Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1305: We are just moved back to us ah!

Star Wei Chen's rigid selection conditions were here, and the equipment brought by the high-intensity explosion quickly caused him to make mistakes.

At the beginning of the game, Wei Chen accumulated enough advantages, and finally killed the opponent when he still had 36% of his life. At the same time, there were warm applause and cheers throughout the whole process. It was true that some people might despise Wei Chen's style of play, but Wei Chen's attitude and persistence towards Glory were admired by everyone.

"Today, you are working really hard. To be honest, I hate you guys who would rather die from exhaustion than choose a victory method with a slightly higher chance." Tang Yin said, looking a little depressed on the big screen.

"Er...Xiaoyin...this." Hearing Tang Yin's words, Chen Guo looked at Tang Yin and Ye Xiu in a strange way. After all, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu seemed to have the same opinion, so it was a surprise that Tang Rou objected to her. But this was still a pain point for Wei Chen and Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu also looked at Tang Yin strangely, because he knew very well that Tang Yin knew why they were so desperate.

"No way, you also know that our chances of playing are getting more and more limited, so we want to win every game." Zhang Jiale said indifferently.

"You're not talking nonsense. Who doesn't want to win in a game? But you have repeatedly emphasized that glory is not a one-person game, and many games rely on one or two points to decide the outcome. What if you lose? Are we going to die?" Tang Yinbai said with a glance at the two honorable old men.

But Tang Yin's words made Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale stunned. It was true that the Glory game was decided by score. Even in the regular season, there were only rankings. The so-called victory was added after him. In a game, only the team competition is guaranteed, and the other only has to score points.

Taking the distance of this game, even if Ye Xiu had an accident in the end and lost a miraculously, wouldn't there be Mo Fan and Mucheng after that? They all won their games. Not to mention Wei Chen here, Tang Yin has been guarding the last fight.

It's not that they can't afford to lose, but because of their beliefs and their responsibilities to the team, they don't allow themselves the possibility of losing a little bit. It belongs to Ye Xiu who does not hesitate to explode with high intensity throughout the whole process. Give full play to your own strengths, or even 120%.

Of course, Tang Yin didn't say that this was bad. On the contrary, if something like this happened to Tang Yin and the others, it would be a very good decision, and even a decision that must be made.

But Ye Xiu and the others were different. The price they paid for making such a choice was that they already had a very limited career life.

"Let's not talk about anything else, after all, Lao Wei can rest after this game. You still have to play a team game with us. Don't forget that you are still our tactical core. , that's devastating to our team and the accumulation of points. You know the truth yourself. Even Han Wenqing knows how to protect his hands and physical strength, but you are so strong... ..is he from Tyranny or are you from Tyranny..." Tang Yin said, after all, this kind of stubbornness has always been described as Tyranny, but now it is better reflected in them .

But now Tang Yin's eyes were always on the big screen in front of him, not Ye Xiu.

At this time, Ye Xiu was also looking at the information of the two players on the screen, but he was really thinking of Tang Yin's words in his heart. He knew very well why Tang Yin said what he said, and in the end he still cared about them. After all, their way of playing was really at the expense of their professional lifespan. It is exactly like Tang Yin said. They subconsciously made themselves responsible for the entire team.

It's not that it's bad, it's just that it's a little too laborious for them now.

But because of their responsibility, they did not allow themselves to fail, so as to get more points for the team. This was because at the beginning of the season, Happy's results were a bit low when faced with strong teams. But more of them subconsciously feel that these rookies in their team have not grown up, and it is not time for them to let go.

They were worried that Tang Rou, Baozi, Mo Fan, An Wenyi, and even Mucheng and Tang Yin were not ready to take on the responsibility of the team, so they worked so hard. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it also shows from the side that they do not fully trust Tang Yin and the others. Of course, the trust here does not mean cooperation or trust in play, character, and character.

More biased is a kind of worry, there is a similar feeling that the elders are worried that their children will not be able to survive outside.

But looking at it now, although everyone in Happy has not grown up to the point where they can stand alone, they are only able to take on their own responsibilities in the team. They don't need to fight as hard as they did at the beginning of the season. .

"Uh... it's not as exaggerated as you said, and we're not that vulnerable." Ye Xiu said with a relaxed smile.

"That's right, we've all been captains, don't worry, we have our own way," Zhang Jiale also laughed.

"Uh...Lao Ye, don't you understand my point, what does it have to do with me whether you are fragile or not? I mean, if you get too tired in the individual competition, the team competition is the best. Isn't it just me who suffers?" Tang Yin said with a strange expression. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Ye Xiu: "..."

Zhang Jiale: "..."

Happy crowd: "..."

Sure enough, what are they thinking? How could Tang Yin be so kind all of a sudden? All started to be human. Sure enough, such a thing does not exist. Give me back all our feelings just now!

On the other hand, Chen Guo was more practical, she just slapped his head in front of Tang Yin. There's no way Tang Yin is too irritating, I have a limit for being lazy!

Even Tang Rou, who was sitting next to Tang Yin, started to step on Tang Yin's instep.

"It hurts... Xiao Tang... feet..." Tang Yin motioned to his daughter-in-law to tap lightly.

"What's wrong with my feet?" Tang Rou looked at Tang Yin with a smile, but her feet were exerting strength...

"No, it's an honor to be stepped on by you." Tang Yin was full of desire to survive.

"You're very happy to be stepped on by me, aren't you!" Tang Rou said in a slightly angry tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm already introspecting." Tang Yin immediately stated his attitude. Family status at a glance.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Xingxin couldn't help but sigh, the only one in this world who can control Tang Yin is Xiao Tang.


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