Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1383: Change comes with a price

Chapter 1414 Changes come at a price (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

Originally, when I saw that Happy had worked so hard to recreate a new set of equipment for Xiaoshou Bingliang, it must be because this An Wenyi has some special talents, so the other party is so optimistic about him. But the result? Judging from the progress of this match, An Wenyi was as weak as Happy's as always. And this time, he directly caused trouble for Happy's teamfight, and the original initiative advantage disappeared in an instant. Even saying that his existence is a negative growth for Happy is no problem.

"If he could use the sacred fire to immediately use Sun Xiang's action space, then Sun Xiang might not be able to break through the formation so easily," Pan Sen said.

"That's right, and if his reaction speed were a little faster, the previous blow Dou Po Shan He could have been completely avoided. That way, he wouldn't have been completely exposed to Sun Xiang's attack, which would eventually lead to the entire team now. All become passive." Li Yibo also said.

"Also, with the current lineup of Happy's team, it needs to rely on the ghost formation of the formation to increase complexity and control support for teammates, thereby increasing its own combat effectiveness, which is why after the battle, it is necessary to quickly start the formation. The reason, and the gunners chose a location far away from the central battlefield for the first time to control and support each battlefield. The only people who were mainly responsible for the frontal response were Lord Grim and Xiao Yaoyou. This question led them to want their own priest. Provide a certain level of support. While other aspects of Happy are doing well, but his treatment has not kept up, causing his style of play to be dismantled by Samsara so quickly." Li Yibo analyzed that at this moment, he was quite relaxed and happy. , after all, this is his most cool analysis today.

During the discussion between the two of them about this competition, there were many questions about An Wenyi based on the established scores. And the conclusion of these words is that if Happy could change to a priest player, their situation would be much better. Not to mention anything else, at least it won't be scattered by the people of Samsara so quickly under the advantage of occupying favorable terrain and the first mover advantage.

That's right, the chosen Happy has been scattered, and it's been completely scattered.

At the beginning, in order to protect An Wenyi, the ghost formation that Yifan started did not open. Ye Xiu and Tang Yin had just successfully escaped with the help of Mucheng, and the personnel exchange was easily completed on Samsara's side. Sun Xiang and Lu Boyuan, who had been abusing An Wenyi, turned around and thought that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were murderous. Once they were entangled, their captain Zhou Zekai took over the job of attacking An Wenyi, relying on his powerful long-range firepower, he was a wave of output against An Wenyi.

And this kind of attack output method in which melee players and long-range players alternate and cover each other is one of the basic tactics of Glory.

This is the same classic tactic as box-1, and now the people who implement this tactic are themselves the top players in the league, Sun Xiang and Zhou Zekai. One is the top melee players and characters, and the other is the top long-range players and characters. The power of this set of play created by the two of them can be imagined.

Even Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's almost heaven-defying tacit cooperation slowed down their offensive. And in this season, Samsara has used such a style of play to cut off the link between how many key players of the opponent are now. Even if you don't succeed in the first place, you will be greatly affected by the opponent's style of play. Now, you can't even operate the tactical system.

Even though Tang Yin and Ye Xiu had already seen the opponent's style of play, they had nothing to do with the tacit cooperation of the opponent's entire team and the treatment that had been directly kicked out of the game by the opponent.

This teamfight ended with Happy's defeat, and this time, Happy's defeat was also very fast, in just 15 minutes.

You must know that this season, the average duration of a team match was 25 minutes and 47 seconds. Compared to Happy's team match, it was 10 minutes shorter. And the reason for the failure of this game, even ordinary players can see it.

At this moment, the two rounds of reincarnation fans who were aggrieved were completely boiling, so what if the single player was wiped out. It's impossible to shave their heads!

And Happy's fans felt a little down at this moment, after all, the opening was quite good. If the treatment didn't take off and jump, they really could have won the team game. That's a direct hope of winning the reincarnation 10-0. What an honor at this time. But in the end, they lost so without suspense.

It can be said that almost all Happy fans are completely disappointed with An Wenyi now. In the past, although he had always been called Happy's weakness, he was under Happy's tactics. It didn't affect the outcome much. But this time, after a wave of analysis by Pan Sen and Li Yibo, they realized just how big An Wenyi's loophole was.

This is a loophole that can directly lead to the rapid collapse of Happy!

"Let's suggest Happy to change to a pastor player." This was not only the commentator Pan Sen and Li Yibo were talking about, but even the fans who watched the scene and the video supported this point of view.

"It is impossible to simply rely on improving the strength of the character to make up for the shortcomings of the player's strength. In the end, the character is dead, and everything about him is determined by the players behind him. After all, professional games are people-oriented. "Li Yibo sighed at the end of the game,

In the press conference after the game, this issue was also the focus of major media and reporters. And An Wenyi, who is on the cusp of such a storm, is resting in the preparation room. Of course, the team will not let him come forward at this time, and he is now watching the live broadcast silently.

The long guns and short guns of all kinds of media have already hit Ye Xiu in the face, and the problems in them are all too peaceful.

As for Tang Yin, Tang Yin said that this kind of thing is of course the captain's explanation, and he, the deputy team, just needs to smile leisurely by the side.

It's not that Tang Yin doesn't worry about the future of the team, and that many people who are single depositors are not afraid because they know the future. After all, because of his appearance, Samsara has one less champion, let alone them.

Tang Yin would be so leisurely because he and Ye Xiu had expected these things. After all, being together was just like Li Yibo said. They just use An Wenyi as a bait, so that they can predict the opponent's tactics and make targeted arrangements.

But now even Li Yibo can see this tactic, let alone the other teams in the league. Therefore, An Wenyi must also have more functions, not just a single bait. If it continues like this then they really don't want to think about that champion. And change has a price.


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(End of this chapter)

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