Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1452: Happy's Defense

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Ruan Cheng still wanted to open his mouth to say something, but when he just opened his mouth and was still thinking about what to say, Li Yibo had already brought the topic over. After giving him a chance to connect, there was no way, Ruan Cheng, who was stuck in the output, could only close his mouth again in frustration.

day strike.

The Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in Lord Grim's hand kept waving, and it was already in the form of a war spear at this moment. It happened to hit Xu Bin who had just been blown away again, and the person who blew Xu Bin away was naturally Tang Yin who also had an anti-tank gun. The three of them cooperated in this wave, and abruptly blocked the offensive of Tiny Herb and the three of them.

But Tang Yin's attack didn't end so easily. After an anti-tank gun was fired, it was followed by an output. Even Ye Xiu's attack on the sky was cooperating with Tang Yin, giving him more opportunities. type output.

However, the time for the output of the two is very limited after all. Gao Yingjie and Liu Xiaobie, who had just been blown away, have made a comeback immediately, and their combo has also come into contact.


It was still Ye Xiu who was at the forefront, and when he shot down Hua, he was the first to send out, and the target was Gao Yingjie. In the face of Ye Xiu's attack, Gao Yingjie didn't dare to slack off at all. The first thing he did was dodge, but at this moment, Tang Yin's laser cannon also shot directly on Duhuo's body, directly at Xu Bin. Knock off again.

This time, because of the thrust of the laser cannon, it flew faster and farther, and almost flew to Gao Yingjie in the blink of an eye. And such a scene was something that Gao Yingjie, who had just dodged Ye Xiu Gong, did not expect.

It didn't take a while to do something again, causing the two characters to collide directly, although the damage was very limited. However, they successfully blocked this wave of Tiny Herb's offensive, and also beat them very embarrassed.

The three Tiny Herb attack group had nothing to do with Tang Yin and Ye Xiu.

At this time, the sixth person from both sides had also arrived on the battlefield. They were Tiny Herb Berserker player, Liang Fang, and character ID: Zhuli.

On Happy's side, the sixth person this time was the little angel Yifan who exchanged places with Tang Rou.

Never let Yifan spread the ghost array!

When I found out that Yifan was present at Gaiyiyi, this arrangement was made at the first time. After all, Gao Yingjie had just played against this dear friend, and Gao Yingjie knew very well how terrifying the Yifan Ghost Array would be after it was placed. But Happy's side had already covered Yifan, and Tang Yin started with a hundred flower style. A gorgeous skill wall formed by grenades and bullets of various attributes, even if Xu Bin had to temporarily avoid the edge, let alone the other Wei Chen team members, the momentum of the offensive was once again suppressed by Tang Yin and the others. .

Xu Bin saw that this was not the way to go, and once again erecting the shield and facing Tang Yin was a roar. Abruptly attracted Tang Yin's various skills. Because his occupation is very clear, how troublesome the ghost formation of Yifan is. That's why he didn't hesitate to watch all Tang Yin's attacks, and he also wanted to win a chance for his teammates to attack.

It's a pity that Xu Bin's move was a little slower. In the face of the oncoming Tiny Herb crowd, Yifan's blade was already filled with chills, and the power of ice-type ghosts and gods began to permeate his blade. It is the ice formation! That's right, facing these melee characters, Yifan is really not afraid at all. Because the range of the ice formation is above the opponent's attack distance!

This ice formation fell directly on Yifan. Of course, it was not only Yifan who entered the formation, but also Ye Xiu who came to support him like Yifan. As Ye Xiu entered the formation, Tiny Herb did not dare to act rashly this time.

At this time, Tang Yin also began to cover An Wenyi and Ye Xiu's rendezvous, and Ye Xiu was not idle when he was firing two spears. Seeing that the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand also began to be confused by the power of ghosts and gods, a sword formation that strengthened its attack fell directly.

With the fall of Ye Xiu's sword formation, Tang Yin and An Wenyi have also entered the coverage of the double ghost formation. At this point, everyone in Happy was already under the protection of the ghost formation and had this guarantee. They began to move forward in an orderly manner.

Tang Yin's various firepower attacks did not stop in the ghost formation, but facing Tang Yin's attack, Tiny Herb and the others were really annoying. After all, the other party was in the ghost formation, and they were completely divided. There is no way.

Looking at each other's ghost formations one after another, Tang Yin's firepower was contained in the distance, and Ye Xiu wanted to interrupt Yifan's momentum at close range, and Tang Yin, as a sharpshooter, could easily include them since under attack. This is annoying.

After all, since they are all close combat occupations, the only mid-range skills of the magician are not enough to attack Yifan in this ghost formation. At this moment, since they were limited to the ghost formation of Zero One. At this moment, the disadvantage of their monotonous attack is very obvious.

Gao Yingjie also wanted to attack by himself, but he already had the longest hand here. But if he entered now, not only would he be affected by the ghost formation, but there would also be one person who would deal with Tang Yinyexiu's mixed fight. He admits that he has no such strength.

"Let's retreat first!" Gao Yingjie made a plan immediately.

After all, there are a lot of ghost formations, so there are no shortcomings, and the disadvantage of ghost formations is that they cannot move after they are released. The current Happy has indeed formed their defensive offensive, and even if they have one more person, there is no certainty that they can break through. If you simply rely on the treatment of the hard top and forcibly break the formation, if there is an accident, it will really be easy to get in and hard to get out.


However, everyone here in Tiny Herb was still struggling, but Tang Yin never stopped exporting to them. It can even increase the opponent's treatment at a distance. After all, he has no pressure to fight, and Tang Yin like this can make all the skills that the opponent's character needs to sing unusable.

Facing Tang Yin's firepower, Wei Chen's group was really depressed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com And just when Tiny Herb everyone was mentioning Tang Yin's attack, Happy's An Wenyi, who had not been paid much attention to, erupted again. This time accompanied by An Wenyi's attack, A ray of light appeared, and this skill that Tiny Herb everyone also threw, this is hypnotism!

And An Wenyi's target is Tiny Herb's priest - Cordyceps sinensis!

A direct hit, and just when the blurred Cordyceps sinensis was about to fall, they worked hard to trap her. It's a pull to him.

Cloud catcher!

When they saw this skill, everyone in Tiny Herb's expressions turned ugly.


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