Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1085: Zhu Xiaoping and the summoner

Yu Feng ended up in a depressed mood, and soon returned to their Hundred Blossoms player seat. But now the Baihua players don't know how to comfort each other for a while. You must know that Yu Feng is their team leader and spiritual support. He has always comforted other people. But it is obviously unacceptable to be defeated by a rookie now. But they didn't know what to comfort their captain.

Of course, Yu Feng didn't wait for other people to comfort him. He also knew very well his position in this team. Anyone can chaos but he can't. Because of his chaos, the team really has no backbone. So after he sat down, he had begun to calm his mood.

Yes, he lost, but if he loses, it doesn't mean that the Hundred Flowers will lose. Now they have one more player in Hundred Flowers!

"Xiaoping." Yu Feng said.

Zhu Xiaoping, the third player in the Hundred Blossoms Arena, only joined the league in the sixth season. After all, his growth is ordinary. After a year of bench career, he only played a few occasionally throughout the season, but he slowly emerged from the seventh season and gradually became the main force of Hundred Flowers, and his career is also the rarest in the entire glory. Summoner who has been an All-Star player.

Called by the current team captain, Zhu Xiaoping leaned in immediately. If only talking about qualifications, Zhu Xiaoping is of course above the front, but he himself is very convinced by the transfer captain. On the contrary, he had quite a few opinions on Zhang Jiale, the captain of the previous generation of Hundred Flowers.

Because he was in the seventh season, he officially showed himself on the stage of league games. It was also in that season that their Hundred Flowers Team directly reached the finals, but unfortunately they lost Tiny Herb in the end. But no matter what the media reported at the time, they were still very encouraged by their second place results. Many players gritted their teeth and decided to work harder. Prepare for the next year's competition.

Zhu Xiaoping was one of the most active players, but in the next season, Zhang Jiale suddenly announced his retirement. And because of his retiring without any warning, Baihua at the time was messed up directly. The new captain Zou Yuan, who was hurriedly supported, was simply unable to do the job. The whole season seemed helpless, and Tang Hao, who performed well, was not able to drive the entire battle team because he was not the core professional of the team.

The final result is to the end, since they Baihua did not even enter the playoffs. The reason for all this stems from Zhang Jiale's Tang Rou retiring. Originally, Zhu Xiaoping had all kinds of expectations for this season, but in the end it was the result. Under such circumstances, of course he would have some resentment towards Zhang Jiale.

If you want to get Baihua out of any faction, then Zhu Xiaoping must be anti-Zhang Jiale faction. Even after hearing the news of Zhang Jiale's contribution, he didn't expect Zhang Jiale to be a hundred flowers at all. As for the last Zhang Jiale appeared in Happy, he felt even more funny. In his opinion, Zhang Jiale is a selfish guy. Compared with him, Yu Feng, the new captain, is more conscientious and responsible in Zhu Xiaoping.

Even if their results were not good at the beginning of last season, he has never been discouraged or shirked responsibility. This is what Zhu Xiaoping admired Yu Feng most. Therefore, he absolutely supports this captain.

"What's the matter? Captain!" Zhu Xiaoping came to Yu Feng and asked.

"Be careful of this Tang Yin, his strength is stronger than the results of our research, and the negative buff multiplier of his dull control effect skills is terribly high. You have to be careful with those skills." Yu Feng said.

"I understand. I will pay attention." Zhu Xiaoping is also a professional choice, and he knows exactly what his captain was beaten in the last game. He was also very convinced of the strength of the front, but in this way he was still pressed and beaten by the opponent. How could such an opponent not worry him.

"Come on." Yu Feng patted Zhu Xiaoping on the shoulder and said.

"Yeah!" Zhu Xiaoping nodded solemnly. Under the blessed eyes of his teammates, he stepped onto the stage of the game.

Xinxin vs. Baihua, the final round of the ring match begins! There is also a sharpshooter with about a quarter of his health, and he is playing against Zhu Xiaoping's Summoner Fengke in full state.

The two are not directly familiar with each other, and there is no need to talk **** to each other at the beginning. After the start, he rushed towards the middle of the map without hesitation. After a while, the two sides met, but at this time, Zhu Xiaoping had already called out a few summoned beasts by his side.

The mechanics of the Summoner profession is very special, because of the skill points now. It is impossible for a career to point all the summoned beasts to the highest level. The changes between them require players to combine according to their own preferences and habits. The result of this is that there are many genres of summoners, even if a new genre appears every once in a while.

But as the saying goes, every genre is inseparable from its ancestry, and the emergence of each genre is not just because of preference, there must be some truth in it.

As far as the genre is concerned, in a genre, there are generally one or two summoned beasts at the core of the genre. The selection of other summoned beasts is also based on this master C's summoned beast. Each genre can even be understood as a style of matching the team, in which the complexity of the design content can be imagined.

The reason why the Summoner has never appeared a top player, on the one hand, does have a professional reason. After all, whether it is tactical use or singular operation ~www.readwn.com~ this is indeed too difficult. But for the Glory rookie, this profession is the simplest. You can play a copy, and when you fight monsters, you can directly summon a bunch of summoned beasts, and go directly to fight. Players can drink tea in a safe area.

But don't look at how simple it looks. When you really want to become proficient in this profession, you will find the difficulties.

But it's such a career that is easy to learn, but very difficult to master. Many players like it in Glory. Zhu Xiaoping is a typical example. He refined this profession, so he has been specializing in this. His biggest dream is that one day he can lead his matching army of summons to the highest peak of glory. For this goal, he works hard every day, trains hard, and faces every game...

Seeing the Xingyao attacking him, Zhu Xiaoping had already begun to command the summoned beasts to form an array. He also hid behind the spirit beast. After all, the horror of Tang Yin's sniper rifle, he also saw the last time, but in the case of melee output, he can still have a headshot!

To be reasonable, the accuracy of Tang Yin's right hand, even Fang Rui, who has a golden right hand, can't be better, right? This is the thought of Tang Yin Zhuntou, Baihua player.


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