Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1145: air combat

Chapter 1173 Air Combat (For Subscription, For Recommendation)

There is no way, there is a limit to one person's combo, let alone Tang Yin, even Lord Grim of Ye Xiu can't achieve a perfect combo of one person. If the opponent was an ordinary professional player, of course they would not be able to break the combo between Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, but Wang Jiexi was not an ordinary professional player.

Tang Yin's attack, release, and movement speed were reduced due to the effects of dispelling powder, which led to an obvious flaw in Tang Yin's combo. Of course, Wang Jiexi would not miss this opportunity. This almost stick-to-the-ground ride-and-sweep flight came to Tang Yin in an instant.

This is Tang Yin also realized that it was wrong, and directly kicked a roundabout. But when Tang Yin used the roundhouse kick, Wang Jiexi, who was sitting on the broom, held the broom under him, and the whole person was still spinning upright like a big windmill.

Rotating Broom: In the state of riding the broom in the air, rotating the broom will give the enemy multiple non-attribute attacks. While spinning, press consecutive keys to speed up the spin and give more damage. When it hits the ground, a shock wave is generated to deal damage to the enemy, and there is a chance to cause chaos.

The multi-stage damage of the rotating broom broom, only two to three stages of the attack's spin kick is obviously not enough, Tang Yin directly received the air robbery in seconds. This person pushed the ground with both hands after the spin kick, and the whole person was lifted into the air again.

"Flying in front of a magician, are you too confident, Xiaoyin?" The skills of both sides ended. Although neither of them was hurt because of their skills, the positions of the two sides came to a reversal, and this time Tang Silver is in the sky.

After Wang Jiexi finished posting this sentence on the public channel, the character's rotating broom ended, and he turned around and flew towards Tang Yin in mid-air. The magic condensed in his hand directly used an acid rain and dry ice to cover the sky here.

Wang Jiexi's attack rhythm is very fast, even the flying artillery can't fly out of this area at the first time. Wang Jiexi's witness and difficult order is to confine Tang Yin, then trap him, and use continuous magic to create a range. suitable for your output environment. And the number of flights in the sky, his magic scholars are more than Tang Yin.

And what Wang Jiexi expected, the range of this acid rain and dry ice really hit, not to mention hand cannons, even the mechanic's thrusters were not enough, but Tang Yin didn't mean to run away.

With both hands facing Wang Jiexi who was about to fly towards him, he threw several grenades.

The grenade exploded beside Wang Jiexi without giving Wang Jiexi a chance to fly. Wang Jiexi endured the skills of these grenades the moment Tang Yin threw them, and directly controlled the broom in the air to complete a Z-shaped flight. Very limited to avoid all the grenades of Tang Yin.

At the end, the broom flicked beautifully, and the next moment Wang Jiexi pulled it out and turned it into a purple-black fly swatter, just like Tang Yin's position in memory.

Mutated fly swatter: Use a huge mutant fly swatter to slap forward. At this time, it grants non-attribute magic attack power and has a chance to cause the enemy to enter a cursed state. When killing an enemy with a mutant fly swatter, there is a chance to summon a monster. There is a certain chance of failure, success, and great success, and different effects will appear accordingly.

But just when Wang Jiexi was going to slap Tang Yin like a fly to let him know who is the king in the sky, three figures appeared in his view.

"It's light and shadow overlapping again!" Wang Jiexi looked at the light and shadow that blocked his sight, and it turned out that the purpose of the opponent's grenade was here. Now it's Wang Jiexi's turn to be tangled. He dared to fly because the Barrett sniper rifle was used by Tang Yin from the very beginning, and the ordinary sniper rifle was also used by Tang Yin during the combo. He avoided that one shot. Opened, which is why he dared to fly directly to chase Tang Yin without fear of being shot in the head by Tang Yin.

After all, in addition to timed grenades like the current grenade, which can be set to explode in one second or even 0.5 seconds, other frozen grenades and flash bombs can be knocked into the air.

This gave Wang Jiexi the determination to come and fight Tang Yin, but now he can't even determine the opponent's position.

But now that the skills are in hand, you can't hesitate too much. Since it's possible, you can just destroy them all.

Seeing Wang Jiexi wielding a huge mutant fly swatter, at the same time turning around to enlarge the attack range of the skill. And the attack range was so large that even the commentators were shocked.

"Oh my god, it's not a magician. The attack range of this mutant fly swatter is definitely unprecedented." Pan Sen said in surprise.

"Indeed, it's a pity that you can't reach people. No matter how strong your skills are, it's useless." Li Yibo said. That's right, after the grenade was thrown, Tang also used the cover of light and shadow to **** with a hand crossbow without any attack sound. After that, the electronic eyes were thrown into the sky, confirming Wang Jiexi's position after using his skills. When the light and shadow of the grenade was about to disappear, three anti-tank guns shot at Wang Jiexi again.

Wang Jiexi, who had just used up the mutant fly swatter, found that he probably knew Tang Yin's position before he reached anyone, and asked to use the last flight opportunity to kill him. But the oncoming man was three anti-tank guns. Tang Yin and Wang Jiexi, who was sent out of his acid rain and dry ice range by the recoil of the anti-tank guns, felt powerless.

Why would a character with an air combat design be suppressed by a person without special settings in the air combat?

But the attack still had to be blocked. Wang Jiexi threw three magic missiles one after another, destroying the anti-tank guns that shot in a line one after another. But at this moment, I heard a "bang"~www.readwn.com~ The bullet instantly slashed the distance between Tang Yinhe and Wang Jiexi, and directly shot Wang Jiexi, whose equipment fell immediately due to the lack of flight times, with a headshot. . And the familiar stun effect that followed, Wang Jiexi knew what kind of skill it was.

But there is still an anti-tank gun between them, which is blocking the light and shadow anyway. How did Tang Yin aim at him?

Until Wang Jiexi saw the electronic eye flying above him.

"Everyone told me not to play air combat with me, why don't you listen to each one of you?" Tang Yin's words on the public channel made Wang Jiexi very depressed. The technique of overlapping light and shadow will be played out by Tang Yin. This unreasonable guy, with such a confusing style of play, should not be too annoying.


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(End of this chapter)

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