Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1303: Use teleport to dodge small skills

At the end of the first round, although Chen Guo was still a little worried about Ye Xiu's situation, this match went well. The three individual matches were won by Happy's Mo Fan and Mucheng. Directly in the individual game played a good result of three to zero.

And such a result directly made the fans of Happy boiled over. After all, the individual competition has always been to prevent Team Happy from 10-0 against the enemy, and this individual competition is the best place to directly win, then they are 10-0 away. This goal is even closer. After all, in the ring match, they have their strongest deputy team guarding them, and they haven't had a single point in the ring match yet.

It could be said that after winning the individual competition, Happy was halfway through 10-0. And now they are going to win the rhythm of 10-0 again, how can this not make them excited?

But unlike the cheers from the fans, Chen Guo is still a little worried about Ye Xiu. After all, although Ye Xiu is very strong, his age is indeed here. Just like Tao Xuan said before, Sanren is an opponent who takes a lot of energy Occupation, plus Ye Xiu's age. For a while, Chen Guo had a bad feeling in her heart...

The ring match began, and Wei Chen took the lead on Happy's side.


Although Wei Chen is a bit old, it is precisely because of his appearance that many players and even professional players admire his perseverance. Moreover, Wei Chen's own record is also good. Although he has played a limited number of times, most of them have won. . This is also Wei Chen, who is not old with swords. He also has a lot of fans in Happy.

After all, for a rookie team that has just joined the league, everyone pays more attention to the outcome and results. Only good results will attract attention. But in Samsara, such giants as Blue Rain, Tiny Herb, and Tyranny were not so fond of them, because they no longer needed results to prove their strength.

But the current Happy obviously hasn't reached that point. The current Happy fans still have victory above everything else in their hearts.

Although Wei Chen's style of play was clumsy, but the victory that was played by the diversionary stream was not a victory, wasn't it?

With everyone's cheering and applause, Wei Chen took the stage and entered the battle seat. And his opponent this round was Team Wind Howl, Zhao Yuzhe.

"Senior seems to be in good shape today." Zhao Yuzhe began to communicate with Wei Chen from the very beginning.

"Hehehehehe..." Wei Chen answered directly with seven consecutive hehes. The hehe that came from this veteran made everyone feel bad for a while. After all, Wei Chen's current state is really bad. It's no longer a look that can be described as cherishing.

"Senior, what are you laughing at?" Zhao Yuzhe didn't care much about Wei Chen's seven hehes. After all, the opening trash talk itself was one of the glory tactics.

And he didn't expect this spam call to be useful. After all, the guy in front of him was the grandfather of trash talk, even if it was Huang Shaotian's trash talk Ye Xiu inherited from him. And this guy's containment style is really troublesome, and I really don't know what he will do when it comes to cooperating with this guy's unlimited character.

"Of course I'm laughing at you." Wei Chen certainly wouldn't be affected by such trash talk and said directly.

"What's so funny about me?" Zhao Yuzhe asked.

"Are the young people now so naive? I'm already behind you, since you're still chatting with me?" Wei Chen said.

"Haha, senior is joking." Of course, Zhao Yuzhe wouldn't be easily deceived by Wei Chen. Not to mention that even when he is chatting, he always pays attention to the winter break around here. As a professional with a leisurely movement speed like a warlock, can he get behind him when he is not even in the middle of the map? Who are you kidding?

And he also has some research on the opponent's most commonly used diversionary play. As long as the opponent's things are clear, there are also many powerful play styles. So from Zhao Yuzhe's point of view, he won't have any problem with Wei Chen, the old man.

The map for this arena match is a map called Corridor in the Forest. In the heads-up map, this is a map with more complicated terrain. It has certain advantages for Wei Chen's diversionary flow, but it is also good for the opponent. After all Zhao Yuzhe's profession is Elemental Mage, and both of them are professions that need to be sung. A little more cover is naturally not a bad thing for his side.

The roles of the two did not directly attack the middle of the map, but each started a tactical position and moved forward under the cover of a bunker. He lowered his voice and even silenced the audience directly. And just when the audience was quiet, Wei Chen and Zhao Yuzhe met!


It was Zhao Yuzhe who made the first move. After all, he was young, and he had all kinds of advantages such as reflexes, which allowed him to launch the attack earlier than Wei Chen. And he started with a low-level magic flame bomb. Although this skill also needs to be chanted, because it is a low-level skill, the chanting time is very short, and with the bonus of Zhao Yuzhe's character attributes, this attack is as fast as instant cast. After all, for their professions that need to sing, chanting speed is one of the attributes that must be piled up.

Wei Chen, who wanted to detour to the opponent's flank, was directly seen by the opponent. The whole process was because Wei Chen was almost broken and sighed, but Wei Chen was not the one who was beaten all the time. While turning over to avoid the opponent's flame bombs, it also hit him with several cursed arrows.

There is something more.

Facing Wei Chen's official household Zhao Yuzhe, he just teleported. After all, Dense was an arrow of curse or blocked his vision. God knows what this guy would do with this opportunity.

However, using teleportation to avoid the cursed arrow is indeed a bit extravagant. However, Zhao Yuzhe knew very well that Wei Chen's ultimate move must be behind the Cursed Arrow. What he really avoided was the ultimate move behind the Cursed Arrow, so he simply used teleport to dodge it. How proud is this?

Zhao Yuzhe's teleportation ended, and he was about to launch an attack when another flaming arrow shot at him, this time it was a flaming arrow!


This time Zhao Yuzhe didn't keep up with his reaction, because Burning Arrow is also a low-level skill, and it has the shortest singing time among the low-level skills. Combined with Wei Chen's singing attribute, this arrow is also instant!

But this was not surprising to Zhao Yuzhe, what surprised him was Wei Chen's ability to predict, since he could predict his position and launch an attack.

But it's not right. If he really guessed his position, how could he just shoot a flaming arrow at him?


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