Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1232: All-Star

In the match that ended in the same round, Tyranny, Blue Rain, and Wind Howl all won on the road. However, Tiny Herb accidentally missed in this match. And this time their opponent was the Yi Zhan team in the same city as them.

This time, although it was said to be the home game of Yi Zhan, the Tiny Herb fans who were present suppressed Yi Zhan to the death. There is no way this is the tragedy of using a city team. And this kind of tragedy is more and more obvious when the opponent is a giant and you are just a mid-level team. Fortunately, the real advantage of the home court has never been the fans, but the right to choose the map for the team playing, and this is the real focus of this game.

In this game, except for Sun Zheping who won an accident in the single game, all other games were lost. But in the end it bounced back in the team. Wei Chen took down Wei Chen in one fell swoop, and finally won the game with a slight advantage of 6-4.

Although the victory this time was very small, it made Yi Zhan everyone go crazy. This is the first real victory they have won on a strong team since they entered the professional circle!

Looking back now, once upon a time. in their team formation stage. The rich second generation of Yi Zhan and the others are very high-spirited, and they even imagine that they will win the championship just after their debut. Until Tang Yin and Ye Xiu used their strength to help them understand the reality. This is a careful start after entering the league. But in the professional league, they discovered how big the direct gap between reality and ideal was. Pro champions are too far away from them.

After recognizing themselves, Yi Zhan everyone picked up their mood again and moved on. And that seems to be the best course of action for their current situation. But how many main forces of Yi Zhan are so willing to turn around around the difference?

Now they have carefully hidden the idea of ​​winning the championship. But just hiding, this has always been their goal, after all, there are many people who are willing to be mediocre after they recognize the reality.

Instead they work even harder. But because of the results of their team, it is destined to be impossible to recruit any strong foreign players to replace their main positions before a few of them retire. Therefore, they can only work harder on the strength of their characters and their own strength.

However, their results this season are still not very good. Faced with such a result, although everyone in the previous Righteous Slash has been imaginative, they are not self-righteous people. And this inevitably leads to some self-doubt. Thinking this may be their limit, is it realistic to continue chasing further goals?

But these negative emotions completely disappeared after this game, because they defeated Tiny Herb today! That was Tiny Herb, the giant team that had won the championship!

Although this time was only a very small victory, an answer was rekindled in their hearts: We can!

But how is the process, but since the first game can be won, it is possible to win the second game and the third game. As long as the number of victories is sufficient and consistent, then their dirty goals that have been buried all the time may really be visible.

"God, do you think this is the truth?"

The meaning of this victory to Righteous Slash was truly extraordinary. Lou Guanning was so happy that he even contacted some Ye Xiu and the others.

"That's right, that's the truth. Keep up the good work!" Ye Xiu also replied.

"Okay, thank you God, you too. By the way, let me tell you in advance, Happy New Year!" Lou Guanning finally shouted very jubilantly. Even if Ye Xiu didn't open Yang's voice, Tang Yin who was sitting beside him could still hear it clearly.

Only then did Tang Yin realize that, yes, it's the new year soon.

The seventeenth round is over, and the following week is the professional league's winter offseason. Simply put, it's a one-round suspension. But this year's season has collided with the annual All-Star Weekend. So next week will still be the All-Star Weekend.

In this regard, the All-Star voting has also entered the final countdown stage. The league keeps statistics on it, and fans are also paying attention to this event. Even professional players will talk to each other when they have nothing to do.

In terms of the All-Star ranking, Zhou Zekai is still leading the whole process. It can be said that Zhou Zekai has always been in the leading position after the mascots of several teams were divided into another ranking. And now Zhou Zekai's first position is still unshakable. No one can expect any miracles to happen more than Zhou Zekai.

And it was Ye Xiu, who returned this season, who was firmly in second place.

After defeating Excellent Era in the Challenger League, "I'm back" gave Ye Xiu a gimmick for almost half a year. Coupled with his popularity at the top of the All-Star list before, he has no bottom in the number of votes after his return.

In the next game, they beat Hundred Blossoms at the beginning. After that, Happy's performance sank for a while. But after Tiny Herb in the eighth round, it rose again, and after that, it was an almost crazy winning streak, and even the number of 10 to 0 was the same as the top team Samsara. You must know that Happy, led by Ye Xiu, has always been a new team.

Although there are people who like conspiracy theories, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com Happy's losing streak at the beginning was to find out the details of each major team, so it was deliberately not lacking. After knowing the opponent's strength, he suddenly made an effort to disrupt the positions of the major teams. It's no wonder they have such strange thoughts, after all, the changes in Happy have been too great.

Then came Ye Xiu's winning streak, which he had not lost since the first round, until now. Absolutely unprecedented.

Although it is said that the core and main force of each major team only appears in the ring competition, it is indeed a little criticized that he, a great god, has achieved such a record in the individual competition. But this little discussion couldn't hide Ye Xiu's unique record. After all, the chance for Ye Xiu to start the game has not changed. If other teams want to target, they can definitely let their main force attack Ye Xiu, but what is the truth? No team has done this, which shows how powerful Ye Xiu is.

And Ye Xiu's strong performance, leading Happy to such strong results, all these are the reasons why he is top of the All-Star list. Whether it is an old player of glory, or a new player who has entered the pit. They are very concerned about this legendary figure in glory.

But now that Ye Xiu came back, it seemed like he was going to build a legend again this time. Because until now, the single-player winning streak has been continuously surpassed by himself.


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