Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1441: What judgment is this?

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To be reasonable, it is mostly a professional professional commentator and a special guest. It can be said that the explosion in such a live broadcast is a live broadcast accident. Such an unexpected situation directly caused the broadcasters and editors to be in a bit of a hurry. And Li Yibo, who said those two words, also signaled his gaffe, and immediately covered his mouth...

But I can't blame Li Yibo, mainly because the people from Happy are too busy. The Tiny Herbs here just rushed up the stairs, and they all came down again. And because of the existence of God's perspective, the audience also saw Happy's intentions from the team channel. That is—the gladiator in the center!

"The central arena? This is indeed a high point worth grabbing, and if there must be some high point to rely on, then it only needs the arena in the center. After all, this is different from the stairs in the outer ring. Above the arena is the highest point in the circle, which is a little higher than the outer stairs, so if you can get on the ring, you don't need to be pushed away like Tiny Herb before," Pan Sen also said. Hope to divert everyone's attention.

"The players on Tiny Herb's side have already discovered the intentions of everyone in Happy, and they have all chased after them."

"As far as the actions of both sides are concerned now, the tactical intentions of both sides are exactly the same."

"That is to say, is the final decisive battle position still to be returned to the ring? Now the two sides are not on the stage as much as the position in the stands, but there are ten people on the scene to fight a wave of team battles."

"That's right, before they got to the ring, the two sides had already launched an attack on each other."

"It seems that it is no longer a simple race than anyone would have thought, and both sides are using the speed of attacking each other's movement."

"Speaking of which, this time it seems that the first time the two teams exchanged fire."


The first to attack was still Tang Yin's and Mu Cheng, who had long-range advantages. With their full firepower, Tiny Herb's forward momentum became slow. The two styles of blocking Tang Yin and Mu Cheng also made them very uncomfortable. After all, although the attack frequency is slow, it is a large-area skill with high damage. Although the attack of a single bullet is very limited, it cannot catch his high attack frequency. The cooperation between the two was also very tacit, and everyone on Tiny Herb was suffering unspeakably.

But Tiny Herb was a wealthy team after all, and of course it wouldn't be defeated by Tang Yin and Mucheng's simple suppression. I saw a voice charging directly in front of Wei Chen's team. For a while, Tang Yin and Mucheng's attacks were uncontrollably concentrated like him. The person here is the first knight of glory, Xu Bin! Holding a wall of sighs that was dubbed the strongest shield of glory, with the help of provocative skills, he would forcibly block all the attacks of Tang Yin and Mu Cheng.

And the others in Tiny Herb took this opportunity to directly press on the army, with two stars pulling a long star tail. One high and one low wanted to shoot from Happy's side, and the two who made these two attacks were naturally Tiny Herb's two magic practitioners.

Star rays!

The two golden stars turned into two streams of light and shot directly towards Happy's formation.


"Isn't it a shield? We have it too."

An umbrella-like shield opened up and perfectly received these two strikes. It was Ye Xiu's Thousand Manifestations Umbrella.

In the face of the opponent's attack, Ye Xiu directly blocked Tang Yin and Mu Cheng, providing the best protection for their damage. At this time, the purification of the little hands had already fallen on Tang Yin and Mu Cheng, which relieved Tang Yin of their provocation. But because of the little delay just now, the distance between the two sides is only a medium distance limit.

The stinger cannon, the wind and the rain!

Accompanied by Tang Yin's dense rain of bullets, the explosive cannons contained within them, one attacked from the front and the other attacked from the sky, covered almost all Tiny Herb's players.

In the face of Tang Yinke Mucheng, who was fully on fire, under such a fierce offensive. Even if Xu Bin was the first knight of Glory, he couldn't protect everyone in the team. At this time, two figures stood up. Tiny Herb's Dual Demons took action one after another.

Blazing heating furnace, acid rain flask!

Fire Furnace: Set up a furnace on the ground, and shoot out flaming stones from the furnace, hitting the ground and exploding, causing non-attribute magic damage. The faster the attack button is pressed, the more blocks the stones will be ejected. Press the jump button or after a certain time the furnace explodes. Press the arrow keys to control the attack direction.

Acid Rain Flask: Same as Lava Flask, except that Acid Rain Flask will form acid rain within a certain range after it explodes. It is a low-level skill for Acid Rain and Dry Ice.

The Tiny Herb team members, who were directly blocked by the flaming furnace, blocked Tang Yin's strong wind and rain, while another acid rain flask was smashed at Happy, but Tang Yin was hit by Tang Yin before it flew halfway. smashed by the way. It exploded directly in front of Tiny Herb, but because it was her own skill, Tiny Herb's players didn't take any damage.

At this time, Mucheng's stab cannon had just passed over the acid rain clouds, and without Tang Yin's ability to threw Wang Jiexi's blast, it had already been counted. Wang Jiexi's purpose was very simple. The position where the acid rain directly detonated Mucheng's stinger in the air and Tang Yin broke the acid rain flask would not have any effect on Mucheng's attack.

When he found out that the blocking plan on his side had happened, and seeing the stinger that had already flown into the flaming heating furnace made by Gao Yingjie and fired several small missiles, Wang Jiexi made a decisive decision and let everyone disperse again.

Wei Chen players quickly dispersed, all dodging Mucheng's huge attack. But although he was dodging now, Gao Yingjie still controlled Mu En to attack Happy. Depending on the situation, he wanted to follow up on Happy's attack and counterattack. Get to the top first.

"We saw Gao Yingjie rush to the high platform first, and now he is crazy with the big army, and Gao Yingjie takes off directly. At this speed, if there is no accident, he can rush to the arena before Happy. I just don't know if Happy will be able to. It will stop him." Ruan Cheng said with some worry, after all, Tang Yin's sniping against the opponent in the sky was too buggy.

boom! Hearing the sound of a sniper rifle, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com fired a bullet that flew through the space, but the target was not Gao Yingjie.

The king does not stay!

Soon everyone found out that Tang Yinzheng was not targeting Wang Jiexi. Not only Tang Yin, but even Mu Cheng aimed at Wang Jiexi.

At this moment, everyone once again expressed their incomprehension at Happy's actions.

What judgment is this?


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