Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1220: We thought of 1 yuan to go!

Happy's treatment, An Wenyi!

After Li Yibo spoke about the pros and cons of this, many viewers, both at the scene and watching the broadcast, booed for a while.

After all, there is no need for him to say that An Wenyi is Happy's shortcoming, even ordinary players know.

And it's not just the audience who think this way, but also Pan Lin. He was very puzzled, why this kind of thing even he knew very well. The current Li Yibo looked complacent and confident. After all, this is something everyone knows. Even Pan Lin, who had many years of commentary experience, was stunned for a few seconds before he responded and said, "Uh... An Wenyi is indeed Happy's shortcoming."

"That's right, it's a well-known thing, but if you recall Happy's opponents in the past, did any of them take advantage of this flaw?" Li Yibo's expression was still confident.

Hearing Li Yibo's words, Pan Lin was also taken aback. At this time, he also heard that there were some things in Li Yibo's words that they were not clear about, and he thought about it along the lines of Li Yibo's words. It seemed that no team had made any specific arrangements for Happy's An Wenyi before.

"Don't look at those who are too far away from us, as far as Happy's winning streak is concerned during this period of time. There are two strong teams, Misty Rain and Void. And if you recall, Happy's performance in the two team competitions ." When the commentary said this, Li Yibo suddenly started selling off.

"The performance of the two team games with Misty Rain and Void?" Pan Lin subconsciously agreed to be a partner, and his heart began to be elusive. Although he didn't have such professional ability as Li Yibo, his vision was above the average player after all, and following Li Yibo's instructions to recall, he seemed to have thought of something, but he hadn't caught it yet.

"Xingxin and the others made full use of the terrain in the match against Misty Rain. At that time, An Wenyi's little hands were cold from the beginning of the game, and most of the time was after the stone was blocked. The others at Happy directly created the formation. There is a situation where Misty Rain and everyone can't attack them." Li Yibo said.

Having said that, Pan Lin also discovered the problem, and then Li Yibo said: "In the game against Team Void, Happy even replaced the priest immediately, and when he replaced An Wenyi again, There are only four people left in the void. That's why Happy has almost secured the victory."

"If you still want to ask for evidence, we can go back a little further. The first match against Hundred Blossoms, and even their match against Excellent Era in the finals of last season's Challenger Tournament, these are all strong teams that Happy has played against. It also allows us to see the difference with the good ones.”

"Indeed." Now Pan Lin also knew what Li Yibo meant.

"Xingxin's fighting mentality seems to be the same as the previous Thunder. It is based on the opponent's situation to make a targeted plan and then attack, but in fact, Happy has a more core basis. That is to be kept by them. Protected An Wenyi's shortcomings. Try not to have complicated situations in each round, to ensure that An Wenyi will not have too much burden." Li Yibo said.

"And Xiao Shiqin has seen this clearly now, so he dispersed the formation, and he might want to disrupt the battle situation with Happy's treatment. That's why he started a team battle in a hurry, just because he didn't want to treat Happy with An Wenyi. A little chance." Pan Lin said.

"Yes, that's why they have to build as many fronts as possible and create more rhythm changes. Because as a team healer, you must grasp all the rhythms and give your teammates proper healing. Sometimes you even need to judge each skill. Time to read the article. And now An Wenyi obviously doesn't have the ability to deal with such a scene." Li Yibo said.

This is indeed a weakness of Happy, and the fact that An Wenyi is Happy's weakness has been reflected since the beginning of the season. It's just that Happy never let him be exposed to his opponents.

Thinking about it carefully, every time Happy fails in a team match, it doesn't seem to be the cause of An Wenyi. But after this wave of analysis by Li Yibo, everyone suddenly found that the defeat was not dragged down by An Wenyi, and the victory seemed to have nothing to do with him. In contrast, An Wenyi is more like a symbol to Happy. Is to let the opponent really they also have treatment in terms of. However, the tactic that could only be implemented by treatment, Happy had never used.

Although it is true that An Wenyi did occasionally have a flash in these many games, but those occurred when he was relatively safe, that is, his rare flashes were also happy Xin others created it for him.

But now, Lei Ting started the group directly, and it was a multi-directional, multi-angle, multi-rhythm attack with a complex keynote, which directly exposed Happy's biggest weakness. The two teams are fighting each other. As long as the treatment can hold, the team will be the master. As far as Lei Ting's offensive is concerned, it has no intention of targeting someone at Happy. Instead, relying on the position, hoped that An Wenyi could not find the focus of their next attack. Just like when Yu Wenzhou was forced to make mistakes, he forced An Wenyi to make mistakes.

Although it was Happy's home court now, in the face of such a direct teamfight, it was almost a matter of time before the failure was held back by the treatment. After all, An Wenyi had problems, but Thunder's treatment did not. Thunder's treatment now is Zhang Jiaxing, Excellent Era's professional treatment.

Now what exactly?

After all, this was Happy's home court, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com excluded a few Thunder fans. Most of them are supporters of Happy. And seeing the team they support seem to be in trouble from the beginning, how can they not worry.

"Xingxin is in big trouble." Seeing that the two teams were about to collide, Li Yibo had already started asking him to announce Happy's ending.

"The collision can only hope that God Ye Xiu can take over the command of the team. It is too early for a rookie who has just debuted to lead a team battle. Not to mention that the opponent is Xiao Shiqin, the four great tacticians." Panson also said.

But just as the voices of the two of them fell, the sound of sniper gunfire took the lead in launching the attack before the Thunder attacked, and a headshot was shot. And the target of the headshot was Xiao Shiqin.

No wonder Xiao Shiqin couldn't dodge, now the distance between the two sides is very close. Dai Yanqi has already started to chant magic attacks. The sniper rifle itself is fast, and it is more difficult to dodge at this close distance. But this is not the whole reason, the real reason is the change in Happy's attitude. Xingxin, who was originally in a defensive formation, suddenly took the lead in attacking. Who could have reacted?

"Xiao Shiqin, did you know? We thought of one piece!" Tang Yin said after finishing the shot. There's even time for the character to make a smiley face!


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