Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1346: ring match

I actually lost?

Now Lu Boyuan feels that time is misplaced. During the battle, he somehow has a lot of time, and there is still a lot of sense of character life. No way, this is the bun. When you study his mind, it is like looking into a bottomless pit. It's easy to forget everything else...

On the way back to his team after coming out of the match seat, Lu Boyuan was still scratching his head, not sure what went wrong. It wasn't until he looked up at the playback on the screen that Lu Boyuan slapped his forehead: "Damn, you're an idiot!"

At the beginning of the game, the idea was very clear, and I had to play more aggressively and not give the opponent a chance to use his strange tricks. What about Luo Ji?

"Why is my will so unsettled?" Lu Boyuan was so regretful that he wanted to let go of his hair.

"I don't know why, but when I was fighting, I felt for a moment that I couldn't fight like this. I have to find a way to figure out the opponent's way of thinking." Lu Boyuan said with a fuss.

"In the end, thinking about it, I lost the game, right?" Wu Qi said sarcastically.

"That's it!" Lu Boyuan nodded in agreement.

"Hey, I said that we are already three-to-zero now!" Jiang Botao felt that he had to remind everyone, after all, they are really behind now, and Happy analyzed all kinds of ten-to-zero shouting at the scene. Incessantly. On the contrary, the fan group formed by their reincarnation fans and local fans has been eliminated very much now. After all, the individual competition has been completely destroyed, which is indeed a major blow to morale.

"I'm your mother, are you really serious about playing the game?" Du Ming looked at the three people in the individual competition and said speechlessly. Of course, there was no blame in the tone of his words, just like Wu Qi. Mostly a sense of sarcasm.

But when Du Ming said this, the three of them were embarrassed, and they looked at each other for a while.

"Cough cough, what, after all, this is a competition. Nothing is impossible." Pastor Fang Minghua coughed to attract attention, and then comforted.

"That's right, in the next ring match, we'll get these two points back." Sun Xiang got up and said, he is the first person in the ring match, and he has the confidence to win this Thunder because of this match Not only did he start the game, but Zhou Zekai was also on the defensive! So this is his confidence in himself, and also in Zhou Zekai's partner.

"Come on!" The teammates wanted to know this, and they were also very confident in the two core members of their own team.

"One pick three." Someone said to join in the fun.

"Don't, I still want to play, it's better to leave that Tang Yin to me!" Du Ming said fiercely.

"Tsk tsk, this resentment is so strong." Samsara everyone laughed. After all, as teammates, they all knew very well that since Du Ming and Tang Rou played against each other in the All-Star game, he cared about this girl very much. But what made him depressed was that the girl he cared about had a boyfriend now. This made him very depressed.

After that, Tang Rou entered the league and even appeared in e-sports newspapers many times, which made him more and more concerned. But he is not a villain. Now he has a boyfriend, and his relationship is so good. Although it is said that feelings come first and last, he feels that people still need to pay attention to courtesy and integrity. He can't do things like destroy other people's feelings.

So he can not show up, but for Tang Yin, he must have fought with that once. On the stage before, he felt that the other party also understood what he meant.

If the other party is really better than him, then Du Ming doesn't have much to say, just use this matter to let him let go. So he really wanted to fight Tang Yin.

As Du Ming's teammates, they are also very clear about the reasons why Du Ming would do this. Therefore, he also began to ridicule Du Ming in various ways.

This is Samsara, even if it is already 0-3 behind, the atmosphere of Samsara is still very natural. Although there are no slogans such as "we must win next", but in the eyes of the players who are about to play, there is nothing at all. No lack of firmness.

In the commentary room, Pan Lin began to analyze the lineup of the two teams in the ring match, and Li Yibo also had a sense of vision at the beginning of a big dream. Only then did he realize that in the third round of the individual match that ended earlier, he said one sentence throughout the whole process. He didn't say a word, even if his partner Pan Lin threw him a question a few times, he would always take it with a vague answer like "Hmmmmmm". He was so careful all the time that he didn't have a single comment after this game.

It is necessary to brush up on the sense of existence. Li Yibo, who woke up, thought, after all, if things go on like this, it may directly affect his career. The career side listened to his partner Pan Lin's analysis, found a neutral position, and took over immediately.

"That's right!" Li Yibo took Pan Lin's words and continued, "The lineup for this round of reincarnation can be said to be quite luxurious. It can be said that it is inevitable to win this ring match. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

"However, Happy's lineup is also very **** for tat. The starting lineup is also All-Star level player Zhang Jiale, their rotation player Mo Fan in the middle, and Tang Yin, who is managed according to the management, is still fighting. If such a lineup goes well, in the end We might be able to see a battle for the gun king. Regardless of whether the overall lineup has an advantage over Samsara, it's just very limited." Li Yibo analyzed.

"Oh, now our home team Happy's starter Zhang Jiale has appeared." Pan Lin suddenly said.

"Well, it's a bit unexpected that Happy's Zhang Jiale is on the court. It seems that they also attach great importance to this ring match. You must know that before this, Zhang Jiale only played in the team match, and he wasn't all on the field. It's a bit like Tyranny. The taste of rotation, but now Zhang Jiale is directly in the ring, which shows that Happy attaches great importance to these two points." Li Yibo continued.

"However, in this game, the two sides never made any adjustments, nor did they make any layouts for the opponent's lineup. It seems that the current state of the two sides is relatively stable, and neither is affected by each other. There is no excessive due to the particularity of the opponent. I'm worried." Li Yibo explained. Show your presence.


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