Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1455: example? backing?

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But such a miracle can never happen.

There have been many amazing things that happened today, and the number of times everyone has been shocked has been too much.

And after this Servant's healing was killed by the opponent, Tiny Herb's four wanted to forcefully kill An Wenyi, but this was Yifan, who detonated the ghost array, and made up for it at the first time. Weak. Entering An Wenyi to protect him in the ghost formation allows An Wenyi to perform the standing treatment that he is best at very comfortably. With the cover of An Wenyi's treatment, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, who were cooperating in front, could be said to be more and more unscrupulous.

At this moment, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's terrifying cooperation was vividly reflected in this match, and the two figures flew up and down in Tiny Herb's four-person formation, the bullets tilted, and the scattered people fought fast. Abruptly, the four Tiny Herb were suppressed.

And Yifan didn't have any spare time. After An Wenyi put the ghost array, he began to cooperate with Tang Yin and the others. An Wenyi's treatment was their biggest asset. Under the seamless cycle of the four of them, Tiny Herb had no chance of reversal.

The game ended successfully. Happy away against Tiny Herb, won the game with a 10-0 score against the sky!

There were a lot of things that everyone wanted to digest in this match, and it seemed to be very quiet right now. Of course, except for Happy's score, winning Tiny Herb 10-0 was definitely something worth showing off. After all, this is the giant Tiny Herb. In everyone's impression, since Wang Jiexi made his debut, Tiny Herb doesn't seem to have gotten this score.

The game ended with such a huge gap between the fans of the two sides, and the players from both sides also came down from the game seats one after another. Just like the link before the start of the team game, the two sides at the end of the game meet again in the middle of the stage. Only this time, the winner and loser have been divided between them.

The winning side can laugh as much as possible, while the losing side is somewhat bitter.

Wang Jiexi, as Tiny Herb's captain, was naturally the first to come out. As the first person to be killed in this game, he is just watching his teammates very calmly. At the same time, he also looked at the leader of the opposing team.

Ye Xiu... From the season he debuted, they have been competing with each other for almost seven seasons. If the facts were based on the team's final results, Excellent Era, who had not entered the finals since Season 4, seemed obviously inferior to Tiny Herb, who had won two championships.

As for the 14 matches between the two sides in the regular season, there are winners and losers.

Wang Jiexi still remembered that in Season 7, Tiny Herb and Excellent Era met in the first round of the playoffs. At that time, he successfully led Tiny Herb to send Excellent Era out of the playoffs. During that match, everyone was shouting that Ye Xiu's era has come to an end... or something.

But Wang Jiexi didn't know why, even if he won that game, he still didn't feel like he was beating Ye Xiu. It's not just because he won the championship, or because the game's achievements are not as good as the opponent's feeling. Rather, it is more on-the-spot, a feeling of directly still not beating the opponent on the field.

And at that time, Excellent Era's performance in the postseason was so weak and his fighting spirit was slack. Even Wang Jiexi couldn't stand it. It can be said that apart from Ye Xiu and Mu Cheng, no one else had the heart to compete. .

And that match became the last time the two sides met on the professional stage. By the eighth season, before the two teams met, Ye Xiu had already announced his retirement.

And Wang Jiexi, who heard the news, couldn't understand it at all.

As Ye Xiu's opponent, he is very clear. Those from the outside world who said that Ye Xiu's state had declined and his strength had declined were all nonsense. Every time he played, he could clearly feel Ye Xiu's state. Ye Xiu's situation at the time was even better than Han Wenqing's. What retirement is not with him. He also had some guesses about the problem. After all, since it wasn't Ye Xiu that had a problem, it was his team that had a problem.

But these were no longer important to him at the time. After all, Ye Xiu retired, so there was no reason to continue to pay attention to him. As Tiny Herb's captain, his responsibility is to lead Tiny Herb to victory.

As a result, after two seasons, the guy who gave everyone a headache came back, but this time Ye Qiu became Ye Xiu. He didn't know why, but it didn't matter in itself. But what's important now is that since Ye Xiu used a team that only took a year and a half to piece together, he once again defeated himself in the game, and it was still by such a disparate score...

When was the last time you lost to this guy? Not counting everyone's private games, Wang Jiexi really doesn't remember well. What he can recall now, and best remember, was his third season when he got your Rookie of the Year.

At that time, the newcomer Wang was in high spirits, but when he met the great **** Ye Qiu, he explained what it means to be vulnerable. His style of play, which has been praised and even hailed as a magician, is so weak in Ye Xiu's face, there is no surprise at all. But what Ye Qiu used at that time was only the battle mage style that even ordinary players of Glory could do. He waved the already famous war spear in his hand but Xie Xie, and directly defeated his magic Taoist scholar without any suspense. ...and with his support, Excellent Era at that time was really invincible...

Are you going to support such a team this time?

"Congratulations." Wang Jiexi extended a hand to Ye Xiu who was approaching.

"Thank you." Ye Xiu also reached out and held it.

"But we will win next time," Wang Jiexi said.

"Oh? Are you...?" Ye Xiu said with a smile, looking at the Tiny Herb crowd, and because they lost the game, they were not in a good mood. Among them, Gao Yingjie was even better. Seeing the pain and unwillingness on his face, the head that has been lowered, UU reading www. uukanshu.com can even see teardrops falling.

"If they take you as a role model, not a supporter." Ye Xiu continued to walk down. Shake hands with Xu Bin next to Wang Jiexi.

example? backing?

Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Wang Jiexi was obviously taken aback, and he didn't even notice Tang Yin's hand that had been stretched out in front of him. If it wasn't for Tang Yin's curious cry, Wang Jiexi didn't even respond.


This is the sixth update today.

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(End of this chapter)

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