Full-time Occupation

Chapter 85: The magician who completely unblocked!

Chapter 1314 The first thousand two white chapters The magician who completely unblocked! (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

Although this summary is short, the amount of information he contains is terrifying.

To know Tang Hao's strength, everyone has long recognized it. To be able to stand on this stage is definitely the top figure among the current All-Stars. Even in their opinion, Tang Hao has not lost to any great god-level figure in the past or present. But just now, just before but in the short period of time, he was beaten by Wang Jiexi like this!

What does it mean to blow up? That's an adjective that can only be used when you are beaten and have no power to fight. And such words are really hard to imagine happening to an All-Star, the top **** in the team competition!

This time the playback was not played only once. There are too many things in it, and it is impossible to see clearly in one playback. It even has to reply from different angles and perspectives. The large screen on the scene is directly divided into two more screens, with different perspectives.

Although it wasn't Team Tiny Herb's appearance, after a brief period of silence, a burst of applause erupted from the scene. And all this is just for a replay, an end, or even a second replay.

"This... This is..." During the explanation, Pan Sen looked at the screen in disbelief, and even said with a trembling tone.

"That's right, this is a real magician!" Li Yibo's tone trembled a little. After all, the last time Wang Jiexi was completely liberated was when they were together very early. Thinking back to the eighth season, when he was fighting with Gao Yingjie and Zhou Zekai, he didn't let go of it completely. Because one is that his purpose is to lose, and the other is that the next is a team battle, and a complete liberation will only make him out of touch with his teammates in the next team battle.

But now it's the real magician, the elusive one who put the big teams on the rookie wall for the first time! The moment is back!

That's right, all kinds of unbelievable play styles make people completely confused and can't see the trajectory of the attack. It was a rhythm and change that made people feel helpless like magic. The heroic figure standing proudly above the sky. This is how Wang Jiexi won the title of magician in the past. It was also the style of play that he completely sealed for Tiny Herb.

And after not appearing in front of everyone for so many years, many people thought that Wang Jiexi had completely forgotten how to play a prosperous magician. In this All-Star game, in a game where he doesn't have to worry about the consequences and takes on too much responsibility. Wang Jiexi was very relaxed, and even completely released himself somewhat comfortably.

As a result, Tang Hao, a player who only entered the league in the seventh season, a player who has never met a magician on the field, may even be a young man who only saw magician's play in the old video therapy Player, at this moment, Wang Jiexi was completely blown away, and the explosion was inhumane.

And the reason for this situation, in fact, everyone is very clear, this is not just a difference in strength. In terms of single strength, the difference in strength between Tang Hao and Wang Jiexi is not that big. The real reason is that Tang Hao didn't expect to face Wang Jiexi, who was completely unblocked.

This is like facing Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's major teams. In terms of operation alone, the gap between everyone is very limited, but it is because they are unfamiliar with the special style of play and Tang Yin, so It's just that you're in such a hurry now.

Now Tang Hao may not be so embarrassed when he meets Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. After all, from the preliminary round to now, there have been a lot of materials about them, and each major team has also done some research on them. But to the current Wang Jiexi, this Wang Jiexi who has completely transformed into a magician. Although he knew about this, because now Wang Jiexi is not playing due to team competition restrictions, there is no value to study.

After all, everyone knows that the current Wang Jiexi can't play so recklessly in professional games, but who would have thought of an All-Star game, since he has figured out this guy's magician style!

The audience understood and sympathized with Tang Hao's experience. But it's more of the kind of pleasure that something sold in the heart can finally burst out. At this moment, Wang Jiexi is undoubtedly the only protagonist on the field.

As for Tang Hao?

Of course he also understood the reason why he was so miserable, but with his character, would he accept such a reason to comfort himself? When his character was knocked to the ground by the opponent with the last broom, the irritability in his heart had reached its peak.

He worked desperately, rolled up, and said looking for Wang Jiexi's figure, and soon he found One Autumn Leaf, who was ravaged by all kinds of things just like his previous self.

Sun Xiang and Tang Hao debuted in one season, and Tang Hao has never experienced it. Of course he didn't either. And the final result was no surprise. Wang Bu Liuxing slammed into the sky, and the whirlwind of the broom directly fanned One Autumn Leaf and took off to catch up with it. With another heavy slash, One Autumn Leaf also fell to the ground.

In a short period of time, the two great god-level characters who overturned a pair one after another. Wang Jiexi's strength is evident. At this time, Zhou Zekai also turned his attention to Wang Jiexi's various strafing shots. But obviously on the right side, UU reading www.uukanshu. He is not as good as Tang Yin. All kinds of attacks finally hit Wang Jiexi's traces in the air.

Zhou Zekai. Although it is a player who debuted in the fifth season. But the fifth season was Tiny Herb's championship season. That is, during that season, Wang Jiexi completed the seal on his play style. So this is also the first time Zhou Zekai has met Wang Jiexi who has been completely unblocked. But fortunately, his debut was at least closer to the era of magician Wang Jiexi, so he was familiar with the magician's play and heard from his teammates.

So when Wang Jiexi faced him, he didn't get blown up like the first two. Finally blocked Wang Jiexi's almost sweeping offensive,

But even Zhou Zekai, his situation is not optimistic. After all, he has no experience with this style of play, but Wang Jiexi has a lot of experience playing against him.

"Okay, Team King." Tang Yin said while beating Sun Xiang who had just climbed up from the ground.

"Indeed, if it goes on like this, you can solve the game by yourself," Ye Xiu said.

But Tang Yin and the others made some serious people notice something. You must know that even those with God's perspective ignored Wang Jiexi, why did the two of them know Wang Jiexi's actions clearly?

This is the gap between them and the professional gods...

"Stop talking nonsense!" Wang Jiexi replied coldly. When he said this, he was many times more powerful than Huang Shaotian.


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(End of this chapter)


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