Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1213: Tiny Herb's Obstruction

Chapter 1244 Obstruction of Tiny Herb (for subscription, for recommendation)

But when the reporter asked about Tang Hao's current state, Tang Hao said very calmly: "I have never worried about this. I want to believe that our captain's desire to win is precisely because of this. So in the face of failure He will feel more humiliated. But as long as he is on the field, he is still the one who is not afraid of any difficulties and does everything to chase the championship."

This return can be said to be quite good. Even the news officer of Wind Howl, who was depressed because the captain didn't come, expressed his satisfaction. The team's new vice-captain was also more and more moved. You must know that before he came to Wind Howl, as the captain, Tang Hao didn't have such a strong ability to deal with the media, and he always had a tough attitude, because their news department did not miss his ass.

No way, as Wind Howl's press officer, this is what he is mainly responsible for. In terms of dealing with the media alone, Liu Hao is definitely one step higher than Tang Hao. The only regret may be that Liu Hao is not an All-Star.

Under Liu Hao's very decent coping, the time when the team captains lost their composure because of the match was not so badly affected. After the press conference, Wind Howl's press officer also specially thanked Liu Hao.

Wind Howl's losing streak is already like this, so what happens to Blue Rain, who lost because of an accident?

You must know that Blue Rain also performed quite strongly at the beginning of this season, occupying the second place in the standings one after another. But whether it was against Tyranny, whether Wei Chen did it, or the current Wu Howl, they all had the last laugh.

But these obstacles were encountered by Blue Rain after each major team's investigation period ended. First, in the eleventh round, they lost to the Hundred Blossoms team 3-7, and then in the twelfth round, in the game against Thunder, they were defeated by Thunder in the Thunder game at home after they scored five points in the single game. The most flat, the thirteenth round away was defeated by Huangfeng 4-6. And now that Blue Rain has even been defeated by a mid-tier team like He Wu, this is really surprising.

It was precisely because of Blue Rain's scores in these few rounds that the current Blue Rain had retreated from the second place to the sixth place. Even after Happy. Although they were one point behind Happy, it still couldn't change the fact that they were sixth.

Blue Rain now has only one unfavorable situation, even more than Wind Howl, but Blue Rain didn't kick the bottle like Tang Hao did. In contrast, Blue Rain showed their caliber as a wealthy family. Although it was said that the results during this period were not satisfactory, he still answered every question of the reporters at the scene very calmly.

As for why the current Blue Rain situation is like this, major reporters also miss the team. But Yu Wenzhou's answer was...

"I think it's just that our luck was not very good during this time," said Blue Rain's Yu Wenzhou.

"But I have a very lucky friend who said that it doesn't matter, it's just saving character. Maybe after our bad luck has been used up for this period of time, we may have good luck in the playoffs. ? I think what he said is quite reasonable, after all, he is an authority in this respect." Yu Wenzhou said, and this sentence is also what Huang Shaotian said to Tang Yin when they lost their three-game losing streak, and Tang Yin comforted Huang Shaotian.

Accumulate character? Speaking of luck, such a mysterious thing still has the right to say that it is not authoritative?

Hearing Yu Wenzhou's words, the reporters present were all dumbfounded and did not react at all. No way, Yu Wenzhou's explanation is really unscientific.

But what Yu Wenzhou said about the playoffs just now made some people think that, given the pace of Blue Rain, they were really worried about Blue Rain's playoff berth. However, compared to their worries, Yu Wenzhou himself showed no signs of worry. Even in the playoffs, he just took it casually, as if they entered the playoffs like eating, it is a very normal thing.

And this is their Blue Rain's powerful self-confidence.

In this regard, it can be said that the final stage of the major teams is completely over, and after that, the game has indeed experienced a lot of ups and downs.

Whether it's Blue Rain, Howl, Misty Rain, or Void. They're both playoff regulars in the league, and they're both strong teams. But even they have encountered varying degrees of impact. On the contrary, it started without Tyranny, who was strong from last season, but still remained unmoved during the outbreak.

You must know that in the first eight rounds, Tyranny only scored 47 points, the same as Team Hundred Flowers. They all jumped repeatedly on the edge of the playoffs. But in the subsequent performance, Tyranny's performance did not drop but rose, scoring 58 points directly.

Of course, this was also due to the fact that the teams that Tyranny had encountered in these few rounds were relatively limited in strength, and they did not encounter any strong teams. But against this opponent, Tyranny also scored 10 points, 9 points, such a big score. This also reflects the temperament of their team at a glance. And now that the fifteenth round had passed, Tyranny's current points had come to the third place in the overall standings without a sound.

Before them was Tiny Herb, their performance was also very stable, and they rarely dropped points among weak teams. But Tiny Herb didn't lose points so much on the weaker team, but when they met the former team, Tiny Herb's record was a little embarrassing.

Samsara, Blue Rain, Tyranny, Thunder. These teams are undoubtedly the most important teams in the standings. In the eyes of Tiny Herb fans, they are Tiny Herb's main opponents, whether in the regular season or the playoffs. Even the final finals may be one of them meet.

But in these fifteen rounds, Tiny Herb had played against these teams, but whether it was home or away, they were the ones who lost in the end.

But if you say Tiny Herb's strength is not good, in the last four games~www.readwn.com~ Tiny Herb's final score is mostly 4 to 6, which means Tiny Herb won at least two players in the single game. The competition and the ring match, this alone can prove the quality of Tiny Herb's players.

You know, with this score, if they won the last teamfight, they would have got 9 points.

To say that Tiny Herb's strength is not top-notch, but after people pay attention, they will always find that the final score of these four rounds is 4-6.

Team competition...

And now Tiny Herb's problem seems to be very clear, that is, at this stage, their team competition has encountered some difficulties. And because of this difficulty, they have no way to take a strong team.


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(End of this chapter)

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