Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1066: Confused Zhang Wei

Facing Baozi's Overlord Lianquan, Zhang Wei immediately began to control the character to avoid it, but after all, he did not avoid it because of the dizziness. He was overturned directly by the bun, and no matter he was still in the magma, he was facing the opponent with a burst of old punches. After all, compared to the damage that the Bawang can hit with a punch, which ignition attribute damage of this magma is not a problem.

But to be honest, Zhang Wei is very puzzled by the fact that the opponent uses Bawang Lianquan now. Although Bawang Lianquan’s attack power is very strong, and it still damages multiple stages, after this skill, there is no skill that can continue to move continuously. Logically speaking, he is dizzy. The best way is to pave the way with a set of small skills, and finally to finish with the overlord's punches. But this bun directly gave up the damage of the previous skill, which directly opened up. Then it was pulled down after the fight.

That's right, just pull it down.

After seeing Baozi smashing his character madly, he just retreated. This is a recruiting action of the skill and cannot be canceled forcibly. Of course, it is impossible for a character who has been punched by the Overlord to get up and fight back so quickly, otherwise, wouldn't the character who has used the Overlord to fight back after the skill is completed?

So both sides simply rolled together, pulling apart. As a result, in the next moment, both parties hurled something to the place without an appointment.

The steamed buns use sand throwing, and Zhang Wei's side is to disperse powder. When the dispelling powder has a gain state on the opponent, the opponent's gain state will be cancelled, and when there is no gain state, the opponent's various speeds will be reduced.

The two projectiles returned in the air, but they did not affect each other. Pass directly through the opponent and shoot directly towards various targets.

Both sides are attacking, and neither can dodge the opponent's skills. The two were attacked at the same time, and Baozi's movement speed instantly slowed down, while Zhang Wei's side went directly into a blinding state. It's all black within the angle of view for a time.

The blinding state does not mean that the character cannot move, it just limits the character's perspective. So Zhang Wei started back-jumping at the first time, trying to stretch the distance between the two sides, trying to survive the blinding period. After all, the blinding state has always been very short, but his dispelling powder effect is a full ten seconds. As long as the blinding on his side ends, he can launch a counterattack.

As a result, when he was still jumping in the dark while standing here, he was suddenly hit by some action. I was taken aback when I looked at my own state. This... isn't this the slowing effect of his dispelling fans? Is this a tooth for a tooth?

At this moment, Zhang Wei felt that the operation of this bun was even more fascinating. As a professional player, he also realized that when he used the powder dispersal, he used the skill of tooth for tooth, and then directly learned this skill. But why? You know, tooth for tooth is a big move, high-level skill! What do you use high-level skills to learn such a low-level skill for? Is it to keep us at the same speed? This is too much to use, right?

Here Zhang Wei is still at a loss, his blinding state has been lifted, and as his vision regained, he found that Baozi's attack had already attacked.

But there is still a distance between the two, Zhang Wei didn't think he would be easily attacked by the opponent. As soon as Zhang Wei thought about it, he saw Bao Zi lift up his hand, as if there was something to do. He made the dodge operation in the first place. As a result, Bao Zi raised his hand and threw a poisonous needle, but depending on the attack route... it was too far away!

As a result, when he was still wondering why a poison needle can be thrown so much deviation, he heard a bang when he hit the brick again and was dizzy again...

Where did this brick come from? Zhang Wei's face was full of question marks. But there is one thing he knows. If there is no accident, this tile should have been thrown during the period when the angle of view was restored but not fully restored. But how did it hit the back of his head? Could this rogue teleport? Can I still flash behind me? But this is not a rogue skill?

In fact, this brick is similar to the one thrown from the front. The bun is just used to end the blinding and the opponent's angle of view is slowly restored. Attract the other person's attention. When following the poisonous needle from the other side's perspective, he threw the slab again. This gave the illusion that the other party was being attacked from behind.

What kind of tactic is this?

Now Zhang Wei's brain hurts more and more, after all, he hasn't even heard of such a style of play. Jihonggou is now being engaged in front by the opponent, and he feels stunned, and he has to disperse fans before. He hasn't figured out the purpose of the other party until now.

Zhang Wei was driving the idea of ​​tangling steamed buns, but the movements in his hands never stopped. Pressing the arrow keys flew up, hoping to quickly relieve the dizziness, but after all, he refused to make contact so quickly. Naturally, Baozi would not waste such a good output opportunity. It was a choke, followed by a beating.

Although it is said that the melee combat ability of the magical scholar ranks second in the mage system, and even with various effects of magic powder, the magical scholar's melee flow style of play is still all the rage. But if you talk about the defense of the opponent ~www.readwn.com~, he and the Elemental Wizard and the Summoner are both proficient in cloth armor. That skin can be said to be quite fragile. This is not a wave of output after Baozi locks his throat, plus the previous big move Overlord's continuous punches. This directly knocked out more than one-fifth of the opponent's health.

This opening of Baozi can be said to be full of advantages!

Fortunately, finally found an opportunity under the bun's combo to fly directly on the broom. Now he couldn't find an attack point that he could cut into, so he was going to fly first. However, this map has a very broad field of vision. Even if Zhang Wei wanted to rely on flying to extend the distance, there was nowhere to hide.

This was when he turned around and saw that the bun had been chasing behind him, and there was no tactical position, so he just chased him. At this moment, Baozi's whole body was the starting point for the attack, and Zhang Wei immediately felt itchy hands.

But thinking of the weirdness before, he couldn't help thinking: "This is not a trap, right?"

Zhang Wei took a closer look, and after repeated confirmation that there were no traps, he didn't hesitate. With a leap in the air, the broom swung towards the bun.

Then...Bun turned around and ran, clean and neat, without any hesitation.

Then, seeing the Baozi invasion, he turned around and ran away immediately.

Zhang Wei is confused again. Since he wants to run, if he wants to move, what are you doing after chasing me in a straight line like this?

And just when Zhang Wei was in a trance, a familiar thing flew towards him again. It is the brick!

Come again!


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