Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1130: Tiny Herb, once again captured by small mica

Chapter 1158 Tiny Herb, Captured by Small Mica Again (For Subscription, For Recommendation)

In the eighth season, because Gao Yingjie played too few times, he was not eligible to be selected as the best rookie, but in Gao Yingjie's view, it was nothing. In the ninth season, he officially became the main player of the team. It was also from this beginning that he stood beside the person he wanted to succeed and surpass. Learn, grow, fight by his side.

And Gao Yingjie's hard work has also paid off. He was selected as an All-Star that season, becoming one of the top 24 players in Glory.

But now he has not reached the height of the captain, this is Wang Jiexi, but he has set a new goal for him: "To surpass, it is everyone!"

But this time, Gao Yingjie no longer had the previous panic. Since the captain gave him this goal, he will move towards this goal. His road to glory has just begun!

"Meow!" A voice sounded just as Gao Yingjie was still thinking.

"What's wrong with Puff, eh? Little mica?" Gao Yingjie thought it was their mascot when he heard the cat's voice, a puppet cat with a very fairy-like temperament. But when he looked at the source of the sound, he found that their mascot also had a cat that was two sizes smaller than him and fouled. Really little mica.

The other Tiny Herb team members also saw the little mica, and they all gathered around at once, and also saw a note hanging on the little mica cat's collar.

"Little Mica sees that you guys seem to want to play with you, so I'll ask you first. Tang Yinliu."

"Hey, it's not a small mica. We really didn't treat you badly. I still remember us now."

"Come on, little mica comes to my sister."


For a time, Tiny Herb's team members were once again captured by Little Mica, and they ignored the fact that their own mascot was also used as a car by Little Mica. That's right, after a short meeting, Little Mica subdued Tiny Herb's mascot Puff.

Puff: "So love disappears, right?"

But when he saw Tang Yin, Gao Yingjie suddenly had an idea, he picked up the little mica who was waving his paws at him and asked Wang Jiexi again and again: "Captain, you just said that no one can reach such a height as soon as they appear on the stage. What about senior Tang Yin? Calculate?"

Hearing Gao Yingjie's words, Wang Jiexi was also stunned, and he subconsciously classified Tang Yin among these veteran gods. It was only after hearing Gao Yingjie's words that he reacted, yes. Didn't Xiaoyin just debut this season? But now it is at the same level as them.

"He is an exception and a bug in itself," Wang Jiexi said. After all, there are really lucky guys in this world. Facing such guys, Wang Jiexi thinks only bugs can be described.

"Meow?" It seemed that he heard someone say that his own **** shoveling officer, Xiao Mica turned his head to face Wang Jiexi as an outsider. The fall of Wang Jiexi......

The current Tiny Herb mascot is very depressed. Originally, it wanted to go back to looking for **** shoveling officers to cover itself. After all, when he went out, he was regarded as a younger brother. As a result, he was left out when he came back. .

In fact, not only Tiny Herb's mascot was forgotten, but Xu Bin, who played in this round, was also ignored by his teammates, watching a group of teammates, including the captain, surrounded the kitten who was cute and fouled. Looking at the puppet cat, Puff, who was neglected like himself, at this moment Xu Bin and their mascots had a feeling of pity for each other.

On the big screen, after replaying some wonderful moments from the previous game, Pan Lin and the others have also obtained the statistics of the game. This is Pan Lin suddenly said, "Guide Li just discovered an interesting thing, probably because of the constant talk of Happy, so far no media has reported this matter, no, this is not considered a neglect. "

"Oh, all the time, you found something." Li Yibo asked.

"Look, since Happy's first round, we've only noticed Happy's vice team, that is, rookie Tang Yin hasn't lost a single ring match, but so far, Ye Xiu has maintained an eight-game winning streak. ." Pan Lin said.

"You're right when you say that." Li Yibo looked at the healers in his hands. Their professions can be said to be the most complete in the league, and they have all kinds of data. So Li Yibo quickly discovered this.

"It's been an eight-game winning streak now, but there is still no media coverage. This is indeed a bit surprising." Li Yibo sighed.

"The other party, you must know that even when Happy's results were not satisfactory, no one reported or even discussed the matter," Pan Lin said.

"Yeah, and the seven-game winning streak in individual competitions is the previous record, right, but now Ye Xiu has unknowingly broken this record," Li Yibo said.

"Well, yes, if I remember correctly, the previous record of seven consecutive victories in individual competitions was accomplished by Yu Feng in the eighth season." Pan Lin said.

"Looking at the current situation, the name of this record is going to be changed." Li Yibo

"Eight straight victories, this is almost the limit. Maybe it will become the only one." Pan Lin said.

"By the way, who is Happy's next opponent?" Li Yibo asked.

"Yes... miraculous..." After Pan Lin found the answer during the treatment, he was silent for a while.

Li Yibo was speechless when he heard his partner's words, there was nothing he could do, and it was hard to say anything else, but as far as Team Magic was concerned, the one-on-one challenge was to give Ye Xiu points.

After all, the main team of this team were all the former Excellent Era players, and each of them grew up under Ye Xiu's hands. There are some newcomers in the area who have entered the professional league with the magical team, and their strengths are even more uneven. Just like this team, everyone really thinks that it has the qualifications to compare with the great gods.

"Cough cough, let's look at the next game first." Li Yibo felt that the topic was a little far off, so he pulled it back immediately. Although Ye Xiu had already stamped a nine-game winning streak in his heart, after all, the next round had not yet been played. , it would be a bit too much for you to say now, not to mention that his identity is still a commentator. There really shouldn't be much to say about this.

In the words of the two, the players of the second game have already entered the field.

Happy's player here is: Gunner Su Mucheng!

As for Tiny Herb's side, the Tiny Herb knight, Xu Bin, finally remembered and sent his blessings!

Xu Bin was nicknamed "The King of Grinding" when he was in 301.

Of course, this nickname is not so pleasant, but it does reflect Xu Bin's style very vividly. Even with the addition of the wealthy Tiny Herb, he still hasn't changed anything. Instead, it is because his style of play allows his teammates to have better output space, which is widely praised by his teammates. His characteristics improved again. He was an All-Star last season with fourteen. Can be said to be a very good player.


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(End of this chapter)

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