Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1331: new Year's gift!

After getting his own account card again, An Wenyi finally let go of the restless heart of a holiday. It is not a few days before the end of the transfer window, and the team is still willing to give him the account number, which shows the team's attitude. The team is real and didn't find someone to take his place.

An Wenyi's mood was calmed down, and he swiped his card to log in to the character. But just when he was about to log in completely, he saw Tang Yin, Tang Rou, Ye Xiu, Mu Cheng, and the boss all looking at him with a very strange look, as if they were expecting something.

Such a strange scene made An Wenyi suddenly have a bad premonition, and he really thought about what would happen if he didn't fight. After entering the game, he subconsciously defeated the attribute panel and equipment panel of the association habitually. The few had just defeated the two panels, and the completely different attributes and equipment above and before leaving made him obviously stunned.

It's a trivial matter not to wear silver at all. After all, there is Tang Yin's lucky version of silver martial arts. They have long wanted to be free.

But the problem is that these silver equipment and silver weapons are completely different from the previous ones. Moreover, the previous ones were all single pieces, this set is obviously a complete set, and it is also a full set of thirteen silver suits.

Such a lineup directly shocked An Wenyi. Even Ye Xiu, the captain, most of the silver equipment was Tang Yin's luck version, and there were only a few with special and rare attributes. But now he has a full set!

"What's the matter? You can't even recognize your own account?" Seeing the shocked expression on An Wenyi's face, Chen Guo came over and asked very satisfied.

"This...this is..." Even someone as rational as An Wenyi began to stutter for a while.

"This set is a set of equipment that we specifically target. The high intelligence and high critical strike of the ultimate move will definitely make you the most violent priest in the entire Glory." Ye Xiu said.

"Yeah, it's really violent. I couldn't help playing it yesterday, and the output of Typewriter was a little higher than Mucheng's." Tang Yin nodded in agreement.

"An Wenyi ignore him, Zhang Xinjie was there yesterday. He all said that Tang Yin's play was a cult and should be burned to death. Don't think about it." Ye Xiu said, covering his face, thinking of being invited by Tang Yin last night to come and meet them Playing the dungeon Zhang Xinjie together, and in the end, thinking about Tang Yin as if the heresy had vanished, he felt helpless for a while. At that time, Tang Yin directly angered Zhang Xinjie to the point of debating with Tang Yin until 11:30. You must know that Zhang Xinjie has been offline at 11 o'clock since playing Glory for so many years. Just because Tang Yin's style of play was too heretical, Zhang Xinjie and Tang Yin were so angry that they debated for half an hour.

It can be said that if Tang Yin didn't see Zhang Xinjie's posture that he was going to die with him, he finally gave in, and it is estimated that Zhang Xinjie would not be able to argue with him until the next day.

"Uh...I know...it's just...that's...that's great..." Of course An Wenyi knows Ye Xiu and Tang Yin Speaking of this, I wanted him to relax, An Wenyi's thoughts were still very complicated. And he himself is not a person who is good at speaking and lyrical. In the end, all I can say is "Great..."

Before that, he was still worried about whether the team would abandon him, but now he found out that the team not only did not abandon him, but the equipment consumed material and energy, and a set of silver equipment was tailor-made for him, and he still had weapons. Thirteen complete silver suits.

This is Xingxin's first set, a set of silver equipment specially created according to the characteristics of the players. the object being created. But it was Happy's shortcoming, and Happy's biggest flaw was that it made him feel like he was the one holding back the team.

An Wenyi, who considers himself very rational, once thought that he should be replaced when he returns to the team again, but the fact is that he was tortured by his own team and treated "irrationally".

He himself is a person who hates irrationality very much, but now he really doesn't know what to say other than saying "Great".

"Then keep going!" Chen Guo said as she patted An Wenyi's shoulder like a big sister.

"Yeah!" An Wenyi nodded very seriously!

The team not only gave him the highest patience, but also high confidence, and he could only give back to the team with all his determination and loyalty.

"By the way, there's one more thing, this set of equipment can't be picked up in the online game mid-game team. If you lose it, Laoguan will definitely kill you..." Chen Guo boy made a gesture of wiping his throat. .

"Uh...you all know..." Hearing Chen Guo's words, An Wenyi was still a little embarrassed. He knew that Chen Guo was not reminding him, because such a reminder was completely unnecessary, and he quickly understood what Chen Guo meant, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Good job." Chen Guo was also very pleased with An Wenyi's progress.

In fact, An Wenyi is also a little embarrassed by his own training method that swindles people everywhere. After all, in order to improve himself, he and you have been complaining about the entire online game. And the number of players who have been victimized by him is even more numerous.

But in order to improve, An Wenyi could only learn from his two captains' unlimited and impersonal characters, and continued to play cheekily.

There is no way, because An Wenyi really can't find a better way to practice. In these hundred-person books, as a treatment itself, you need to observe the situation, find opportunities, choose skills to control blood volume, ensure positioning, etc., Coupled with his increased intensity, the effect is far better than simply doing some exercises before.

After all, since joining Team Happy, An Wenyi has never been slack in his own training, but even so, he has to admit that after training for a year and a half, his ability to improve his reaction is very limited. He couldn't even satisfy himself.

He also knew very well that his talent in this area was indeed very limited, and every time he saw Tang Yin's reaction nerves that could perfectly match his sky-defying hand speed, he was very envious. But he also knows that envy is the most powerless performance, what he needs is to find a really effective way to break through himself.

And now the training he is using, although simple and rude, is indeed the fastest way to improve him.

"Okay, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, you just came back, let's take a rest first, and we will start training when everyone is here." Tang Yin said to An Wenyi.

"I'm fine, let me take a look." An Wenyi said with a little fascination looking at the brand-new little hand icy cold.

Tang Yin didn't do too much to stop him when he saw An Wenyi like this. After looking at Ye Xiu, he returned to his position.

This silver outfit was Happy's New Year's gift to An Wenyi, but what they didn't know was that someone else had prepared a New Year's gift for them!


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