Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1312: Why is mica the first sniper god

Perry Town is a pure town in the Glory Online Game, that is, the Glory Continent, and this so-called market is indeed taken directly from the actual situation of the big map. In fact, not only this map, but also 90% of the Glory battle map is directly used by selecting a part from the big world. Of course, some will add more things for the fun of the battle, but most of them still come directly from the big world. But this also proves how well the Glory World has done.

The market in Perry Town belongs to the town map, and this is because of this, the common streets of the town map, the buildings of different heights, and the scene design inside and outside the house. But Perry Town's Bazaar also has its own characteristics, that is, these common element stations take up about half of the entire map.

The real focus is on the viewing plaza part of the map, where the plaza is not an empty space. Instead, these various stalls and piles of various goods are placed, which perfectly reflects the word market in the name of the map. Of course, the durability of such things is very limited, and relying on the real physics engine of Glory, these things can also be destroyed.

The starting five of the two teams will be refreshed on the opposite corners of the map.

The lineup on Happy's side was the loose man Lord Grim, the gunnery Dancing Rain, the sharpshooter Xiaoyaoyou, the ghost swordsman One Inch Ash, and the priest's little hands cold.

The starters on Wind Howl's side are Rogue Tang Sanda, Magic Swordsman Darkness, Elemental Mage Shaoguang Chang, Thief Ghostly Suspicion, and Priest Healer.

At the beginning of the game, everyone in Wind Howl showed the high morale he had recovered during the half-time break.

And thinking about the high-spirited side of the team, the current Wu Howl team is no surprise. After all, after the criminal group left Wind Howl, Captain Wind Howl's style was very tough. It can be said that the current Wind Howl, no matter who the opponent is facing, they can attack with a crushing aura like they are now.

To be reasonable, Wu Howl, who showed his domineering side at the beginning, is very popular with fans. After all, this kind of relying on its own powerful strength to crush opponents between them, who would not like such a posture? And in the first five rounds of this season, Wind Howl did indeed show an aura of swallowing mountains and rivers, and directly crushed the opponents he encountered with his powerful quality.

However, as far as the team of the captains in the first five rounds of Wind Howl is concerned, there is a great chance of winning even without such a style of play. After all, their opponents in the first five rounds are Yueyun, Zhaohua, Qingcai, Mingqing, Magic... It can be said that There is no strong team, and the beginning is the reincarnation of hell. It is a world of difference.

Wind Howl's strength also encountered Waterloo after encountering Samsara in the sixth round.

Then in the seventh round, they were destroyed by Tyranny.

The eighth round was once again destroyed by Blue Rain.

In the ninth round, they were defeated by 310 again.

Until the tenth round, after encountering the not very strong Linhai team, Wu Xiao regained his energy and continued to swallow mountains and rivers.

Because of this, Wind Howl has been labeled as a pseudo-strong team by many players, the meaning is very simple, that is, they can be tough on weak teams, and if they encounter a stronger team, they will kneel directly...

Fortunately, the twelfth round was against the void, and this time they proved it for themselves. In the end, before they were happy, they were abused by Hundred Flowers in the thirteenth round, and then they were brought in by Team Lei. The most embarrassing thing for them was in the fifteenth round, since they lost to the Royal Wind team, which had already begun to decline.

Fortunately, after meeting Yi Zhan and He Wu, Wu Xiao stood up again.

Since Team Wind Howl can enter the top eight, the main reason is that they can score relatively large points when facing weak teams, and they did not lose some points that should not be lost when facing strong teams, which is how they saved their own. seats. But every time they encounter a stronger team, the drawbacks of their teamfights immediately appear. Although it is said that the hat of pseudo-strong team is no longer called, but now players have begun to directly call them soft-footed shrimp, and they will GG whenever they encounter a strong team.

After successfully bullying two weak teams in the first two rounds, they encountered a strong team like Happy again. This was the best chance for them to prove that they were not soft-footed shrimp. The term "not close to soft-footed shrimp" is worse than a pseudo-strong team. . But it was against this background that they were directly cleared by the opponent in the individual match. If they continue to drop points in the next team game, then the name of this soft-footed shrimp is sour.

But even if the current situation has reached such a point, at the beginning of the team battle, Wind Howl still showed his arrogance and domineering, and the five players directly formed a large formation that could exert their attack power to the map. Perry's Market in the center.

This huge market, which covers one-half of the area, is fragmented by various stalls and piled goods, and the sundries are hidden to some extent, which has affected the players' observation and positioning. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Zhao Yuzhe saw the action instructions given to him by the captain, and immediately manipulated the role, relying on various debris on the ground to jump directly to the booth's tent, but before he could stand firm on the swaying tent, he shot ring!

Listening to the sound, everyone in Wind Howl immediately determined the approximate location of the other party, and everyone in Wind Howl went in that direction without any hesitation, even Zhao Yuzhe, who was almost caught in China just now.

Moreover, because of Zhao Yuzhe's powerful attack history, his attack was the strongest. He directly adjusted the direction of his character, teleported his hand, and the character instantly flashed a certain distance, even with the teleport belt approaching. At this moment, Zhao Yuzhe, who was still being attacked just now, directly became the guide of this passage.

"How fierce are you going to fight?" This is Tang Yin's voice on the public channel.

No matter how long the Wind Howl team cooperated, the attacking formation between them can of course be fully taken care of in all aspects. But when they saw Tang Yinfa's voice, they still began to be vigilant around the world for the first time, looking for Tang Yin's location. And the reason is simple, they just realized it. The shot just now missed!

Although I don't want to admit it, Tang Yin's accurate head is recognized by All Glory. Why is Little Mica the number one sniper? Except for the joke, that's because Tang Yin claims to be the second! But just now Zhao Yuzhe was in such a good position, since that shot would miss, this operation that seemed normal at ordinary times is now completely abnormal.

And the truth is, when they reached the approximate location of the gunshots, Grim was the only thing in their eyes!


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