Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1164: in a hurry

Chapter 1194 In a hurry (please subscribe, please recommend)

The current situation in the arena seems to be very favorable for the miraculous, but everyone knows that the most difficult thing in the arena is Tang Yin, Happy's last defender, and there are even many media reports that if Happy wanted to train newcomers , otherwise, if Tang Yin was put in the starting lineup, he would have already completed the one-on-three this season.

And Tang Yin gave them the impression of being very mature. Their magazine may have the arrogance of several rookies in several issues, but Tang Yin is definitely not among them. After all, if Tang Yin wanted to be proud, he would have started long ago. Since the beginning of this season, the news about him has not stopped.

That's right, Mo Fan's aggressiveness was counted in their magazine by the Magic Team.

But when they found out that it was Tang Rou who was playing from Happy's side, they all cheered. . It really took them by surprise.

Moreover, Tang Rou was also the media that was mainly praised in the e-sports era during this period. Just a little guidance would easily arouse the opponent's arrogance. Coupled with the opponent's style of play, everyone in the Magic Team felt that their ring match was worth seeing. .

No matter what, the next two games are their most important games. If their opponents are affected, they may be able to do it in one game. At that time, their player Jia Xing might also be able to complete a one-on-two.

"It's impossible for a newcomer to be so exaggerated that his mentality doesn't float." He Ming looked at Tang Rou's figure and said.

"Er...but why does she still look very calm?" Shen Jian was a little confused.

"Normal, this is a game after all, it wouldn't be too disrespectful to show panic," He Ming said. But seeing the group of fans cheering for Tang Rou in the audience was a burst of depression. Are you really our amazing fans?

No way, Tang Rou now has such popularity. After two 1v2, Tang Rou's popularity is now catching up with Mucheng and Chu Yunxiu. A popular player who has completed a cross-team, perfectly interprets what it means: appearance is justice.

The characters from both sides entered the map, and Tang Rou said directly on the map, "Don't go to the restaurant, let's just play outside, we're in a hurry."

When they saw Tang Rou's words, everyone's eyes lit up. Isn't this the same as the previous Mo Fan contestant? They were all praised, and they wanted to be directly confronted with them.

And unlike Magic, Wei Chen on Xinxin fell off his chair when he saw Tang Rou's words.

"Boss, I'll report that Xiao Tang has been broken by Xiao Yin. How could Xiao Tang be so black in the past?" Wei Chen said depressedly. On the other hand, Mr. Happy was not happy.

They all knew what Tang Rou meant when she said "rushing for time" to treat the enemy, and she simply wanted to make fun of Fang Rui. After all, there is no time limit for a ring match, so how can you say that you are in a hurry?

But now, Wei Chen was under a lot of pressure, because Tang Rou and the others were "rushing" to lose, and they would definitely make fun of them at the post-match meeting.

Looking at the cheerful atmosphere of Team Happy, everyone in Team Magic was blank. What was the situation?

About 25% of the blood volume is not much, but it can't be regarded as the other party does not exist. And now Happy isn't playing Tang Yin, that's their advantage. As for the "rush for time" that the other party said, they have been directly divided into arrogance.

In the face of Tang Rou's invitation, Jia Xing ignored it. After all, his health was at a disadvantage right now. Anyway, they had an advantage now.

Tang Rou went back and forth twice around the restaurant, but didn't find each other, so she could only enter the restaurant.

However, Jia Xing didn't hide it. He didn't want to fight the opponent in the place without any buildings. After all, this is the map they chose. They obviously know this restaurant better, so how could he give up the advantage of this map? ? After Tang Rou entered the restaurant, Fang Fang soon met. While Tang Rou directly killed the opponent, Jia Xing retreated decisively and found a place to hide himself.

One, two, three...

Jia Xing controlled the time according to the rhythm of Tang Rou's rush before, and his eyes locked on the place where he was ambushing in real time.

As a result, Jia Xing was still carefully squatting on Tang Rou when there was a sudden bang, and the wall beside him was knocked down.

After all, this restaurant is an ancient building, of course it is not very strong. If nothing else, it is the narrow road where Mo Fan fought before. Yu Bo, who was fighting against each other with their skills alone, had already cleared an open space in the area, let alone the frenzied magical aura of the Battle Mage facing Tang Rou this time.

That's right, Tang Rou didn't run down the road as Jia Xing planned, but directly bombarded the house in front of her, perfectly explaining what is the shortest straight line between two points.

Tang Rou's blow just happened to knock down the wall where Jia Xing was hiding, and from Tang Rou's point of view, she could see a war mage sneaking and squatting with a war spear. In the corner, the entire venue was filled with an awkward atmosphere for a while.

And Tang Rou's seemingly coincidental strike was not a coincidence on Tang Rou's side. After all, in Happy, who are full of masters who can play wretched, squatting, ambush, sneak attacks, etc., it is obviously impossible to say that Tang Rou does not understand this kind of play. Tang Rou, the line of defense that Xing fled, knew the other party's intentions. Although I can't be sure where the other party is hiding, there is definitely nothing wrong with not taking the normal path.

In the end, the fight just happened to make the two meet again, and if they both met, then Tang Rou would not hesitate and rush up to start the fight.

As always, the giant dragon broke the army and rushed towards the opponent.

In the face of Tang Rou's attack, UUkanshuwww.uukanshu.com Jia Xing could only dodge first. After all, the opponent had already taken the lead, and as a result, the small space he was in was dashed by Tang Rou's powerful dragon. The whole thing is going to collapse.

Jia Xing had no choice but to retreat, this place could no longer stay, but Tang Rou's attack followed closely. Various attacks greeted him directly.

Jia Xing had no choice but to bite the bullet, but even though both of them were in the same profession, Jia Xing only had one feeling right now, that Tang Rou's attack was too fast and too fierce. With the first mover advantage, all kinds of attacks are coming. Let him not even have time to calculate, the whole process is almost relying on subconscious operation. When he started to accept Tang Rou's attack speed, his character was already on the ground.

I lost?


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(End of this chapter)

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