Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1274: Defender of Team B

And think here. Liu Hao's heart was even more uneasy. It was also Ye Xiu's deputy. Why is it possible to support Tang Yin Yexiu, but he only suppresses. That's right, in his opinion, if Tang Yin could enter the team competition, it would definitely be Ye Xiu's suggestion. Maybe in his eyes a rookie is impossible to qualify for the team game.

If he knew that the position he dreamed of was so disgusted by Tang Yin and the others, he didn't know what his mentality would be like then?

But now Liu Hao can only accept this arrangement, but when he really had to meet Li Hua, he realized that the two of them didn't seem to have faced each other. twice. But the encounter is only in the team competition. And this is their first PK.

Not to mention the explanation, even Liu Hao himself was a little weird. If it wasn't for this stage, he probably wouldn't have realized that such a weirdness would appear on him.

Not only Liu Hao, but also Li Hua felt very strange. It is precisely because of this that the two of them were a little cautious at the beginning. Even after the encounter, it is mostly based on testing and exploration. At the same time, he also recalled his team's research on opponents and the information of teammates and opponents' battles. Further back. Li Hua's ninja has quietly disappeared.

This is the hidden skill of the ninja, and using this skill shows that Li Hua already has a rough attack rhythm. But after he appeared again, it was a burst of extremely fast-paced attacks.

On the other hand, Liu Hao, whether he was in Excellent Era, Thunder, or the current Wu Howl, his main focus has been on other areas. Now he wants to hear some information about Li Hua. stand up. This was also the reason why Ye Xiu didn't let Liu Hao come forward. It's a pity that Liu Hao didn't understand Ye Xiu's good intentions at that time.

When the book is used up, I hate it less. This sentence perfectly explained the current situation of Liu Hao.

The current Liu Hao is a regret.

This is his first time on the All-Star stage, and this stage is the same for him as Zou Yuan. Others don't need to care, but when he really wants to win, he not only wants to win, but also wins beautifully and wonderfully, just like Chu Yunxiu's strength in the first game. So dazzling.

But he happened to meet this Li Hua who he had never met before?

Liu Hao knew that he was a player who was very good at concealment, and even his career gave people a feeling of concealment. But the sudden appearance now is still in his All-Star debut, which makes Liu Hao very depressed. Does his debut have to be marked as a failure like this?

No, this is not a failure, this thing is shame! Because now his magic swordsman is being forced by the opponent's ninja in all kinds of embarrassment. It's as if the opponent is an All-Star and he's just a regular player. At this moment, Liu Hao could even imagine the chatter in the audience.

"Liu Hao is so bad!"

"So he only has such a level?"

"How did he make the All-Star team?"

The current situation is no different from letting him die socially.

"What the **** is this Li Hua doing? It's just an All-Star exhibition match, why are you playing so seriously?" Liu Hao simply forgot that he also cared about the outcome of this match, and he was 100% serious about dealing with it. In this match, now he is blaming the opponent for being too focused on the game.

Can't go on like this!

Liu Hao thought in his heart, waving the short sword in his hand, the killing intent vibrated, and the power of the waves rushed in all directions, but nothing was hit. On the contrary, after he used up the killing intent shock, Li Hua had already reached him.

Run around!

Seeing Li Hua transformed into several afterimages, the intensive attacks were overwhelming and attacked the opponent. However, Liu Hao still pretended not to be able to find the North, and reluctantly fought back, but only reached the afterimage of the opponent.

"Brother Li Hua is playing so seriously? Is there something wrong?" Liu Hao smiled reluctantly, trying to be as relaxed as possible.

"Ah?" Li Hua's face became sullen when he heard Liu Hao's words.

"It's okay, I'm... serious?"

Liu Hao: "..."

At this moment, Liu Hao was so angry that he was speechless. Not serious? How did you say such cold words with your mouth in the thirties? You're not serious, I'm like that. what do you mean? Murder is also punishing!

At this moment, Liu Hao felt that he could transform into a Super Saiyan, and he was still a super 3rd person, so he didn't need to overdo it. But the problem is that his energy is now stored up, but he has no big move.

Now Liu Hao is restraining himself from being calm, and now the panic will only make him more embarrassed. This is an opportunity he has waited for so many years, and he must not be ruined by this guy who has always been a little transparent in his career!

But just like Liu Hao now, calm down? No!


In the end, Liu Hao still lost. Those who wanted to win the more they couldn't win. The last time it was B was right, this time it was their A team. Liu Hao came off the court. At this moment, he felt that the whole court was full of contempt, and when he returned to the team, he didn't even look up. Want to explain, UU reading www.uukanshu.com but the one present is not the ceiling of this field? Does it make sense to explain in front of them?

At the end of the individual game, the B team leads 2-1. I don't dare, but when the game is played 1-1, everyone knows that the individual game is meaningless, and the real winner is still the team game. After all, this is not a league, every point is so important.

The first player in the ring match was Blue Rain teenager Lu Hanwen, while Team B played Tiny Herb Xu Bin. Lu Hanwen is a very early-stage young man, while Xu Bin has the title of grinding king, so the rhythm of play is completely opposite, which makes this match rare and full of highlights.

And it was better that Xu Bin won Lu Hanwen even better, and the second player of Team A was the first-team ghost Li Xuan, who sent Xu Bin away smoothly. And B also succeeded in sending Li Xuan away with a HP advantage against Gao Yingjie, who was in second place. And Wu Yuce, the last defender of Team A, did not give the young man too many opportunities to slogan, so he sent him away.

And this is the reason why Tang Yin chose the ring competition, after all, the strength of the presence is here. Just get off to a good start. His last one might just be playing against a less healthy opponent. How convenient. It's a pity that his most wanted position has now been snatched away, and the one who snatched his position is a priest!


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