Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1151: Wei Chen's calculations

Chapter 1180 Wei Chen's Calculation

In the face of Wei Chen's attack, Xiang Yuanwei felt caught off guard for a while. In the end, what he prepared at the beginning was to deal with such a complicated way of playing against loose people. In the end, he was confronted with a warlock, and the warlock was vulgar. not.

Here Xiang Yuanwei is still working hard to move around, even using the three-stage slash, just to buy a little time, six seconds is a long time, but three or four skills can delay this time. Lose. As a result, he was still thinking about avoiding the opponent's attack like this, but the opponent's attack suddenly stopped. It became very quiet for a while.

what's the situation?

After the three-stage slash, Xiang Yuanwei, who turned around to check the situation, also stopped.

But although Xiang Yuanwei was very puzzled, the audience was already crying.

Because Xiang Yuanwei turned around and used the three-stage slash to displace Wei Chen's windward formation, so he didn't do what this unscrupulous warlock did, but these viewers with God's perspective knew very well that now Wei Chen was lying on the ground very vulgarly. Behind a bunker, the dark and endless dark energy condensed in his hands, and everyone recognized this skill at first sight. It was the warlock's 70th-level big move, the door of death!

This skill originally required a long chant and was difficult to use in individual battles. However, under Wei Chen's use of the terrain and speculation about the opponent's psychology, he just started singing in front of the opponent's eyes, and he didn't have to worry about being interrupted by the opponent.

"Come on!!!"

The fans who appeared at the scene had already begun to cry anxiously, but the players room was in a room full of sound insulation, and these sounds could not penetrate at all. It is also true that because they knew this, everyone in the magical team was very nervous. Many of Xiang Yuanwei's teammates even got up and clenched their hands.

But Xiang Yuanwei didn't attack in such a hurry as they expected. After all, he was just overcast by the opponent, and now he is exploring the last piece of grass little by little, and this time he doesn't dare to use his skills indiscriminately.

It's a pity that it's not wrong to play cautiously, but sometimes it's not a good habit to be too cautious.

It wasn't until the black energy gathered in Wei Chen's hands that the bunker behind him couldn't cover it up, and Xiang Yuan Weiyi didn't send a letter. player.

It's definitely too late to run now. Death's Gate is a skill with a great attack atmosphere, and now he can't escape the opponent's skill range.


Xiang Yuanwei made up his mind as his thoughts flowed. Since he couldn't escape, he would simply kill Wei Chen directly. If he was quick, he might be able to interrupt the opponent's ability to chant. No matter how strong it is.

let's go!

At this moment, the audience felt that they were watching the **** show, and they hoped that Xiang Yuanwei could interrupt the other party's skills. After all, as a magic swordsman, it also has long-range attack methods, and it is not impossible to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting.

And what Xiang Yuanwei thinks.

Xiang Yuanwei charged forward again, and the magic power of the short sword in his hand continuously circulated on the sword's edge.

Out of the sword!


But the moment Xiang Yuanwei slashed his dagger, a huge black revolving door appeared in front of Xiang Yuanwei across the void in the past.

I go! !

Countless viewers have also begun to despair. Since the door of death has just appeared directly between Wei Chen and Xiang Yuanwei.

It wasn't that everyone was despairing. What made everyone desperate was Wei Chen's calculations, because the attack range of Death's Gate was determined by the position where he released it. This release position was determined during the chant.

That is to say, if Xiang Yuanwei did not choose to attack just now, but ran back like a newcomer when he realized that the opponent was amplifying his moves, he could really dodge this distance. But now, Xiang Yuanwei has sent himself directly to the door of death, and it feels like he can even skip the step of grabbing at this distance.

However, the gate of death did not omit this step after all. Several tentacles of the second factory of black energy condensed out of the gate of death, and then they directly grabbed Xiang Yuanwei who seemed to be visiting the door, and directly carried out a Asian Bound.....ahem...Bondage...

The restraint ability of the Death Gate is top-notch, and it cannot be lifted without interrupting the controller. Moreover, Xiang Yuanwei has no chance to operate at this distance. The only three-stage slash that could escape was used up before, and it is still cooling down.

Xiang Yuanwei was pulled in so easily.

The door of death comes and goes quickly. After all, it is one-on-one. If it is a team battle, the restraint method of the door of death is also an excellent opportunity to output output to teammates, and the warlock will think that maintaining skills cannot attack, But the restraint control alone is already very useful, and Death Gate is the 70th level ultimate move of the warlock, even if the current level cap is raised to 75, its damage is still among the best.

After all, the level cap is increased, and the gate of death can also be increased by one level. A little skill level five can be improved by two levels from the level difference.

And after the door of death exploded, it was a big freeze. After all, it was a big move. If it was so simple, it would be worthy of such a high reputation as a level 70 big move.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, the rain of chaos, the six-star light prison, and haunted ghosts...

Various skills were used one after another. Although Wei Chen's current hand speed was limited, his fighting consciousness and pre-judgment ability were still there. Coupled with the blessing of this advantage, it gives people a very calm feeling, and the skills are thrown one by one like this.

And these are reversed to Xiang Yuanwei, that is, the negative status in his character status bar is like a broken traffic light, flashing non-stop, and there are still a lot of them. What chaos, restraint, control, confinement, restriction... One after another ~www.readwn.com~ has no meaning to stop at all.

And Wei Chen's control of the attack rhythm has always been good, after all, this is his only asset as a veteran. The main direction of his training now is also this way.

Although Xiang Yuanwei still refused to give up, the successive counterattacks failed to open up the situation for him, and finally Xiang Yuanwei's role fell into various negative states.

Wei Chen wins, Xiang Yuanwei This makes Xiang Yuanwei, who started very smoothly, a little depressed. There are also various contracts in mind if...

But this is a game, there are never ifs, and if these can be turned into experience, it is also a growth for a professional player.


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(End of this chapter)

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