style of Tyranny. Since the team battle did not bring their captain, it is really very Surprise them. Some reporters even directly asked if Han Wenqing was too old to play, so he withdrew from the team competition.

Of course, Tyranny's answer to these questions is also very tough, directly denying it positively. Zhang Xinjie even directly said that Han Wenqing will always be the core of Tyranny, and the challenge now is only to maximize Han Wenqing's strength at the most critical moment.

After that, it was about Tyranny's rookie. Looking at this Tyranny's team fight, this rookie is the player who will succeed Da Mo Guyan in the future, so he is also very curious about his reporter. Many of the next questions are about him.

Of course, there is also about Ye Xiu and Tang Yin. First of all, how do you feel with Ye Xiu's scattered captain? This kind of question made Fang Rui very embarrassed, after all, he was abused the whole time.

After that, it was Tang Yin. After all, the rookie was a one-to-two in the first game, and the second one was Han Wenqing. Many reporters with such strength compared Zhou Zekai with Tang Yin.

And Happy’s main problem was also concentrated on Ye Xiu. After all, this great **** Ye Xiu, who had never shown his face, had finally been interviewed in front of him. Of course, reporters could not let this opportunity pass. The second one that attracted attention was Tang Yin. This rookie of the great **** level who was directly abused on his debut has too many bursts.

In the eyes of extremely high, superb technology, although sometimes the reporter can not keep up with his thinking, but compared to Zhou Zekai, who does not speak, this kind of Tang Yin is more fragrant.

After the interview, both parties went back to their respective homes.

And the first thing to go back, of course, is the resumption of today's game. And when everyone at Happy was resuming the game, it also represented the complete end of the first round of the league.

And the magical team that entered the league as Xingxin, although they weren’t swept by the championship like they wanted in the past, they were also swept by the runner-up Samsara team last season. Seriously, if only in terms of team strength, the current The Magic Team is not too bad. After all, during the period in Excellent Era Valley, they made a lot of benefits. Players from Excellent Era are all above the average line of the league. So in terms of player quality alone, the magic is still above last season's Yizhang.

Above because they are all old faces and nothing is new, so they don't have the enthusiasm of Righteous Slash.

When it comes to the Righteous Swords team, then one has to talk about Sun Zheping, who has already announced his comeback and joined the Righteous Swords team. During this period of time, things about him also caused a hot discussion. It just makes everyone curious, isn't this guy in the challenge still playing the snow scene with Xingxin and Zhang Jiale? Why did you go straight to Yi Zhan this meeting?

Coincidentally, Yi Zhan's first game was against hundreds of flowers.

First Zhang Jiale, this time Sun Zheping, the former captain of Baihua, did not return to Baihua again after his comeback.

But at this time, the status of Zhang Jiale and Sun Zheping in the hearts of Baihua fans is reflected~www.readwn.com~ When Zhang Jiale chose Happy, he was crying, making trouble, and scolding by various fans. They all said they were very unacceptable, but what about Sun Zheping? It may be because he retired early, or because he had met in online games before. Fans did not react as much to his departure as Zhang Jiale had when he went to Xingxin.

But there are old fans of Baihua who are more concerned about the old captain. These questions were also asked at the press conference after the game.

Sun Zheping also directly responded positively. Sun Zheping's reply was not as magnificent as Zhang Jiale had originally, but his character was much more intense than Zhang Jiale. He faced: "Why do you choose Yizhan for comeback instead of returning to Baihua." "At that time, Sun Zheping was simply three words: I am willing.

To be honest, Sun Zheping’s situation was actually dug up when Happy. Everyone knows that his hand injury is not completely healed, and he can play, but the professional season is right. The pressure is too much. It is impossible to support the main core of the team.

Thinking about it this way, the reason why Sun Zheping went to Yi Zhan is obvious.

But he obviously did this for a reason that everyone can understand, but when it's time to be asked, the answer he gives is these simple three words.

What I am willing to mean is not to explain.

And this is Sun Zheping, even if his hand is injured, even if he cannot become a true professional player. But his people have never changed. Never...


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