Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1433: The last round of the ring match

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However, as the distance between the two sides approached, Mucheng's attack became more and more difficult to dodge.

Laser Cannon!

This time, Wang Jiexi didn't dodge completely after all. With this extremely fast attacking skill, he was wiped to the side. And this blow directly sent Wang Jiexi a spin in the air. But after all, it was the momentum that didn't stop him from moving forward.

Even if he was hit in the air, Wang Jiexi quickly adjusted his character's shape. It even gave the impression that this blow, instead of delaying Wang Jiexi's speed, actually helped him.

"Wang Jiexi is really difficult." Ye Xiu couldn't help but said when he saw this scene. You must know that Mucheng has improved a lot compared to before, but in front of Wang Jiexi, every step is still counted by the opponent. of.

Tang Yin also felt the same way. After all, it was his turn to play. So now he has begun to think about the new way of positioning Wang Jiexi.

"Wait, this position doesn't seem to be particularly difficult to break." Tang Yin thought.

Here, when Tang Yin was thinking about the pair of Wang Jiexi, Wang Jiexi had already completed the melee combat in the competition, and Wang Jiexi who had completed the melee combat showed his paradoxical style of play, a frost drill car that was almost close to his face. The huge drill slammed directly into Mucheng's face and drove forward directly against Mucheng.

The intensive ice elemental attack forced a slowing effect. Before the skill was about to end, Wang Jiexi immediately lifted it up and got out of the car. The side of Mucheng attacked, and the broom in his hand turned into a dark fly swatter, a truly mutated fly swatter.

Mutated fly swatter (pre-skill: shadow cloak level 3)

Failure rate: 20%, when it fails, the monsters of the enemy are summoned. (Yaksha, the same level as the monster).

Success rate: 60%, when it is successful, it will summon its own monster (ie: summoned beast, usually a mutant goblin archer).

Great success rate: 20%, when a great success is summoned, the stronger monster is summoned (ie: summoned beast, usually a mutant bull-headed beast).

But this time, Wang Jiexi's luck was average, only the effect was triggered. When he hit Mucheng, a mutant goblin archer appeared. But this mutant goblin archer appeared right in front of Wang Jiexi and blocked Mucheng's three anti-tank guns for Wang Jiexi. It also gave Wang Jiexi a chance to pursue her!

I saw that Wang Jiexi placed a large magic machine directly on the ground, and this machine was an anti-gravity device.

Anti-gravity device: install anti-gravity magic machinery on the ground. Within this range, the enemy will float in the air and cause non-attribute magic damage. When falling to the ground, it will cause magic damage to the enemy again.

When it fails, the enemy does not float and deals weak magic damage to the enemy.

When it is a big success, the attack power increases and deals dark magic damage to the enemy. When the enemy falls to the ground, a shock wave is generated to damage the surrounding enemies. The current version can break the hegemony state.

The current Mucheng was also directly knocked into the air by Wang Jiexi because of the deceleration state of the previous Frost Driller, unable to escape the skill range of the anti-gravity device. And Wang Jiexi followed closely, catching up one by one riding a broom! Directly pull out the broom under him, the broom slashes from top to bottom, and even rotates in the air, and the skill damage is also increased during the rotation, relying on the rotating broom to knock out Mucheng's obstacles and slap it directly to the ground.

And Wang Jiexi followed closely, and Xiu Lulu threw it out, causing Mucheng to be ridiculed on the ground, and then Wang Jiexi Yiga, who arrived later, grabbed Mucheng in the dark night. The last hit of the magic star bomb ended, and a set of skills directly took Mucheng away!

This is Wang Jiexi, a man who can give people an endless sense of security at critical moments. Although everyone knows that he will lose too, but everyone also knows that he will not lose the chain at the most critical moment. This was also the reason why everyone in Tiny Herb never lost confidence in him.

So even if Wang Jiexi was facing a one-on-two situation, even if the opponent was the strongest rookie who had beaten Bone before, everyone in Tiny Herb still had full confidence in Wang Jiexi.

Whether it was at Happy's home court, or this time at Tiny Herb's home court. This mood has never changed...

The moment Mucheng was defeated, Chen Guo clearly saw Wei Chen's mouth keep moving. She didn't even have to guess what this guy was talking about, but she didn't know what the content was. Chen Guo Not interested to know either. After all, Wei Chen's character was definitely not a good thing to say.

Now that at least one opponent with only 30% health remaining was defeated, the cheers of Tiny Herb fans at the scene had covered all the voices in the scene. Tang Yin and the others couldn't believe it. If Wang Jiexi really defeated him, what would Tiny Herb's fans be excited about?

However, the answer to this question, Tang Yin, was just curious. He didn't want to know the answer to this question only. Tang Yin didn't explain much, he said hello to everyone, and buried the little mica in his arms in the arms of his daughter-in-law. Hmm... Really buried, no exaggeration at all....

After making sure that the little mica would not be suffocated, Tang Yin and everyone waved, and Mucheng who came back gave a high-five and entered the captain's room.

In the last match, although Mucheng was suppressed all the way, he also knocked out Wang Jiexi's 12 percent of his health. However, although there is a certain loss of blood volume, in terms of Wang Jiexi's strength, such a loss may be too late. Of course this is under normal circumstances, and now his opponents are at the same level as him.

"It's Wang Jiexi, the magician is well-deserved." After Su Mucheng abused Liu Xiaobie, Ruan Cheng, who had been depressed all the time, became excited again. Even the mood was even more frenzied than the Tiny Herb fans present, so I expected Wang Jiexi to continue feeling. In this way, Tang Yin can be directly defeated, which will not only win the game, but also break the record of Tang Yin's unbeaten competition in the ring. This is an excellent topic to ridicule Happy. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"As long as there is Team Wang, Xingxin is not enough." Ruan Cheng sighed, but in the eyes of Li Yibo and the others, he is like the second pillar in a certain Hokage, which perfectly interprets what it means: the wind is gone, The rain stopped, and he felt like he could do it again.

So now Pan Lin and Li Yibo have completely ignored his finding fault with Happy and started their explanation directly. Facts have proved that there is no way to communicate with the brainless fans, and it is even more impossible to communicate with the brainless black fans...

Seeing that Tang Yin and Wang Jiexi were about to meet in the game, Pan Lin stopped explaining the style of play of the two players and said, "Let's go back to the game."


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