Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1315: The pains of transformation

Only then did Liu Hao realize that the voice that was in front of him was actually just a shadow clone! But here comes the question. Ye Xiu was still holding the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella at that time. Did Glory have a one-handed seal like Uchiha Sasuke did? How did he use the shadow clone?

But this is because it only appeared for a moment, because Liu Hao sounded the slight sinking of Ye Xiu's Myriad Manifestations Umbrella.

That action was not to close the umbrella to attack him, but to use the shadow clone, and then rely on the hand speed to open the umbrella again, because the speed of the seal was too fast, causing the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella to just sink slightly and look at it.

To be able to do the same thing in an instant, Liu Hao is indeed capable, and Ye Xiu also praised it: "It is undeniable that your on-the-spot ability is really excellent during the game, but you can't be able to concentrate. 100% of the episode, focus on the point of the game, there are too many things in your relationship..."

Although he knew that Liu Hao might still not listen, Ye Xiu didn't care. If he doesn't listen, then it's just trash talk, and it can be regarded as affecting the opponent's battle mood.

And it was exactly as Ye Xiu had expected, the current Liu Hao was so embarrassed that he didn't have time to type and fight back when he was in crisis. Because of his profession, his spiritual resistance was much stronger than that of a thief. , so even though Liu Hao is not likely to freeze him in the ice formation, he is only slowing him down now. In response to this, Liu Hao also wanted to leave here as soon as possible. But under Ye Xiu's targeting, does he have this chance?

In the end, Ye Xiu didn't pay any attention to what he meant, and just turned his head.

This made Liu Hao stunned for a moment, but he soon realized the seriousness of the problem.

That's the pastor, their pastor! As soon as they started this match, the entire attacking lineup attacked them directly. As a result, they directly entered Ye Xiu's ambush. They were hit from the east and the west, which directly attracted the attention of all of them, but one appeared. A major mistake, that is, protecting our treatment.

After Liu Hao found out about this problem, he immediately started looking for his own pastor, but...what about the pastor?

It was obvious that Liu Hao's operation stopped for a while, because he found out that the healer who was supposed to support Ruan Yongbin behind them, now has no idea where he went.

Now that you are hiding? It's really time for this guy!

Combined with Liu Hao's still sighing here, it wouldn't be the treatment from a team that had a wretched master team, and even the treatment style was so wretched. But it's right to think about it. After all, except for Ruan Yongbin, the other players in the current team have been adjusted and replaced in recent years. Only Ruan Yongbin has been there all the time, and he has cooperated with Fang Rui so many times, and his support is also a bit wretched.

While Liu Hao was still sighing, the pastor of their team was already calling for their support, and not only did they call, but the team channel also sent a distress signal like "!!"!

Liu Hao, who has a strong competitive ability, immediately noticed the problem. This is the source of his strange feeling before. The opponent still has a core that has not appeared in front of them until now!

"Support! Tang Yin is here!"


The first sentence was shouted by Ruan Yongbin, and the second was a distress signal sent on the team channel.

At this time, everyone in Howl also saw it, and everyone began to turn their perspectives to find the location of the Spirit Healer.


In the end, Zhao Yuzhe, who didn't even see the Spirit Healer, jumped out of his heart. These are the two words that bother him the most. This is the same even if he debuted in a team known for being vulgar. Neither of them took the initiative to understand these two words, let alone the style of play after these two words.

Therefore, he is quite happy about Tang Hao's arrival, because Tang Hao has changed the style of Wind Howl and eliminated the two words "vulgar" from the core of the play style, but it is only limited to the core of the play style, and still has not completely combined these two words with removed from the entire team

And there is still a wretched shadow in the team, that is Ruan Yongbin. This guy likes to hide himself for treatment, but now they can't find him even if they want to support him, which is very annoying!

Now not only Zhao Yuzhe is starting to be annoyed by Ruan Yongbin's vulgar play, but also the current Wu Howl captain Tang Hao, Liu Hao, and Lin Feng, because no one of them can tell where this family is hiding.

In the final analysis, Wind Howl is no longer the original lineup. The current Wind Howl teammates and Ruan Yongbin's wretchedness have no tacit understanding. After all, the current Wind Howl team members undoubtedly represent the new Wind Howl, but Ruan Yongbin is still the treatment of the old Wind Howl.

Except for his accident, the old Wu Howl players have gradually lost their power in the team, and now even his healer, whose role is completely different from other roles, is now out of touch with the team because of the difference in play style. On the contrary, Tang Yin, the other party, found the location of their treatment, and it was a one-sided massacre!

Tang Yin has already caught Ruan Yongbin. Relying on all kinds of physical skills against Ruan Yongbin is a random hit, so the pistol will make a sound, so he uses all the melee physical skills of the gunner. This is also because Tang Yin was very helpless before the game. , because this kind of thing was originally the most suitable for Lao Yelai, and he was in charge of Ye Xiu's containment position.

Tang Yin originally planned to fight Wei Chen's diversion in the first match. com is now abruptly become the main output. And it is still an output that has to race against time. After all, although Wind Howl couldn't find his own treatment all of a sudden, couldn't they turn their heads and glance at their teammates' computers? Because compared to the more relaxed containment, Tang Yin was the most important output position in this comparison.

However, Happy's style of play also exposed a crucial weakness of Wind Howl. The fact that Wind Howl has been invincible many times this season is not because their players are not good enough or their characters are not strong enough, but because they are not good enough. Now, Wind Howl is still going through the throes of fundamental transformation!

They were indeed completely changing the way they played in the past, but the previous way of play was the style that the two captains of Wind Howl had been playing for a long time. This style was so ingrained that even if they were turned away, the team would still not be able to completely change.

What Wind Howl is doing now is completely abandoning the roots they used to rely on, and for a team, this is no different from a direct rebuild. Last season, because Tang Hao just arrived, there were still some players who were used to being vulgar in the main lineup of the team, so they acted as a buffer between Tang Hao and the others, but this season, they were all replaced from the main team. Without the buffer, their problems will be fully reflected!


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