Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1385: Seek truth from facts

Chapter 1416 Seek truth from facts (for subscription, for recommendation)

Fortunately, such a boring guess appeared in some small post bars, and the major mainstream media were still very reliable, but basically they were all criticizing Happy's attitude towards employing people.

"Originally, Team Happy could have better prospects this season, but now all of this may be ruined by this somewhat stubborn attitude towards employing people." This is what most of the media said about Happy's approach.

Some media even directly reached a conclusion about Happy's future, because this round was already the last round before the transfer window closed. And after the transfer window closed, Happy had absolutely no chance to recruit new healers. An Wenyi will be their total reliance on this season and all subsequent games.

In the critical position of treatment, such a situation occurs. All of a sudden, there were bad reviews of Happy everywhere, and even many fans of Happy protested against the team's insistence on employing people. .

In the face of such a situation, if you want to completely solve these doubts, it is not enough to rely on Tang Yin's luck alone. After all, the flaw is here, others should say it or will say it. Only relying on the performance in the field can dispel these voices, but...

"Don't worry too much, this kind of problem can't be solved in just one or two games." Ye Xiu said to An Wenyi who started to connect without knowing when in Happy's training room early in the morning.

"Yes, the most important thing for you now is efficiency, as long as you don't lose any time. After all, it's not just you, our team also needs to quickly adapt to this new set of game methods and rhythms. Take the captain this time. The reincarnation game is not just about you alone, the team's cover for you also has a lot of areas to improve. I will explain these tactics in the evening, and Lao Ye and I will explain." Tang Yin, who came with the scene, said .

Happy will do the tactical review twice, the first time is after the game. Taking advantage of everyone's deep influence on the game, let's sort it out first. It is mainly a review of several major mistakes.

After the end, Tang Yin, Ye Xiu, Zhang Jia, Wei Chen, and the complicated Luo Ji will slowly watch the video. The details of everyone and the places that I hadn't noticed before, the various positions of the opponent, and the tactics are all analyzed. Finally, Luo Ji made a report, and gave a comprehensive review and explanation on Sunday night.

"Isn't this to comfort me?" An Wenyi asked.

"We always seek truth from facts." Tang Yin smiled.

"I believe." He still agreed with Tang Yin's words. Although his captain and vice-captain were very **** off by seeking truth from facts, what they said was also true.

"Continue to strengthen the training of the reaction ability, there will always be some help. We will arrange more team training in the future. In the end, these things still need to rely on actual combat to be able to break in." Ye Xiu said.

"That..." An Wenyi stopped to operate the keyboard at this time, and said hesitantly: "We...maybe we can continue to use the previous game..."

An Wenyi can say such a thing, obviously he is thinking from the perspective of the team. If the tactical victory is delayed in order to make him a qualified professional player, then he really can't forgive himself. , and even a little apprehension. . . .

"That style of play can't be used all the time. This is not the trap that even Li Yibo's stupidity found out about our style of play. Do you think Yu Wenzhou, Zhang Xinjie, Wang Jiexi, Xiao Shiqin and these guys don't know? Don't forget? I know how dirty their tactical hearts are. So for our better future, we all have to take this step. Now leaving early will give us time to adapt. If we want to change in the playoffs, then It's too late." Tang Yin said, not caring about his words at all, and Ye Xiu was also affected by a wave of map breaking.

Ye Xiu, I think you did it on purpose, I had no proof at the time.


"Why do you think we are so anxious to score points in the first half? With our current rankings, we shouldn't fall out of the top eight, and our goal is to win the championship. Of course we have to prepare." Ye Xiu said.

After all, based on their scores, Tang Yin didn't need to keep occupying the defending position in this ring match. Instead, Tang Rou and the others could have more chances to fight. But in order to have enough points to lose in the second half of the season, Tang Yincai defended the whole process. A round that only leaves when you have a fever.

Now that the 20 rounds are completely over, there are some smiling changes in the standings. And this time the change came from the four teams, and the ranking changed.

First, the Royal Wind team defeated Zhaohua 7-3 in the away game. There is no suspense in the game itself. After that, Miracle lost to Tyranny 1-9 at home. Because of this score, the rankings of the two teams, Huangfeng and Magic, changed their positions. Now Huangfeng is the 12th, and the magic is the 13th.

The other two teams are Team 301 and Team Void. The two teams faced each other again in the twentieth round, but this time, Team 301 directly defeated Team Void with a score of 9 to 1.

In this battle, Bai Shu, who quietly entered the 301 team during the winter transfer period, also caused heated discussions once again.

Because this young man, whom no one has seen before, showed a very good glory and strength in this competition. Everyone who showed their identity was surprised. After all, no matter how you look at this guy, he wants to be a very experienced player, and he doesn't want to give it to a rookie who just debuted.

A guy that no one has even heard of before, but now directly shows such a strong glory. This made everyone think at first that it was the result of this person practicing hard behind closed doors.

But some people found it wrong, after all, if you work behind closed doors. So how did you get such a skilled game experience? There is no such player in online games who can accompany him to practice. Not to mention experience.

So who is this Bai Shu has once again become a hot topic of discussion.

Fortunately, the current 301 team no longer played riddles with everyone, and directly stated the identity of Bai Shu.

In fact, this guy is also a professional player, but he is not a domestic professional player, but a professional Chinese player who plays in the England Glory Premier League in Europe.

That's right, Bai Shu is actually a foreign aid invited by 301!


This is the second update today.

Erha kneels and begs everyone, come to the starting point and support the genuine version, each subscription breaks 4,000 plus one update.

Free recommended tickets can be added if they break 220, and free recommended tickets can be added. Is it very affordable?

(End of this chapter)

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