Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1333: 301 degrees of ambition

"It's a pity that we don't have the luck of Xiaoyin. The system is really too stingy for us normal people." Wu Chen said a little indignantly.

Tang Yin: "..." Why is it that the more he listens, the more wrong he is? I always feel like you are talking about me, but I have no proof.

"It's okay, your harvest is already good." Ye Xiu said with a smile, after all, although they have a lot of silver weapons, they are not as suitable for them as other teams. After all, they are still too lacking in terms of rarity and special attributes, and these can only be accumulated bit by bit through research. Research requires materials. So at this time Wu Chen and the others came out with a wave of explosions, which was really an excellent gift.

So it seems that their Happy's fortune is very strong this year!

The brand-new equipment with cold hands, and the production ideas for the equipment after that, were also fed with materials brought by fans this time during the Spring Festival. The succession of good things took a certain amount of time for all members of Team Happy to digest. But now they don't have time to immerse themselves in this joy too much, but they all adjusted their state at the first time, because they will soon usher in their twentieth round of competition.

This time it was Happy's home game, so everyone in Happy didn't have to spend their energy and precious time on long-distance travel this time, but that didn't mean they would be able to have an easy game this time. The opponent is the most difficult opponent in the whole league - Samsara team!

The Samsara team met them once in the fourth round. After the end of the first half of the season, the two teams stood in front of each other again.

The last time they met, the first confrontation between the two sides, Samsara really showed their strength in that battle, and won Happy with a score of 7-3. At that time, Happy's defeat was almost everyone's acquiescence, but after half a season's journey, the players looked at Happy in different ways. No one would consider the current Happy as a grassroots team that had just debuted. Instead, they had raised Happy to the same level as Blue Rain, Tiny Herb, and Tyranny.

And the current reincarnation is not invincible, after all, in the last round of the competition a year ago, they were taken a blood by the Hundred Flowers team. This is eSports, and there is no such thing as "impossible" here.

The last time the two sides played against each other, Happy lost to Samsara 3-7 in the end. Although it wasn't to say how thorough the loss was, it was a loss after all, and this time, the first battle of the year between the two sides was even promoted by the media. With titles like Happy's Battle of Revenge, the most obvious one is Happy's local media, and these are indeed what Happy fans are looking forward to.

While most players are paying attention to the game between the two sides, experienced reporters from major media have begun to turn their attention to the transfer market. You must know that there are only three days before the winter transfer window closes, and the tinkering and tinkering that each major team has carried out on itself will be smashed these days. And Happy still hasn't shown any information about changing the pastor. This made major reporters very puzzled.

After all, Happy's shortcomings are so obvious, can they not take advantage of this opportunity to recruit a powerful pastor? It shouldn't be!

You must know that teams like Whout Howl, which have already had problems, will begin to challenge themselves at the beginning of the winter transfer period. After all, if they don't adjust, even the fans may not have confidence in them, especially before the big battle of Team Whipped Howl. He wanted to acquire Zhang Xinjie, but as a result, the price reached 20 million, and there was no further follow-up.

The media had been waiting to see if there would be any big moves in Wu Xiao, but after Zhang Xinjie said that, Wu Xiao did not respond. After that, there were some rumors about Team 301, and they seemed to be against the Emperor. Feng's Tian Sen and his character also have some plans to sweep the floor and burn incense. It is said that 301 has already begun to ask the other party for their intentions, and even has already made an offer.

301 now has a total score of 98 points and is tenth in the overall standings. In contrast, Huangfeng is much more miserable. The current total points are only 82 points. Now it is 13th, and it is even crushed by the rookie team Magic Team, which is also this season.

And now Huangfeng is not only a bit bleak in points, but also a bit sluggish in the market. A sponsor of a long-time royal character sweeping incense has lost faith and patience with it. There has even been a message that after this season, the cooperation of a royal score will be terminated.

You must know that this sponsor is one of the earliest sponsors of Huangfeng, but now it has reached the point of canceling the contract with Huangfeng.

Back then, Huangfeng was a powerful team. In the first season, they even played in the finals with Excellent Era, who was in full swing at the time. There were even many people who supported Huangfeng. In the final arena match, Ye Xiu, a professional war capital. One Autumn Leaf's residual blood survives. That's how it was when they were close to Team Excellent Era 55 back then, but now they're so lonely, it's really sad.

The current imperial style has fallen to the point where even the 10,000-year-old supporting character 301 can beat their core players and former god-level characters.

But this move also showed Ye Xiu of 301 incisively and vividly. It seemed that after their long-term captain Yang Cong was about to abdicate and become a virtuous person, they were instead preparing to do something big.

But in the face of 301's proposal, Huangfeng really has to think seriously, because the record is declining year by year, and the team's economic situation is getting worse and worse. This also made Tian Sen, who was the core, very big at night. Now that 301 shot, it can really be said to have caught the dead end of Huangfeng.

Under such a situation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com could not help but make people curious, what would happen if Tian Sen and Sweeping Incense really went to 301?

After all, given Tian Sen's strength, he can definitely become a new core if he goes to 301, plus Yang Cong, the captain who still has core strength even though he has left the core, and Bai Shu, a mysterious player who was newly signed by 301. , Maybe 301 can really rise.

And what everyone is most curious about is this Bai Shu player. However, after various inquiries from reporters, it was found that this player was an original training camp player of 301, and he is now twenty-two years old. At this time, the training camp player who debuted at this time, his strength is hard to say.


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