Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1133: Is he really Qiao Yifan?

Chapter 1161 Is he really Qiao Yifan? (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

Zhou Yebai, who had already prepared for a frontal solo with Qiao Yifan, found that Yifan was not in a hurry to attack him to expand his advantage. Instead, he spun the tachi in his hand, rather than preparing to attack, he was chanting. what. And how could Zhou Yebai, who is also a ghost player, not know what Yifan is doing now.

Seeing that the ice formation and plague formation under Zhou Yebai's feet seemed to be pulled by some force, the power of ghosts and gods in the formation became more and more active, as if responding to Yifan's singing.

And Zhou Yebai, who realized Qiao Yifan's purpose, was like controlling the character to escape from the ghost formation, but it was too late.

Ghost feast!

Although there are only two ghost formations, it is enough for Qiao Yifan to use the feast of ghosts and gods.

The two powers of ghosts and gods representing the attributes of the ice and rain plague exploded instantly. Although the special effects are not as magnificent as the feast of ghosts and gods after the superposition of multiple ghost formations, they look more distinct. Although the power is relatively limited, now everyone can be very powerful. He clearly saw Zhou Yebai being eroded by the power of two ghosts and gods.

Although it was said that he was hit by the opponent's big move at the beginning, Zhou Yebai was not as nervous as when he was attacked before.

After all, this is just a feast of ghosts and gods for two ghost formations. The power is really too limited, even if their ghost swordsman is proficient in cloth armor, they still haven't knocked out much of his blood.

In Zhou Yebai's eyes, Yifan's attacks were quite funny. After all, in his opinion, this was a performance of Yifan who was under pressure because he had no means of attacking himself, because Yifan couldn't think of what to do next. The attack idea, so I hurriedly detonated the ghost array, which can deal a little damage, which is considered a little damage.

How sad that it is still weak!

Zhou Yebai sighed, thinking to himself, "This Qiao Yifan won't be so naive that he thinks that if he changes his career, he can become some great person with another team, right?"

"Hurry up and mature!" Zhou Yebai typed on the channel in an old-fashioned tone, directly controlling his character to kill him from the light and shadow of the explosion of the ghost array, holding Taidao Yuehua on his sword. emerge.

Moonlight Slash, then Full Moon Slash!

The two consecutive cuts were completed in one go, and the arcs of the moon slashed across the void, but they didn't cut anything. This made the originally handsome skill look a little awkward for a while.

What about Qiao Yifan?

Zhou Yebai was also a little confused. He remembered very clearly that Yifan was in this position before, and the direct attack was already very fast, so why didn't he even see anyone. This is impossible!

what happened?

In fact, not only Zhou Yebai was surprised, but the audience at the scene was also very surprised. The commentators here were very surprised, but their surprise was different.

"What is Zhou Yebai doing?" Pan Lin asked in surprise, because from God's perspective, they could clearly see that Yifan had reached the diagonally rear of the other party, but what about Zhou Yebai? But he said the same words as educating people again and again, and it was a burst of output to the air. They really didn't understand such a move.

Could it be... is this actually some kind of tactical trap of Zhou Yebai?

"Uh..." Li Yibo is also very embarrassed now, because as the first invited guest, as a guide at this time, he should analyze Zhou Yebai's intentions for his family. But......the problem is that he didn't understand what this guy meant. This move...too tm obsessed.

"The game is still going on, let's watch the game first." Director Li had no choice but to change the topic first. After all, the players won't wait for the commentary. After the game is over, they will watch the replay to see if they can't see anything.

And Qiao Yifan, who was already obliquely behind Zhou Yebai, also shot directly at this time. After Zhou Yebai's Full Moon Slash was over, Yifan's side had finished singing again, and a dark formation appeared! It is still a ghost formation that mainly affects the opponent's state. It's just that Yifan directly took away the opponent's vision.

So Zhou Yebai, who had just finished the Full Moon Slash and was still wondering where Yifan was, suddenly went black on the computer in front of him.

Zhou Yebai was a professional player after all, so he immediately realized what was going on. But even if he knew that he was in the dark formation, he didn't know where the other party put it.

On the contrary, now this brother's screen has turned black, but there is an inexplicable pressure, and this pressure has finally made Zhou Yebai realize the reality. The current Yifan is not the kind of opponent that he can handle in minutes.

This fact really surprised him, so that since he forgot about skills such as ghost formation for a while, as long as he was outside the range of the formation, he would no longer be disturbed. And now the reason why he can't see is because he has entered a state called blindness. Generally, in such a situation, the players start to move directly in one direction, and even use displacement skills directly during the safety period.

As a result, the current Zhou Yebai didn't react because he was shocked, but he didn't react, but Yifan didn't. He saw that Yifan was directly attacking Zhou Yebai, and he took the opportunity to sing between the attacks. .

So one formation...two formations...three formations...the ghost formations appeared one after the other, and then superimposed on each other. But it's not that kind of complete overlap, but there are some staggered links between each array. It is dominated by a central ghost array, and it wants to spread and overlap around it. Each formation merges at least two or three formations around it.

The ghost formations are intertwined, and the benefits of this are also very obvious, and now the range that Yifan can control is very large. When the dark formation at Zhou Yebai's feet disappeared, he sent a letter after replying to his vision. He was completely surrounded by various ghost formations, and even the dark formation that had just disappeared was replaced by a new ghost formation. Now he has completely escaped the scope of this ghost formation.

This is…

Ghost chain!

After finally recognizing this style of play, Zhou Yebai can no longer be described as surprised, UU reading www. uukanshu.com needs to know that to complete such a complex ghost play requires a very strong overall situation. Because ghost formations cannot be arranged in a row, each ghost formation needs to be chanted.

Moreover, in the process of arranging the ghost formation, there is also the suppression of the opponent's role. There are many studies in this. When to slash, when to leave the formation, what formation to use, and where to start the formation, these all need to be precise. The overall calculation of the system can not be completed by operation alone.

This guy... unexpectedly knows how to play like a ghost chain, and can use it flexibly in actual combat... and use it so well? Is he really Qiao Yifan?


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(End of this chapter)

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