Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1139: just beat

Chapter 1167 It's enough to defeat (please subscribe, please recommend)

I just lost like this? Liu Xiaobie watched his character fall, and didn't react for a while.

He just lost control of the rhythm for a short time, and the result was seven points of his failure. And the other party started to fire at full force after he seized the opportunity, directly suppressing him. It's just the way it used to be.

Such a result made Liu Xiaobie a little dazed. Could it be that the correct method that he had worked so hard to find out was not actually the best way to find it?

Such doubts appeared in Liu Xiaobie's mind, just like the doubts he had about himself when he was still unable to achieve the desired effect when he tried to smash his hands again and again.

Liu Xiaobie returned to their Tiny Herb player's seat in despair.

"Playing well." Seeing Liu Xiaobie's appearance, his teammates came to cheer him up one after another. For the concern of his teammates, Liu Xiaobie reluctantly smiled, and everyone didn't care too much when he saw Liu Xiaobie laughing. After all, they are all professional players, and winning or losing the game is commonplace. Although there will inevitably be some losses if they lose, they believe that Liu Xiaobie will adjust quickly.

After greeting his teammates, Liu Xiaobie returned to his seat and looked down at his hands.

Although his hands were still very hot, after all, his hand speed exploded all the way through the game just now. When his hands are hot, he is also tired. Even if he has ended, the fatigue caused by the speed of his hands still exists. At this moment, a bottle of ice drink fell into Liu Xiaobie's hands, and the coolness slowly relieved his hands. of exhaustion.

Liu Xiaobie looked up and saw their new teammate Xu Bin.

"What are you thinking about?" Xu Bin also said with a glass of Coke.

Liu Xiaobie shook his head. From a technical point of view, there was really nothing to remember about this game, because the only match point was that when the two sides lost control of their hand speed, the two sides' choices were handled in different directions.

One is to continue to persevere. If the high-level skills are gone, the low-level skills will be used, and the low-level skills will be normal attacks. On the other hand, the other side did not continue to bury their heads hard, but began to actively make changes to their own play.

It sounds like the latter should be the right choice, when the one who wins in the end is the one who has been going crazy...

"It's okay to lose the game, it's just a big deal to win it back later, but if you lose everything you insist on, then it shouldn't be." Xu Bin said.

"What is insisting on?" The word was reversed in Liu Xiaobie's mind, so what was he insisting on? Or what are your beliefs?

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaobie turned to look at the person who was talking in front of him. He only came to Tiny Herb for one season, and he was not as good as himself in terms of qualifications. But the other party had perfectly integrated into their Tiny Herb group in just one season.

Moreover, his fighting style is also unique in the league. Although his style of play takes a lot of time, many times even the audience will find this style of play too annoying. So even though Xu Bin has a very high level of glory, his popularity is still very limited, which is why every time Xu Bin was selected as an All-Star before he was transferred to Happy, he received a large number of votes.

It was not until he came to Tiny Herb, on the stage of Tiny Herb, that Xu Bin began to truly bloom his light, but before that? Even if he is not liked by everyone and ridiculed by the title of "grinding king", he still does not abandon his style, because it is his own choice, and he will continue to walk unswervingly no matter where he is.

"In my opinion, sometimes there is no right or wrong choice, good or bad. The only difference is whether you have the willpower to carry it out." Xu Bin also turned his eyes to another direction, and that There was a figure in the place, and that figure's name was Wang Jiexi.

Wang Jiexi, the captain who led Tiny Herb to two championships, has been the core and soul of Tiny Herb since he joined the team, and he is also the object that all Tiny Herb team members admire.

Even when Liu Xiaobie first discovered that his original method could not make him improve, how bravely would he make changes, it was because he had the example of their captain in his heart, and all had the courage to make this decision.

You must know that Wang Jiexi's nickname is Magician, but the opponent changed his style of play for the sake of the team to cooperate with them. In the end, the Yihuiren team won two championships.

It can be said that Wang Jiexi's deeds are the source of Liu Xiaobie's confidence, making him believe that a change of choice can also make him a breakthrough, and the result of last season was really good, but after the game just now, he began to waver again. .

But now Liu Xiaobie also wants to understand. Since he has such thoughts at home, it is because he is not mature enough, which means that he still has a long way to go.

Opening the drink Xu Bin gave him was a big gulp, and Liu Xiaobie's thoughts also opened up. As Liu Xiaobie's thoughts opened up, Tiny Herb's second contestant had also appeared on stage.

Xiao Yun, Tiny Herb's Battle Mage, character Euphorbia. That's right, the Tiny Herb player who bullied Yifan together every day.

the second!

Seeing the other party's characters start to load, Tang Rou calculated in her heart. After all, her goal is to complete a one-vs-three, and now she has got one, but after fighting the opponent, her own health is only 60%.

But one thing to say, using 40% of the blood to eliminate an opponent is already very powerful, plus Yu Feng. Liu Xiaobie was already the second All-Star level professional player Tang Rou had defeated. But Tang Rou's goal was to 1v1 3, and Tang Rou knew that it was not enough to accomplish this result.

Because after the fight with Liu Xiaobie, she not only lost 40% of her health, she was also exhausted.

Facing an opponent who was also a speed player, Tang Rou once again felt a sense of exhaustion~www.readwn.com~ In addition to the high-intensity training over the past 30 days, even though Tang Rou was young, her body was still out of shape. small burden.

But under such circumstances, he still has to fight two more players, and the last one is Wang Jiexi. Tang Rou, who had fought against Wang Jiexi before, was very aware of the horror of this guy. He was the pinnacle of glory on the same level as her boyfriend!

But even so, Tang Rou didn't have any timidity in her heart, on the contrary, her fighting spirit was still rising!

No matter who the opponent is, just defeat it. This is Tang Rou's thinking circuit.

And just after the second game started, Xiao Yun, who was on the opposite side, said on the announcement channel: "Beauty, your game ends here."


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(End of this chapter)

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