Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1071: What Mucheng cares about...

Zou Yuan, who was very embarrassed by the artillery fire at this moment, couldn't figure it out.

From his personal point of view, he really didn't know much about Mucheng. After all, he only became a professional player in the seventh season and became a rookie of Team Hundred Flowers with Tang Hao. It's just that in the first year of his debut, his career overlapped with his own captain. Under Zhang Jiale's brilliance, he had few chances to play. Although he made his debut that season, he was about the same as an audience member.

The result is that under such circumstances, in the eighth season, he suddenly became the protagonist and core of the team. And still think that the protagonist is very hasty. To be honest, Zou Yuan played horribly that season, and he couldn't find the future direction, let alone get to know other people comprehensively. It wasn't until the ninth season that he became the real protagonist, but that season, Su Mucheng's name was no longer in his opponent list, so naturally he didn't need to spend precious time studying her.

So the question is, what kind of player is Su Mucheng?

To be honest, Zou Yuan's knowledge of Mucheng stayed above some hearsay. He knew that Mucheng had a very high popularity in Glory, and this could be seen from every All-Star having her. But at the same time, many people looked down on her, saying that he only relied on his looks and figure. The strength of the opposite Mucheng, they all made me overestimated. What's more, they even directly said that Mucheng was just a vase, and some excellent Era black fans would spread rumors and put on his head the reason for Excellent Era's decline after the end of his three consecutive championships.

Even though such a point of view was correct, that person would be completely sprayed by Mucheng's fans and Excellent Era fans. But there is indeed such a group of people who are of this view. After all, he joined Excellent Era in the fourth season, and since the fourth season, Excellent Era has indeed not been aspiring to the championship.

In the public opinion of the outside world, the controversy over Su Mucheng has never stopped, but what do you think of Su Mucheng in the professional circle? As far as Zou Yuan knows, no one has such a view except for some newcomers who are brain-disabled and do not know the heights of the earth.

What about yourself?

Zou Yuan thought about his opinion of Mu Cheng, even he had to admit it at this time. He also had some prejudice against Su Mucheng, but his prejudice did not come from subjective thoughts, but was instilled objectively.

After all, in the same team, the relationship between the newcomers of the same period is always the best, and in the year Zou Yuan debuted, he also had a small partner who debuted together. And which friend is Tang Hao.

At the same time, the two of them are also considered to have the most conversations. Among these conversations, Su Mucheng, a very controversial senior, is naturally included, and in terms of Tang Hao's temperament, what do you think of a controversial player? It turned out that there was no need for many talents, because the two communicated more. This also caused Zou Yuan's view of Su Mucheng to be somewhat biased by Tang Hao.

But in the end, they were just two newcomers to the seniors in the gossip circle at that time. Neither he nor Tang Hao at that time were qualified to regard Su Mucheng as their opponent.

But after both of them had the identity and status that they could compete with Su Mucheng, Su Mucheng sank into the challenge together with Excellent Era.

In the past, the two newcomers gossiping together, now Zou Yuan-level is not clear about it, but that left the concept of some players still lurking in his heart, but Zou Yuan did not let that with that. An emotional game, because he will not underestimate any opponent. But even so, the strength that Su Mucheng showed this time shocked him again. This kind of strength can be completely different from what he understands.

Now he has been completely suppressed by Su Mucheng's firepower. Zou Yuan does not have the arrogant character of Tang Hao, so he sees these facts clearly and quickly recognizes these facts.

But what can we do if we recognize it now? After all, it is too late to wake up now. At this point, Zou Yuan has lost the game without any hope.

No way, Baihua is different from other teams’ gradual handover and inheritance. Zou Yuan was not pointed at like Wang Jiexi, but suddenly became the core. No one would tell him what to do in each game, what the opponent needs to pay attention to, everything. He needs to explore it himself. It’s not weird that there will be such a result,

In the final singles match, Xinxin took a two-point lead. With this advantage, as the home court, Xinxin's fans gave a warm applause.

And Mucheng came out amidst the applause and celebration of the fans, and wanted to go to her own player stand.

He has always been relatively calm about victory, just as he smiled and did not respond to some criticisms about him.

Because these are not what she cares about.

When she returned to her contestant stand, Mucheng saw Ye Xiu who stood up to applaud her.

"Hehe." Su Mucheng smiled brightly, and stretched out two hands to make a victory V sign.

"It's amazing, the whole process was suppressed, there were no loopholes, and it was very good!" Ye Xiu praised.

"That is, I have been training hard during this period of time." Mucheng smiled and sat beside Ye Xiu.

Of course she will try her best to win ~www.readwn.com~ but only by this person's side can his victory be more meaningful.

The two unscrupulously distributed dog food to the single dogs in the team. Tang Yin looked at him and estimated that they would have to distribute dog food for a while, but in the end he started to arrange the tactics of the next ring match. As for Mucheng and Ye Xiu, let's not bother them. The smile on Mucheng who was chatting with Ye Xiu now was dazzling than her winning the victory medicine. As a master, Tang Yin certainly wanted to help his apprentices.

However, Happy's spirited spirits here, Baihua's side was a bit at a loss.

Two points were lost in the singles, and the only one who won with an inexplicable expression was obviously not in shape yet.

"The opponent's core Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng have already been on stage, and we have a lot of opportunities in the ring match. According to the previous game's play, Zhang Jiale and the others will also stay in the team match. This way We have a great chance of winning in the arena matches. Everyone, cheer, and you can never lose in the arena!" Yu Feng said to the players.

After all, in their view, the main threat now is Tang Yin, after all, the strength of the last round of one-to-two is still vivid. Because of his age, Zhang Jiale would only play one game per game depending on the situation, while the other people in Happy, he was not the other person, either a rookie or an old man. So the ring match is their hope for a comeback!


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