Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1200: 05

Chapter 1235 Shaking the gun (for subscription, for recommendation)


A loud bang appeared again, this time the sound of the sniper rifle was louder than when Li Xun was stunned before. And the next moment when Gui Ke was about to throw out the ice formation, a sniper bullet had penetrated his forehead.

It is the sharpshooter's ultimate move, Barrett's sniper!

That's right, Void has two ghost swordsmen, and Happy also has two sharpshooters. And now it was Tang Yin who interrupted the wonderful cooperation of the two ghosts.

Then the grenade flew in Tang Yin's hand, starting with a hundred-fancy style of play, wrapping Li Xun in it, and also dividing the skill glare that had no vision. You must know that this time Tang Yin is on top of the dragon suit or on the phantom god. They are all based on the skills of an ammunition expert, which is why this thick explosion barrage was shot.

And the horror of Tang Yin's grenade, of course, the people of the Void team know. This made them not dare to rush into Tang Yin's Hundred Flowers style of play rashly.

But now every time they support later, Li Xuan suffers more damage. You know they don't have treatment now. Thinking of this, Li Xuan was ready to use the ghost formation again, hoping to rely on the ghost formation to suppress Tang Yin's Hundred Flowers style of play.

But how could Mucheng, who was at the highest point, give them this chance again. This time, the firepower was directly aimed at the two ghost swordsmen.

In the face of Mucheng's bombardment, Li Xuan and Wu Yuce had a very tacit understanding and still ran separately from left to right. He completely ignored what Su Mucheng meant. Start paying attention to Tang Yin's Frozen Grenade and Flash Grenade, two skills with control effects. He began to charge against Tang Yin's Hundred Fancy style of play.

And Ge Caijie's Qing Zhixu also swung the war sickle out, and there were thunderstorms all over the place where the war sickle flew. Obviously, he also put a thunderbolt on the weapon to increase the damage.

Facing the weapon thrown by the opponent, Tang Yin's grenade was obviously useless. But Team Happy didn't have Tang Yin, so they turned the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella in Ye Xiu's hand into a scythe, and Ye Xiu threw it here. Directly rammed into Ge Caijie's scythe.

The two scythes collided, and Ye Xiu's Soul was obviously inferior to Ga Caijie's Soul in terms of the strength of his skills. After all, he is not an exorcist, but this also reverses the attack of Ge Caijie's war sickle. Let everyone in Happy avoid this blow.

After the collision, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella returned to Ye Xiu's hands. The next moment Ye Xiu cooperated with Tang Yin's double eagle swing version of the eight-point light wheel to catch the ghost light firefly that was blown away by Tang Yin, and then made a judo throw. Throw him out.

The Void here saw that since Li Xun was thrown out by the opponent, he had not come to be anxious, and the other players of Xingxin here had already appeared first in the place where Li Xun had briefly landed. Seeing that Steamed Bun was directly facing Li Xun, who was flying towards him, there was a brick on his head, and this blow was very lucky to have a stun effect.

Then Baozi directly took advantage of the situation to lock Li Xun's throat in mid-air with his grasping skill, and directly caught him in mid-air to prevent him from escaping. And Happy's others had already arrived at his side and continued to output to Li Xun for a while.

In this way, everyone in Happy gathered fire and gang fights and led people around. In this way, the king of Qin started to circle the column with the watchtower as the center. This circle is a circle, directly blinding the gunnery in the void.

When Tang Yin played the Hundred Flowers style of play, he seemed to directly hit that area with a wide-ranging attack. But a few shots of howitzers and focused flamethrowers did not stop the Hundred Flowers style of play, so he was ready to send a shot of the Gunnery Awakening Satellite Ray. He blasted their entire area into the sky, but just as he was about to use it, everyone from Happy led people away.

And he was still running around the watchtower, which directly caused him to lose their vision. However, the satellite ray that had just shot out directly hit Li Xuan and the others who were chasing after Zai Xingxin. Although it was said that his teammates didn't hurt directly, but because of his satellite ray, Su Mucheng found an opportunity to directly send him a satellite ray. This satellite ray not only suppressed him again, but also turned the person he hit on his back, very embarrassed.

And Gui Ke and Feng Shan Devil May Cry finally passed through Tang Yin's Hundred Flowers style of play. When they found the figures of Xingxin's people, he did not hesitate. Ghost shadows flickered, and the two characters both went to kill Happy at the same time. Only an afterimage was left behind.

As a result, the ground in front of them suddenly bulged, and it was the battle mage's ultimate move to break the mountains and rivers!

Li Xuan and the others didn't expect that since Happy would hit a carbine at this time, Tang Rou was already wielding a spear and hit them with a big move.

And in the face of the battle mage's level 75 big move, who would dare to resist like this? So the two could only avoid it again. When Tang Rou saw that the other party was evading, she immediately turned around and continued to join the group fight against Li Xun, and Tang Yin who took his place was Tang Yin, who was carrying a Gatling gun.

But Tang Yin stopped the Hundred Flowers style after Tang Rou's attack and changed it directly to the spear-shaking technique.

Shaking Gun: When using the Gatling Gun skill, Shaking Gun makes a line of bullets just spread out to attack. When it shakes into two bullet lines, it becomes a "double flying line"; this means that the left and right movement of the mouse and the gun must be very accurate, otherwise it is impossible to have two bullets with one more point or less. Line, it is very likely that there will be three or four lines.

Now Tang Yin precisely controlled the ballistic trajectory into two pieces, and continued to suppress the retreating Li Xuan. And after Tang Yin finished shooting the Gatling gun, Ye Xiu was seamlessly connected again. The same accurate shotgun.

Such a result made everyone in the void quite a headache!

Originally thought that their ghost formation's field control characteristics could quickly help Li Xun get out of trouble, but now they can't even get close. I don't know if people can be rescued in this way, but they may have to be brought in. UU reading www.uukanshu. com must know that this area is now, even if the treatment comes on, it cannot be rushed to the field immediately.

But compared to their lack of healing ability, Ye Xiu on Happy's side had some healing skills. After all, after the fourteenth round, Ye Xiu had added blood to himself or his teammates a few times. Of course they won't forget them.


Li Xuan, who had just shouted "Save", is now calling back. This does not mean that Li Xuan's attitude is not firm. But because of changes in the situation, he was forced to make this decision.

If he keeps keeping the team here, maybe they're all in trouble. So simply cut off. That way you can keep the winning fire.


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(End of this chapter)

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