Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1077: The difference between Yu Feng and Sun Zheping

"I was really stuck by the opponent." Tang Yin said when he saw that Yu Feng had been forced to a dead end and there was no other position to run Wei Chen. These positions are completely under the control of the forward. He relies on various powerful explosive skills, and every time Wei Chen wants to run in other directions, he stops it. After all, Berserker is one of the most violent professions. Just now Wei Chen's blood volume. If you are really beaten by these big moves, you will be disabled.

Even if he is working hard to consume Yu Feng, Yu Feng is a **** of glory after all. Under such circumstances, if he wants to attack Feng effectively, it is too small for Yu Feng.

And now Wei Chen, who has been forced to the corner by Yu Feng, has no other choice but to say: "I didn't expect that since you have studied this picture? Is there any wicked and evil style of play."

Yu Feng doesn’t mean to pay any attention to Wei Cao’s trash talk. You must know that his teammate is Huang Shaotian. Although Huang Shaotian’s trash talk is likely to be inherited from Wei Chen, now it is definitely better than blue. Another Yu Wenzhou did a good job too, so good that Wei Chen retired in shame.

It's also because he had been teammates with Huang Shaotian, so his resistance to trash talk was almost pulled to its full value. Wei Chen's trash talk really didn't attract his attention.

Therefore, Yu Feng didn't even care about this senior from his previous team. Raising the giant sword in his hand was a smashing striker!

This blow is also one of the most frequently used starting hands by Berserkers, which shows how stable his current state of mind is.

However, Wei Chen didn't show much panic in the face of the opponent's attack, and once again summoned the magic mirror to try to block Yu Feng's attack.

And Yu Feng, who had watched the last game, certainly knew how difficult this magic mirror was in Wei Chen's hands. His purpose was not to hurt the enemy, but to contain it. Since it can resist the opponent's attack, it can also block the field of vision.

Of course, he knew that the opponent had this hand. Of course, Yu Feng would not continue to be tricked by the opponent. He directly controlled the character to turn around in the air, and the original attack on Wei Chen hit Wei Chen's side. And because of the shock effect of the collapse of the mountain, Wei Chen directly shook Wei Chen into the air. Obviously, the magic mirror only has a rebound effect on frontal attacks. Concussion damage is obviously not among them.

Just then, Yu Feng, who landed on the ground, drew a red line with a sword crossed against Wei Chen, who was shaken to the air. Then there was another pick, and another **** sword mark was drawn. It is the cross cut.

Then he stretched out a hand to the windward array that was about to be repulsed by the cross, and the blood gathered in the palm of his hand as he walked, as if he was about to absorb something that was moving, and Wei Chen, who was about to fly backward just now, was directly caught Yu Feng sucked.

Soul Eater and Blood Hand.

This is a grabbing skill unique to the Berserkers, and it is overbearing. You don't need to directly touch the opponent's body, as long as the opponent is within his skill range, it can only be forcefully grabbed.

Then the Soul Eater and Blood Hand exploded, an explosion of vitality and blood, directly blasting the windward array that was held in the hand by Luohua Chaoluo. With the help of this knock-up, Wei Chen hit the ground and rolled away from the opponent. But Yu Feng not only gave the opponent a chance to breathe, holding the sword in both hands was like losing points and rushing forward. He started again with a **** mad sword with a heavy blow, chasing Wei Chen to kill.

Yu Feng's successive intensive skill attacks, for young people like Feng, the opening burst speed is not a problem at all. But what about Wei Chen? In the case of the opponent's explosive hand speed, the defects of his age are reflected. Plus has played a game before. He started to be a little unable to keep up with the opponent's rhythm, and finally appeared a skill that he could not avoid.

"It's terrible!" Ye Xiu had already begun to look at this place.

"It's really difficult for Old Wei to play in the arena, not to mention that the opponent is still such a top expert, and it is hard for him today." Tang Yin also said.

This blow of the blood shadow crazy knife directly chopped down Wei Chen, and even triggered the additional attribute on Yu Feng Yinwu: each attack has a 6% chance of triggering forced floating. And this effect is called-Huaxie Huafei.

Wei Chen, who was floated again, faced a great god-level player with explosive speed. Even he felt helpless and helpless. At this time, he would feel first-class, and he would always be the one who was floated. One side.

The huge sword that was directly wrapped around the blood was swung again, and Shattered Slash followed. This blow not only caused decent damage, but also reduced the opponent's defense power. You must know that the warlock itself is a crisp skin of cloth armor. Occupation, now being beaten by annihilation, this defensive power can be said that there is not much left.

To be honest, the game has already become clear here. But even in such a situation, Yu Feng still concentrated on it, and didn't feel relaxed after a little bit. Even if the opponent was a veteran like Wei Chen, he still strictly controlled the combo.

You must know that the combos of professional players are not just about playing out their skills. There are many things to consider. What kind of terrain, distance, opponent’s occupation, opponent’s reaction, these are all they need to consider ~ www.readwn.com~ because these factors will lead to the final choice of skills can achieve the best effect. Glory's professional league has developed for so many years, and the changes in it can be said to have been very complicated.

But the current situation is like this. Yu Feng has calculated every hit he hits very accurately, and every attack is done in place. It can be said that this set of hits is almost perfect. This is the best proof of this from a team of Wei Chen who struggled in the air but never got off.

As for why it is not perfect, this is not because Yu Feng's strength is not good, but the limited hard limit of Honor, a player, but no matter how strong the character and him are, it can't be perfect. It is said that Glory is not a one-person game. The truly perfect combo can only be achieved in a team. Even Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu are the same!

Although they all use Berserkers, Yu Feng's Berserkers are not as wild and ferocious as Sun Zheping's Berserkers. But his Berserker was more precise and delicate. Both sides can be said to have their own strengths, but as to who plays better, this is a question of the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise.

But no matter what, after Yu Feng's attack, Wei Chen's blood volume has directly reached 10%. If Wei Chen were the boss, he would already have gone violently.


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