Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1118: Round 7 begins!

Different from Samsara's scenery, Happy's record was a bit hampered. In the fifth and sixth rounds, they faced Team He Wu and Team Blue Rain respectively.

Among them are the away game against He Wu and the home game against Blue Rain. The result of the game was four to six and one three to seven. After the Hundred Blossoms match, Happy had a four-game losing streak. Although it was said that there were absolute giants like Xiangbatu and Blue Rain, there were also middle and lower-level teams like Zhaohua and He Wu.

Not to mention that Xingxin won the championship now, with this momentum, it was still a question of whether or not he could make it to the playoffs.

To be honest, with the current results, the title of the strongest new team in history at the beginning of the season is really something that needs to be considered.

Even the e-sports weekly report after the sixth season again reported on Happy with this topic. Although the titles are similar, one ends with a "?" and the other ends with a "?", so the treatment is naturally completely different. Last time Happy was the front page headline, but this time it was a random place. And the big question mark in the title is very dazzling.

At the end of the six rounds, Happy, who had a total of twenty-four points, was also outside the postseason. There are very few people who continue to be optimistic about Happy now.

As Xingxin's number one black fan, Ruan Cheng in the e-sports era even mocked Xingxin in various ways. Almost all Xingxin's rookies were fully criticized, with all kinds of doubts. However, he was also a professional commentator of Glory, black and black, but what he said were indeed the problems that Happy had shown during this period of time. The most prominent among them was Ye Xiu's free-playing style.

In the end, Ye Xiu's stragglers are not like Tang Yin's Xiaoyaoyou, Tang Yin's Xiaoyaoyou is simply a sharpshooter with more skills. No matter how much changes are made, they are all within the scope of sharpshooters, and their skills are very limited. Of course, there was no problem with Zhang Jiale and the others, but Ye Xiu's scattered people were different.

120 skills with short cooldowns, terrifying changes that can be combined at will. There is no such tacit understanding and hand speed as Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. It's really hard to come up with an effective and perfect fit.

And Ruan Cheng's point of view is exactly the same. His comment in the newspaper was: "In my opinion, each team does not need to worry about Ye Xiu's scattered people Lord Grim. Because in the current situation, it is not so much Lord Grim. Their threats, otherwise they are their assistants. Because Ye Xiuyong is not such a loose person, but the battle mage he used together, then Happy's current political achievements will not be as high as it is now."

There's nothing wrong with this comment. Right now, Xingxin's most serious break-in problem really comes from Ye Xiu's loose people.

As a well-known reporter in the e-sports era, his comment directly caused a group of public opinion in the professional circle. For a time, all kinds of people who were singing bad and happy appeared one after another. Until the seventh round, Happy played away against Team Yi Zhan.

Even at Heyi Zhan's pre-match press conference, reporters still asked them questions in this regard.

"The successive failures in the four rounds, as well as the problems with the break-in between the loose-player style and the teammates. What Xingxin is showing now is a bit far from what you said at the beginning that the goal is to win the championship? I don't know what Ye Dui did. See this situation?" The reporter asked.

"In my opinion, these are not problems. Our team is improving every day, and even each round may be a turning point for me. Who knows what will happen in the future?" Ye Xiu said.

"Is that so? Then why don't you give me some predictions for the upcoming matches, Happy's results!" Someone asked again at this time, and this person deliberately emphasized the word "results" very clearly. And Ye Xiu followed the voice quickly, wasn't it the reporter Ruan Cheng, their number one black fan of the e-sports era?

In the era of e-sports, no matter the reputation or the size of the company, it is not as authoritative and huge as the e-sports home. Naturally, it is impossible to set up reporter stations in various places like the e-sports home.

As a bimonthly magazine, E-Sports Times naturally does not need the timeliness of an e-sports direct weekly magazine. There is no need to report or comment on a certain game like the e-sports home. Its focus is more comprehensive. Therefore, their reporters will not meet face to face to play every game, but will collect materials for what they need.

And this Ruan Cheng's material is obviously all kinds of black material about Happy. It can be said that after Happy's losing streak, he began to pay attention to Happy, and this time he finally couldn't hold back and followed him directly.

And the "results" he emphasized even mocked the unsatisfactory results of the four happy families, which were too far from their initial goals. This shows Happy's self-control.

"Uh... don't the reporters do their homework now?" Tang Yin looked at this person curiously. It was the first time Tang Yin saw Ruan Cheng, and he had no impression of this person. But I also heard the yin and yang of this person. Since you are mad at us, don't blame me for scolding you.

"What does Vice Captain Tang mean?" Ruan Cheng asked blankly.

"Our goals are all written on Happy's official blog, to fight for the championship on the basis of relegation~www.readwn.com~ There is nothing wrong with that, aren't we just a new team now?" Tang Yin laughed.

"This..." Ruan Cheng was a little choked up at this moment. Indeed, even though Happy wasn't in the playoff area with more than 20 points, it was still thirteenth. This achievement is already very good for the new team.

"And it's boring to hear our own predictions, why don't you make predictions?" Tang Yin then said to Ruan Cheng.

Ruan Cheng was obviously taken aback by Tang Yin's question, but he quickly smiled and said, "Is it my question? Why is it that you are asking me now?"

"I also think Xiaoyin is right, why don't you help us make predictions for Happy?" Ye Xiu also said.

"Since I predicted it, then I wish Team Happy a successful result today." Although Ruan Cheng said in his heart that he hoped that Happy would continue on the street. But now it's on the stage after all, and it's still a public place, and there are journalists from his media around him. Of course, Ruan Cheng can't say that. In the end, I just deal with it casually, and I want to make it happen.

"It's a good prediction, then let's borrow the good words of this reporter friend." Tang Yin accepted the other party's blessing very kindly, which made Ruan Cheng depressed. He wanted to curse the other party, but in the end it turned out In order to send blessings, it is as depressing as it is really depressing.


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