Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1388: How much hatred?

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Wind Howl was really looking for players in the field of healing, but he didn't feel like he wanted to be taken advantage of. You are just ordinary healers, each of whom is worth more than Zhang Xinjie. One is not a great god, and the other is not Zhang Xinjie's popularity. Wind Howl is really puzzled how they have the guts to set the starting price directly at tens of millions. This means that they are taking advantage of the fire, and they are trying to be charitable.

In the final analysis, the players after that were just spare tires after the whistle blowing plan failed, and they had no plans to invest too much in it.

Naturally, they didn't want to be slaughtered by others, so they couldn't find a suitable choice. Finally, until the end of the transfer period, Wind Howl still couldn't recruit the priest they needed, and in the end, they were able to pretend to be in the team. A statement was issued on the official website and Weibo, indicating that they believed that the strength of their own players would definitely overcome all problems.

And such a result made many people who like to watch the lively look forward to where Wind Howl will fall, but Wind Howl did not encounter any relatively strong teams in the opening few battles of the second half, instead they were Xiang Yueyun and Zhao Hua. , For a weak team like a light referee, the word shoulder made this team feel a little rising for a while, and went straight back to seventh place again.

Wind Howl's opponent in the next match is Team Mingqing, a team that is destined to be out this season, so as far as the current schedule is concerned, whistling's jokes can't be seen for a while.

And those who will pay attention to the next Whistling game, in addition to the fans, are some good people who only look at the results. Because those who really like to watch technology, the technical party, have a lot of choices in this round, and they can't tell the fascination and pay attention to Whistling.

Whether it was Tyranny vs Happy, Blue Rain vs Samsara, or the 301 away captain who was starting to exert his strength now, this season's team competition was actively turning into a perverted Thunder team.

And these teams not only have a lot to watch, but also have a lot of topics. Because of this, the pressure came to the TV broadcaster. After a wave of torturous entanglements, they finally gave up the game between Samsara and Blue Rain. The reason was very simple, although it was the first and second in the standings. battle between the two. But with Samsara leading Blue Rain by 22 points now, even if this Blue Rain collective microcosm broke out and scored a 10-0 against the sky, it would still not be able to shake Samsara's number one position.

Such a game with completely meaningless results was naturally the first to be abandoned by them.

In this regard, the current Tyranny and Happy are more interesting to watch. Although Happy's points are now higher than Tyranny, there are still many possibilities. And whoever surpasses the other can directly change positions in the ranking.

The higher the ranking of the team, the more bonuses and dividends they will get at the end of the season, but these seem to be secondary. It is stipulated that if there is a tie between the two sides, the final venue of the third game will be the team with the highest ranking in the regular season.

Although the game did not have the right to choose the map, the morale improvement brought by the home fans still had some influence, and the team could also earn an extra income. After all, the playoffs are more popular than the regular season.

In the end, the TV broadcaster decided to broadcast Happy's away game against Tyranny this round.

February 21.

Q city.

This is everyone coming to the city again after the All-Star.

They had just arrived at Tyranny's home court and were protected by a large group of security guards. Even Chen Guo, who had been with the team for half a season, had never seen such a scene.

"Uh...is it so exaggerated?" Chen Guo said.

"Normal, don't forget that we have a guy like Ye Xiu who attracts hatred." Tao Xuan is almost a member of Happy now. He came out to watch the game with the team. He took out an umbrella and said again and again.

"Uh... As for it?" Chen Guo said weakly.

It was like answering Chen Guo's question. A security guard came to them with a serious face and asked, "This is the match, and Ye Xiu is still in it."

As the security captain said, there seemed to be a flash of cold light in his eyes. Looking at Ye Xiu's position, one hand was already on top of the rubber baton around his waist. Seeing such a scene, Chen Guo was worried that the security guard couldn't help but come at Ye Xiu first.

At this moment, it seemed that the security guard's actions attracted the attention of some Tyranny fans, allowing them to discover everyone at Happy. From a distance, someone shouted, "Ye Xiu, I want a duel!" or something.

Tang Yin was so frightened that he started with a coin and put a buff on himself first.

As a result, Tang Yin just opened the buff here, and a water bottle flew in directly. In addition, it was very immoral to not put the cap on the bottle, and directly sprinkled everyone except Tang Yin and Tang Rou.

There is a difference between experienced and inexperienced in this matter. Tao Xuan opened the umbrella very calmly and easily helped himself and Chen Guo to block all the water. Except for the four of them, everyone else in Happy been drenched again.

In fact, Ye Xiu and Mu Cheng also brought one, but Wei Chen and Zhang Jiale directly pressed it down on the principle that the captain and the team members should suffer together, and they all came together.

As for their own deputy team, that is open. They can't stop either...

"At seven o'clock, everyone pay attention to the seven o'clock direction. Follow me!" And the security captain was obviously familiar with these things, as if he was directing a glorious game, he began to assign everyone's work. . And the security team also executed it very tacitly. As for whether the best was caught or not, everyone in Happy didn't know. Not to mention that they had already been escorted to the players' preparation room by the security captain at this time, but the security captain just gave Ye Xiu the look in his eyes. Tang Yin suspected that the person might not only be fine, but would also reward him with a bottle of water.

After all, that look... proves a truth: the look of a person who wants a knife can't be hidden...

"It's too scary, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is this treatment when you come together?" Chen Guo asked with some lingering fears even after entering the lounge.

"By the way, this time it's water, next time it won't be sulfuric acid, right?" Chen Guo said with some fear.

"Uh... Boss... You seem to be worse than them... What a grudge?" Ye Xiu said speechlessly.

"Hmm, actually this is normal. After all, Tyranny used to be treated like this when he went to our side." Tao Xuan also said.


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