Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1063: Ye Xiu, fighting against the air

Ye Xiu was the first to take the seat of the game again. Not only Pan Lin, but the other spectators were also very surprised. Are they still going to hand over the ring to their rookie deputy team? Will this be too risky.

But thinking of Tang Yin's strength, no one else could say anything. After all, he could defeat Han Wenqing with 50% of his health. This alone would prove his strength. It seems that there is really no problem with him defending...It can only be said that the high-end combat power of others is self-willed.

But now I think these are useless. The list of matches is fixed before the game, and Baihua is now playing by a player named Zeng Xinran. When seeing this player, everyone was a little confused, wondering who this Zeng Xinran really was.

Because before this game, no one had even heard the name.

In fact, this is a rookie that Baihua has only been promoted from training camp this season, but obviously the team attaches little importance to him. In the previously registered list, there is no other information besides his name, let alone any press conference. He just appeared in the Baihua team without a word.

Obviously he is not a rookie in the team like Lu Hanwen and Gao Yingjie, but because of his talent and talent, the team is willing to give him a chance to play. After that, whether he can survive in this professional circle depends on his own.

In the first game, Hundred Flowers didn't let him play, but he didn't have any dissatisfaction. After all, if it weren't for those very good talented players, sitting on the bench for a period of time is almost a way for all newcomers.

This is the deepest feeling among the people of Baihua, because they once watched a player walk out of the team's training camp and then formally signed. It was also the first to sit on the bench, and then to rely on the scattered opportunities of all, slowly becoming the main force of the team, and even the core afterwards. Finally became the league's top great **** level player.

And this player is Tang Hao!

For the newcomers who are sitting on the bench, Tang Hao's existence is a very inspirational story.

And after Tang Hao, Zeng Xinran inherited the rogue role played by Baihua: Deliro.

And he secretly made up his mind to start from a cold bench like Tang Hao did, until he hit a piece of sky that belonged to him. In the second round of the league, he got a chance. This made him very excited, knowing that Tang Hao's first opportunity did not come so soon.

He was very excited and excited about this result. I didn't even sleep well all night. And now he finally stood on the arena that he dreamed of, but his opponent was just the glory ceiling that a great player like Fang Rui had abused just now—Ye Xiu!

To be honest, Zeng Xinran now a bit wants to cry, even if he is not afraid of a newborn calf, but Ye Xiu's last game he had watched, it was not at the same level as him.

Originally, he was still thinking that Great God Ye Xiu had already made his debut in the previous round, and he would definitely not be able to meet him in this round. After all, he only played a single game, and he didn't have his part in the team game. So he, who had a very peaceful mind, felt like he was about to explode at this moment.

No way, Ye Xiu's prestige in glory lies here. No matter which newcomer is a fledgling newcomer who meets such a glorious **** like Ye Xiu in the first game of his career, he probably has to ask God: Are you unable to play!

After all, this is Happy's home stadium, plus Ye Xiu's huge number of fans for so many years. The wave of applause in the audience made Zeng Xinran's body numb for a while. Only now did he realize that professional games and his usual training are really completely different. In such a large stadium, he actually has a sense of suffocation. Does Xingxin have so many fans to support even a new team that joins the league like this? But it's really noisy...

This point has been to the game seats, because of sound insulation. There was no sound in his ears. But now his thoughts are still very confused. Even the feeling of noisy and suffocation still lingered in his mind.

For a full minute, Ye Xiu had logged in, but there was still no movement on his side.

what's the situation?

Because Zeng Xinran had not responded, there was some commotion at the scene, and the referee immediately took action to confirm Zeng Xinran's situation. As a result, as soon as he saw Zeng Xinran's stiff body and tight expression, he knew the whole story.

Because of pressure.

After all, there are many rare things in this situation. Some rookies will have such a performance when they encounter a great player by accident.

"Are you ready?" the referee came to Zeng Xinran's side and asked. He also knew that the player was definitely not ready, but he was not allowed to continue the game. Calculate waiver directly.

And Zeng Xinran obviously knew this rule. After reacting, he nodded immediately and began to swipe his card to enter the direct role to prepare for battle.

With the countdown, Lord Grim and Delillo entered the map together.

As the main role of Baihua in the past, Deliro was carefully polished by Baihua when Tang Hao was still alive. But because of Tang Hao's departure, he didn't receive much attention afterwards, and there was another level 75 update. Because Baihua is trying his best to recruit the role of the new Blossoming Bloodscape, he naturally has no support. So although he is now in the hands of a newcomer, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but many of the equipment is still like Tang Hao’s period, the only difference is that a few 70th-level silver outfits are replaced with 75th-level oranges. Pack.

In comparison, Lord Grim's equipment is really luxurious, a level 75 silver armor that the big teams envy. It was almost impossible to write the word Hao on his face. Such a configuration, even those rich and powerful, are very envious, after all, Tang Yin has no plans for a tentacle with seventy-five gold and silver equipment.

He used to sell because he knew that the seventieth-level big teams would not be long before, and they didn't join the league at that time. Now that he joined the league, Tang Yin certainly wouldn't do anything to increase his work intensity.

At the beginning of the game, Ye Xiu controlled Lord Grim to rush to the middle of the map, but what about Zeng Xinran? The character doesn't mean to move at all, he is still sorting out his thoughts...

Of course, the audience does not know the current situation of Zeng Xinran, in their opinion. Instead, Ye Xiu, a veteran, hurriedly wanted the opponent to attack, but the newcomer stayed in place very calmly, as if he had some plan.

The audience who saw Zeng Xinran didn't know Zeng Xinran's current state, and Ye Xiu naturally didn't know. The newcomer didn't appear before, and he couldn't observe in advance. Now he was in the middle of the map, but he didn't see the opponent. The first reaction in his mind was-tactical position!

So Ye Xiu started to fight the air with wits...


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