Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1083: I'm Tang Yin! Never hold grudges.

The revolver of the phantom **** changed flying in Tang Yin's hands, and the two grenades were thrown out between the attacks. This time Yu Feng did not force a counterattack. After all, the core of the spear technique was to allow himself to advance and retreat. While being able to attack the opponent, he can move as he pleases. Avoid attacks.

They had already experienced this in Zhou Zekai. The biggest difference between Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai's spear physique was that more skills led to more changes. And so many changes, combined with Tang Yin's terrifying hand speed, is a terrifying existence.

Seeing the giant sword in Yu Feng's hand, he accurately played Tang Yin's two grenade, but he did not expect that after the grenade, Tang Yin kicked Yu Feng again. It is the instant kick!

Because the two grenades have just been blocked with skills, the opponent's skills this time can only rely on the compulsiveness of compulsory block, shake and stiff block after forcibly touching the skills.


Tang Yin's Xiaoyaoyou kicked it on Feng's giant sword like this, making a sound like golden and iron communication. Although blocked, don't worry about the stun effect of instant kick. But the powerful impact force will still be repelled by the falling flowers of the front. Yu Feng also took advantage of the trend and jumped to get away from Tang Yin, trying to reduce the opponent's rhythm first.

But Tang Yin was a sharpshooter, and he was a long-range professional himself. What distance Yu Feng pushed away was completely useless. Tang Yin directly threw the Illusory God double spear that was still on the revolver. The two fired and revolved the revolver to chase Yu Feng!

Double eagle roundabout!

And Tang Yin's escape was just behind the two flying guns, two revolvers and two smooth wheels. After hitting directly, Yu Feng wanted to open the distance. But because of Yu Feng's distance, it was just the limit of the double eagle's swing. After the attack, the two revolvers began to fly back.

This was Yu Feng just preparing to give a sigh of relief, but the next moment Yu Feng suddenly widened his eyes... After the revolver, Tang Yin's escape was already in front of him.

what's the situation?

Yu Feng hadn't reacted yet, after all, the weapons were unusable during the double eagle's maneuver. Dare to come and get close to him like this? How much does this guy look down on him?

Without mentioning Yu Feng, his hands were full of blood, and he was ready to strike Tang Yin.

But Tang Yin's speed was even faster. Then he lowered the double spears that flew back, and threw them out again while turning around. When he turned around, he caught them again. These are the two revolvers that have followed Tang Yin's gestures like light blades to him. The former Yu Feng slashed away.


Only then did Yu Feng remember that the other party had this method, no wonder Yu Feng would forget it. This style of play has appeared twice. The first game was played by Tang Yin when he played Zhou Zekai. The second time was Zhou Zekai against Huang Shaotian in the eighth season finals. After that, the entire ninth season did not appear again. So when the bomb saw the double eagles maneuvering, he subconsciously responded with normal thinking.

But now it was too late to regret, Tang Yin waved his hands down. The two revolver-transformed light wheels continuously cut the Chaos of Flowers. An explosion sounded.

Directly blasting the Fallen Flower Chaos into the sky, Yu Feng was preparing for the silver-light falling blade to counterattack, an ice-blue grenade had already appeared beside him, even though his character had already performed the silver-light falling blade action, but still The exploded frozen grenade was frozen in the air.

And when he fell to the ground, there was a dense attack on his face.

Obviously he is a glorious newcomer, why is he so tough!

This was the only thought of being hit by Yu Feng.

Next is Tang Yin’s personal show, and Yu Feng now finally knows why in the last match, Han Wenqing would rather resist Tang Yin’s damage and avoid or parry Tang Yin’s abnormal attribute skills with control effects. .

Obviously they are all probabilistic skills, coupled with the various attribute patiences of their professional roles that may pile up. In the past, it was rare to be frozen in a game, but now he can't even move.

If Ye Xiu’s loose men relied on a variety of changes and played almost infinite combos to achieve the goal of full suppression, then Tang Yin relied on the effects of these controlled skills to suppress. Here, you are about to release the freezing state, he Just give you an instant kick or a sniper rifle, flashing geography, etc. will stun you, but if you want to relieve the stun, freeze the grenade or ice bullets to keep up.

Relying on these abnormal states abruptly makes you unable to move.

"Referee! I want to apply for a time-out! I suspect that the opponent used improper means to change the probability of triggering the skill effect!" Yu Feng said directly to the scorer and supervisor behind him.

The referee also suspended the game when he heard Yu Feng's request, because it was indeed a reasonable request in his opinion. Let alone Yu Feng, even he, even the audience, began to doubt whether Tang Yin had opened up.

After all, even in the void of the twin ghost combination, these abnormal states can't be played face-to-face and ordinary, they still can be triggered frequently in the ghost formation. But what about the other party now? You can do it once or twice. Isn't it too much for you to come out again this time?

Tang Yin was also very cooperative. Yu Feng questioned. When the game was suspended, he stopped the operation and asked the scorer and supervisor behind him to come over and inspect his equipment.

The scorer and the supervisor are the staff who will always be in the game room, and their duties are exactly the same as they are called. It is to prevent players from cheating and to set up supervisory players in the staff. UU read www.uukanshu.com just to prevent a situation similar to Feng's suspicion from happening.

After all, Yu Feng and Tang Yin were not familiar, he would doubt that Tang Yin was reasonable. Tang Yin didn't think it was a problem either. But he has tried his best to suppress his luck, and he can't even do the rest. You can't turn it off even if you throw a coin. But Tang Yin didn't feel guilty, saying that luck was also part of his strength. It's just that his strength in this part is a bit too much.

After a period of detailed persistence, even Yu Feng himself came over. He couldn't believe it, after all, the trigger rate was too high.

But looking at the normal equipment and the staff who did not detect any problems, he was completely blinded. what is happening? In fact, the official also performed background calculations to determine the probability that Tang Yin's attack had triggered the skill. During this period, no algorithm values ​​were affected.

"Sorry, brother." After all, it was the inspection raised by myself, and now there is nothing, and it is more or less the meaning of framing others.

"It's okay! These are all small things, don't worry! I, Tang Yin! I never hold grudges." Tang Yin said. The sound passed through the microphone to everyone's ears.

Everyone at Happy: "..." I believe you a ghost! Your little silver is very bad...


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