Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1223: keep it up

And now it will only be more cruel, or Tang Rou's level of violence is still higher than Xiao Shiqin's expectations. In other words, the bigger she is, the more ruthless she is. With such a character and Battle Mage's combo attack to increase the fighter's will of all attributes, she has already added the luxury of the full dazzling pattern. Even Tang Yin was a little scared when he saw that output. Missing the Nth day of the 100,000-year snake wine...

Soon, the pastor Lei Ting supported by everyone was the first to be killed by Tang Rou. In the middle, Xiao Shiqin and the others also wanted to go out to support. But in the face of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's interception, even if they sold their blood three times, they rushed out. When Tang Rou took over the pastor, a giant dragon broke the army and attacked Xiao Shiqin, and Tang Yin and the others all started to focus on Xiao Shiqin. Su Mucheng's long-range firepower attack even started to bomb Xiao Shiqin when Pastor Lei Ting died.

That's right, after the opponent's pastor was dealt with, Happy immediately started to forcibly kill Xiao Shiqin! He just took Xiao Shiqin away before the Thunder Sixth Man arrived. And the significance of Xiao Shiqin to Thunder is not as simple as the contestants, he is not going away from Thunder, and the disadvantage is that there is no chance now. In the team match, they lost to Happy in the end.

9 to 1, this is another big victory for Happy! And the audience present was always amazed. As for Pan Lin and Li Yibo, they were already covering their faces in depression. After all, they were still analyzing how Thunder was targeting Happy, and how arrogant it was for Happy to let a rookie commander. and ignorance. It turned out that there was no reversal in this match after the two sides completely started, and everything was in order under Tang Yin's arrangement.

You must know that Xiao Shiqin can't type, but it doesn't mean Tang Yin can't. When he suppresses, he still relies on himself to let them see the incredible speed of typing and make battle deployments.

In this game, Tang Yin Peak 800's hand speed updated their scalps, which once again explained what it means to be able to do whatever you want with hand speed!

Pan Lin and Li Yibo: "..." Regret participating on the Nth day of Happy's competition commentary...

"The game was very exciting..." Li Yibo could only say in the end. I didn't even know how to evaluate Tang Yin's command and layout this time.

"Xingxin's targeting in the face of the opponent is very exciting... um... player Tang Yin... He also showed us an idea for the Thunder team," Li Yibo said.

And the most depressing was Team Thunder. The last time they encountered Blue Rain, they used the ban on speech. But Blue Rain and the others can denounce the rules of the banning speech after the game, can they do it after the game? You must know that their Thunder is also a vested interest under this rule. But now that he has become a victim, it is very embarrassing. He is completely dumb eating Huanglian, and he can't tell the pain. Ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​everyone in Thunder.

"Sure enough, Xiaoyin doesn't do anything that is related to people..." Xiao Shiqin looked at the failure on the screen and said with some complexity. No wonder Xiao Shiqin was mentally complicated. Because he suddenly found out that in the contest between him and Tang Yin, he didn't seem to have won once...

To know that the last time they lost a teamfight was in the ninth round, I didn't expect that it was the guy in the challenge that ended his winning streak again.

To be honest, the original Xiao Shiqin still had something in his heart, after all, they only lost one team match. Such an achievement is absolutely something to be proud of in the above period. It is normal to be a little proud. As a result, he fell again in front of the opponent he had lost before.

After the game, the players from both sides shook hands, and Ye Xiu looked at Xiao Shiqin with a smile on his face. Xiao Shiqin was a little depressed. He had to know that the year he went to Excellent Era was not wasted at all. On the contrary, he learned a lot and grew a lot in that year. This has made him who he is now, and the Thunder's current achievements. But even so, he still couldn't defeat the guy in front of him.

"Keep working hard next time!" Ye Xiu patted him on the shoulder and said, like encouraging a newcomer.

Ye Xiu's actions made Xiao Shiqin very helpless, of course he was not a newcomer. It also has a very high status in the circle. But in front of Ye Xiu, these are not worth mentioning.

No way, I can't afford it, can I still afford it? As a result, his hand was held again just after the next one. The person who came also patted him on the shoulder and said, "Continue to work hard next time!"

And seeing Xiao Shiqin who came, couldn't help laughing again, it was Su Mucheng. He also knew very well how funny Su Mucheng was when the two sides had been teammates for a year. Especially after confirming the relationship with Ye Xiu, he could only continue to smile bitterly at the teasing of this old teammate.

"Hey, I'm kind. I won't say anything. Xiao Tang, how was my performance today?" This time it was Tang Yin, who said when shaking hands with Xiao Shiqin.

"Looking forward to the next match. It's amazing, it's my boyfriend!" Tang Rou shook hands with Xiao Shiqin first, then coaxed Tang Yin with a blushing childish tone.

Xiao Shiqin: "..." Is dog food popular nowadays?

After being hit four times in a row, even Xiao Shiqin couldn't take it anymore.

Do you want to come again?

Xiao Shiqin pushed on his glasses after being forced into the dog food. At this moment, his glasses reflected the light of the stage and turned white, making it difficult to see his eyes, but even Ye Xiu, who was the furthest away from him, could feel Xiao Shiqin's murderous aura~www.readwn.com ~As a result, just when Xiao Shiqin was about to explode, a young man came to him and said respectfully, "Senior rookie for advice."

"Ah?" Xiao Shiqin couldn't react for a while with Happy's sudden change of style, but when he looked at the person, he realized that this was Happy's sixth player in this match, Xiao Yifan.

Looking at the very solemn words of this junior in front of him, his expression was full of respect. How could such a little angel Xiao Shiqin say anything sarcastic?

"You're welcome..." Qiao Yifan knew him. After all, he met this newcomer when he went to Team Happy for the first time. He didn't expect that in a place like Xingxin, where Ye Xiu, Tang Yin, and Wei Chen were poisonous, since he still wanted to think of a little angel like Qiao Yifan, he was very surprised.

The last one is An Wenyi, this Xingxin's shortcoming, the main target of their tactics. It has always been directly in his heart that hatred is very high. But now Xiao Shiqin has prepared his posture, after all, he can't lose his momentum to newcomers.

Then there was no more, An Wenyi shook hands with him normally, nodded, and then left. Nothing out of the ordinary...

Xiao Shiqin: "..." Why did Xingxin's defenses surprise him...

Looking at the happy people who were chatting and laughing after they left, Xiao Shiqin looked at his hands, and finally touched his head helplessly and said, "You have to work harder, Xiao Shiqin!"


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