Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1102: As for beauty... direct negative review!

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Saturday’s game time for the individual teams, and on Sunday, the official website of Glory and the League is full of discussions about Saturday’s game. However, these discussions are also based on players, which leads to some unevenness in the depth of these discussions.

In contrast, the major media reports are much more objective, and they will analyze the information from the process to the results in a very detailed way, combined with some post-match interviews. The comments received are also the most professional. But these detailed comments cannot be sent out overnight. So Sunday is mainly the player’s mouth-hi carnival.

By Monday, the major e-sports media will publish various professional opinions. Among them, the most authoritative e-sports house comment in the e-sports media is the main concern.

No, Chen Guo, who had just gotten up on Monday morning, bought a weekly report of the Power Competition House. Unsurprisingly, the headlines are still their rookies, and they are directly using Zhang Wei's strongest new team. After that, there were all kinds of overwhelmingly beautiful words, and Chen Guo was happy to see it.

Tang Yin's success in turning the tide on the ring was also widely acclaimed, coupled with Tang Yin's complex and gorgeous attacks due to his various skills and super high hand speed. These all raised Tang Yin's popularity steadily. And Chen Guo also experienced Tao Xuan's previous feeling during this time.

As Tao Xuan said together, most Honor players don’t care about tactics that they don’t understand, but rather admire these cool and complex techniques. This can be seen from Tang Yin’s soaring popularity during this period of time. In addition to Tang Yin's appearance, Chen Guo felt that the All-Stars this year would be unacceptable without Tang Yin.

Even yesterday, he received two advertisements about wanting to cooperate with Tang Yin, but now Happy is not short of money, and Chen Guo also feels that Tang Yin is right. In the first season, everyone trained hard and focused on the competition. , The advertising thing will be discussed next season. The voice shrugged off.

Of course, these reports are not just praise, there are also some about Baozi and Mo Fan, their performance is not very good after all, this is also mentioned by the home of e-sports. However, Chen Guo did not take long to see E-Sports House’s compliments on their team’s tacit understanding, especially the scene where everyone cooperated to kill Yu Feng, which was rated as a classic textbook case by E-Sports House. . In the end, even Wei Chen gave a lot of praise.

Of course, these are not what Chen Guo expects most. The official expectation is the evaluation column of the players' performance in the home of e-sports.

As the most authoritative of all e-sports media, E-Sports House has many special professional commentators, and they will choose the last report for each issue.

And this column will also give scores to the players in the game, because the commenters are different, all the styles of each issue are different, and there are also various humorous ridicules. It can be said to be one of the most popular columns in e-sports.

Although the second round of TV broadcasts is Thunder and Howl, they are better for the media to turn around when they can. Directly based on the hot spots, there are reports on Xingxin and Baihua.

Chen Guo didn't watch anything else, and jumped directly to the column where the players analyzed the tie. As expected, this issue will be the match between Xingxin and Baihua.

The first one is of course the individual captain Ye Xiu Zeng Xinran. Ye Xiu scored 5 points and Zeng Xinran lost 4 points.

That's right, this column is so marginal. The general style of play is zero to ten. As a result, Zeng Xinran was given a negative 4 points at the beginning of the game. One can imagine how bad Zeng Xinran's performance this time is. The comments of Zeng Xinran are also very concise.

"As the first show of Baihua rookie, this game really tells us one thing: He has been here...Of course it also tells us another thing. Even if the great **** hasn't played professionally for more than a year, Hand regeneration, some opponents just chop the great god's hand and he still wins. But considering that this is only Zeng Xinran's first show in the final analysis, and directly meets the great god, we should be more tolerant and not lose 5 points. Fudge and lose 4 As for the great god, this opponent can't show the strength of the great **** at all, so he first scored a five-pointer."

After this whole comment, it can be said to be all kinds of sarcasm, and even teased Ye Xiu. But Chen Guo was amused by this comment. By the way, I also looked at the commentator.

The commentator was indeed the Honor commentator that Chen Guo was more familiar with, named Zuo Chenrui. This person's style is mainly acrimonious, and the comments are also very subjective. And this kind of comment is obviously not suitable for authoritative media such as E-Sports Home, so after his comment, he will mark the words "special comment, which does not represent the views of this newspaper."

But because Zuo Chenrui's comments are often exaggerated, sometimes they look funny. It is this style that makes Zuo Chenrui quite popular. Thinking of Chen Guo, I like this kind of funny comments. After all, Tang Yin was here, and she was tired of professional comments.

After Ye Xiu and Zeng Xinran, it was the duel between Baozi and Zhang Wei.

This time the score is also very interesting~www.readwn.com~ Baozi 10 to 0 points. Zhang Wei is quite satisfactory with 5 points.

Chen Guo wanted to laugh when he saw Zuo Chenrui's score on Baozi, after all, there are really few newcomers who want Baozi with a clear brain circuit. Maybe he himself doesn't know how the time is playing. Few talents are very advantageous at first, but then suddenly collapsed. Even Zuo Chenrui also said that the steamed buns were very confused. Like Zhang Wei, he was blown out when facing a ten-point bun, and then another bun who faced a 0-point bun blew back. In Zuo Chenrui's view, this is the key to Zhang Wei's victory.

It can be said that Zuo Chenrui spared no effort in regard to black people. It can be said that as long as you are moved by him, it is already a compliment. In fact, Zuo Chenrui has been merciful to Baihua. Because he is a blue rain fan, he mainly blacks tiny grasses, and when he blacks tiny grasses, it is called a black-and-white confusion, counting blacks and yellows, Wutian The ground is black, and the black is pitch black. The four-fold black is so dark that it is not bottomed. So much so that the e-sports media dare not report on his comments on Wei Cao and Lan Yu.

After that was Su Mucheng and Zou Yuan at the end of the individual competition.

The comment of this game is very simple. Zou Yuan was blocked by Mucheng because of a mistake. He still wants to break through the encirclement frontal when he has a positive strength under Mucheng? The final result is to be bombed into scum. By the way, Zou Yuan completely underestimated Mu Cheng, who was clearly above him in strength. As for the scoring: the strength is suppressed, and the beauty is even the opponent's 10,000 points. Therefore, Mucheng scores 10 points for technique and 1,000 points for beauty. Zou Yuan has 5 points for technology, as for appearance... direct negative review...


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