Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1137: Back jump with sword energy

Chapter 1165 After the jump with sword energy (please subscribe, please recommend)

The sword's edge slashed down, and the huge force shook the nearby dust away, but...it was emptied!

The next moment Liu Xiaobie's angle of view began to turn uncontrollably and quickly, and then his character was smashed to the ground with such force that it even caused an earthquake effect.

Really bully!

That's right, Liu Xiaobie's speed in the third section of the triangle is really fast, but Tang Rou said that she has never obeyed anyone except her own man! With the increased hand speed, the original combo turned directly into Tyrant Break, and Tyler's hand swung horizontally and grabbed in a large amount just to hit the flying sword that wanted to attack Tang Rou. With the flying sword directly thrown into the air, Han Yanrou jumped up with one use. Holding a spear in both hands is like a smashing of Mount Hua! Directly smash the flying sword into the ground.

Oh my God!

Tang Rou's blow directly stunned Liu Xiaobie. He had watched Tang Rou's games before, and with his previous understanding, he also knew that Tang Rou's hand speed was also very fast. When he was studying Tang Rou before, Xu Bin jokingly asked him, who has faster hands than him?

For this question, Liu Xiaobie did not answer at that time. In fact, he was a little disdainful. He admitted that Tang Rou was really good at hand speed, but after all, the other party was only a rookie, how could he possibly compare with him?

But what about the results now? But Tang Rou was able to hit him first after his three triangle moves. This...  

Although he said that he had to do a little more operation because he had to complete the third segment of the triangle, don't forget that he used the lightsaber with the fastest attack speed in the league. And Tang Rou was using the slowest spear of the mage type.

You must know that in the setting of Glory, the spear belongs to which type of weapon with low attack speed and high damage. The attack speed of such weapons is mostly 2, even if it is a self-made weapon, among which the attack speed is low. The speed is increased, that is, 3, 4. It's already the limit. If there is no attribute that adds extra attack speed, then there is not even a fifth.

And what about his lightsaber? That attack speed is the weapon in the echelon with the fastest attack speed among the Glory weapon types. The attack speed is also 10 points of the peak attack speed of the weapon.

And 1 to 10, this is the level of weapon attack speed in Glory. Although the direct difference between 1 and 10 is not ten times exaggerated, but the difference is also 20%.

And as Glory, as a game with very strong operability, these attack speeds are actually only a small aspect. What really determines the speed of the attack is the player's hand speed. But even with that said, there are also some mandatory distances in the system. For example, if you want to use a weapon with an attack speed of 1 to reach the speed that a weapon with an attack speed of 10 can casually achieve, then your hand speed must be faster. Twenty percent at least.

It can be seen that if the attack speed of the weapon can be faster, it is not a bad thing. Moreover, a setting of Honor CNOOC, the lower the attack speed of the weapon, the higher the attack power. The other is the opposite, where the slave gap is limited. The gap between the two depends on each player's direct thinking.

It is also because of these settings that Glory has players like the swordsman profession, lightsaber style like Huang Shaotian, and Taidao style like Xiaoyueyue. Both are relatively many. But there are also many who like Lu Hanwen to use big swords and heavy swords.

Now, the weapons used by the two characters of Cold Mist and Soft Flying Sword are respectively:"

Cold Mist Soft, the spear is flying like a phoenix, and the attack speed is 4. This attack speed is definitely considered a fast attack weapon among the homemade war spears. After that, there is an additional attribute attack speed +1 attribute. It was also with this additional attribute that Tang Rou's spear attack speed reached 5.

Flying sword, lightsaber chasing soul, attack speed 10, additional attributes also have the attribute of increasing attack speed, and it is +2.

In other words, Liu Xiaobie's chasing soul has a full attack speed of 12. It was seven points higher than Tang Rou's Huo Wu Feifeng, and that seven points was a 14% difference.

With this premise, it meant that if both sides attacked at the same speed, then Tang Rou's hand speed was definitely higher than Liu Xiaobie's. Of course, it's a professional league now, and neither of the two sides will be foolishly fighting each other. There are also a variety of operating skills, skills and techniques. Changes in these techniques themselves also have changes to attack speed. And most of the changes require you to choose your own judgment.

To be honest, Liu Xiaobie was really a little surprised. Tang Rou was mentally prepared for this match. After all, it was no secret that Tang Rou would be the first in the ring. They wanted him to be the first to restrain Tang Rou. Therefore, Liu Xiaobie would naturally focus on Tang Rou's research.

The hand speed is really good, but is it too naive to think that you can keep up with me? The current speed is not the peak of my hand speed.

The flying sword that was just smashed to the ground here was immediately a subject, and the rhythm jumped back and swung a sword. This one was extremely fast, leaving a sword mark directly on Tang Rou's body.

Back jump with sword energy?

Although it is said: the young and strong do not work hard, but jump with sword energy. But this is not a game after all, Liu Xiaobie's hand is still very amazing, even if Tang Rou finds out and wants to hide, she is not in a hurry.


Tang Rou exclaimed, after all, after being attacked by him, he could immediately use the ground to enter the invincible body, and then he could attack him during a forced backward jump.

But Tang Rou wasn't in a hurry, the sovereignty was still in her own hands, so Tang Rou didn't hesitate, just waved the spear and attacked the opponent directly.

Longya, Liantu, and interspersed with some ordinary attacks, all kinds of attacks to Fei Daojian are a wave of fierce attacks,

And because both sides began to increase their hand speed, the collision sounds of the weapons on both sides became more and more intensive. In the continuous confrontation, Mars and Blood Flowers bloomed one after another.

At this moment, not only the audience, but even the commentators were stunned by this exciting scene. The two people who were supposed to explain for a while now can't say a word.

And even if you say it, what can you say? Just the rhythm of Tang Rou and Liu Xiaobie's fight~www.readwn.com~ Even Huang Shaotian can't explain it.

This is also the biggest difficulty in the Glory commentary, because the Glory competition is extremely intense. Although there are many details in many places, it is impossible to finish because of the fast pace of the competition. In many cases, after analyzing one place here, But then a lot was missed. I don't even know that the two hand speed madmen are racing here. Even if they only report the skill name, they can't report it now.

"It's a bit too fast." Pan Lin could only squeeze out these words in the end.

Li Yibo looked at the match in front of him, and the last match between Excellent Era and Happy was heard. Thinking of the hand speed that broke 800, now think about this couple really match.


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(End of this chapter)

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