Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1090: Goblin

There are now 20 teams every season, and each team has to play 38 games at the end of the season, half of the home games and half of the away games. In this case, to comply with the league regulations, each team must contact more than ten maps every season. In addition, if half of the maps that have already been used cannot be used, an additional five must be added. Zhang new picture. This picture complies with the alliance regulations.

In other words, every season, every team must guarantee at least fifteen maps to ensure that the team will not violate the rules of the league and guarantee some map cycles in each season.

Of course, these are under the premise of ensuring that the cycle is guaranteed, but in fact, very few teams will use the cycle map. On the contrary, it will be more advantageous to continue to use the new map. Therefore, in fact, the number of maps with no team contact is above 15. .

And here is a glorious tactic involved, that is, guessing the picture. Some teams will make one or two map guesses in the away game. See if Xiao Ming meets the dead mouse. Anyway, he doesn't know what map the other party chooses. What if they got it right? Most of these ignorant maps were found in the late repetitive maps.

After all, there are too many maps of Glory, it is obviously impossible to guess if you don't draw a range.

And Baihua applied this to Team Happy. Don’t think Team Happy is a pure rookie team. The newcomers are like white paper. The map and everything must start from scratch, but they have Ye Xiu. Professional veterans like Su Mucheng and Zhang Jiale all had detailed research on maps.

And if the map directly uses what they are familiar with, and then teach them how to use the newcomers in the team, so that they can quickly adapt to the map. This is exactly what Baihua and the others estimated on the map of Xingxin.

But when they saw the map, they were still stunned, because since the map they chose was Broken River?

This is not to say how unfamiliar they are to Broken River, or how difficult the map of Broken River is. On the contrary, let's not talk about professional players in this picture. Even ordinary players of Glory are very familiar with it, because this is the most classic and one of the earliest maps in the Glory map. Many online game heads, or direct team battles of players, choose this picture. I choose this picture for any two-to-two, five-to-five, ten-to-ten and so on.

Even many players are not familiar with other graphs, but they have certain research on this kind of graphs.

To put it bluntly, this picture can be home to anyone. It is even said that this map should not appear on the professional league court, because such a map can not reflect the home court advantage at all. What is the difference between choosing a map like this and giving up your home court advantage directly?

When I saw this map, not only Baihua's players were surprised, but even the audience was very surprised. The players here are still loading characters, and the audience in the audience has already started to discuss.

As for the TV broadcaster, although the screen is still showing the Thunder's game against the void, the two commentators in the corner have begun to explain why Xingxin chooses this picture now, and the screen is the same as Thunder's fight against the void. Happy, but the two commentators are talking about another game.

That is, now the Thunder and the void players are in the game, otherwise they might have their mentality exploded if they knew the result.

Back to the match between Happy and Baihua, because the people of Happy walked directly on the road, they were in the middle before the tactical people of Baihua, but when the people of Happy who came to the center of the map did not see each other, they knew it. , The opponent has already made a tactical move.

The problem now is, I don't know where they are.

But even though Tang Yin and the others didn't know it, the audience from God's perspective knew it.

They all clearly saw that the Hundred Blossoms Team was in the stone forest on the side. At this time, Hundred Blossom's assassin Ji Leng deliberately took a head, and immediately withdrew after exposing his vision.

From the audience's perspective, the current Hundred Flowers Team has set up an ambush in the stone forest. But such a temptation that even the audience can see, is it too low-level?

But with such a low-level temptation, everyone in Xingxin ran directly to the place where the season cold appeared. This made Xingxin's home fans anxious. After all, even if the other party is positively tempted by amateurs, why are you chasing people when you see them? They even began to wonder if they saw a professional game.

Sure enough, as they expected, just after Ji Leng returned to the team, they already stood on the attacking momentum.

But their current formation is outwards, which shows that they also feel that the opponent's performance cannot be so amateurish. There must be traps, so their formation has changed from traps to preventing the enemy from going around.

And Happy's side didn't mean to press it in at all. After all, everyone was too familiar with this map. What did the opponent think in it, would Ye Xiu, the Glory Tactician master, not know?

As a result, the stone forest began to hide carefully, preparing to ambush the Hundred Flowers. Finally, there was a Goblin and an air combat machine...

That's right, there are really no summoners and mechanics in Happy's team. UU read www.uukanshu.com, but there is a free ride like Ye Xiu and Tang Yin.

So everyone in Baihua looked at a dumbfounded look at a lowest-level summoned beast goblin sitting on an aerial combat machine, flying in from the sky.

At this moment, the people of Hundred Flowers are blinded. They are five professional players. You send a goblin and an air combat machine over? And now the air combat machine is still flying because of the weight of the goblins, and now it seems to be flying like a drunk, and the one that flies is called a shake.

But it was such a strange combination. After entering the stone forest, it started throwing momentum and shooting missiles against Ji Leng.

Throwing stones, this is a long-range attack method of goblins. Although it does not look great, this attack has another very practical effect, that is, there is a 20% chance of being stunned by the public, and this Goblins threw stones and attacked continuously. In other words, even if it is not triggered the first time, subsequent attacks may be triggered.

So some war mage, or element mage or even magic scholar will bring a goblin.

But how good the effect is, of course, has its flaws, that is, the flying speed of the stone is not fast, and the attack frequency is not high. It's normal if the chaos is thrown coldly, but still want to hit someone in this situation? That would be fantastic.


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