Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1468: Partial precision

Chapter 1499 Partial precision (for subscription, for recommendation)

Is this Luo Ji so favored at Happy? Even if you lose the game, you still have so many people's love? At this moment, Jia Xing looked at Luo Ji among the players on Happy's side, and a look of jealousy appeared in his eyes.

On Luo Ji's side, after the game, he was very self-conscious, and Byte became Ye Xiu's and Tang Yin's side.

The reason for coming here is very simple, even if Tang Yin and Ye Xiu didn't go to him to talk about his gains and losses in this competition, he would take the initiative to ask. Losing the game was indeed a bit disheartening for Luo Ji, but even if there was a little bit in the one just ended, it was only a little bit. After all, he had already made enough mental preparations for such a result, so Luo Ji quickly adjusted his mentality. After all, it was much easier to adjust the tension before the game.

After the end of the game, he was greeted by the encouraging voices of all the fans at the scene. These voices made Luo Ji feel that he had to work harder so that he could live up to the fans' expectations and encouragement for him.

No need to say more, just let Chen Guo not let him have any thoughts, and Luo Ji also sees all the things that affect his training and mood.

"It's okay to start the game." Of course Ye Xiu was not polite, and said straight to the point.

"Mmmm." Luo Ji nodded and continued.

"Controlling everything is very delicate, this aspect is indeed your advantage." He also said.

"Hmmm." Luo Ji continued to nod his head. He was very clear about this. After all, these were all operations that came from his precise calculations. Luo Ji had a very clear understanding of himself in this regard.

"But your loss this time is also mentioned here." Ye Xiu continued.

Luo Ji thought, and subconsciously took the water that Tang Yin handed over.

"You have to be clear that your opponent is a human, not someone who will only run according to the prescribed program. No matter what the operation of a human being, it is impossible to achieve the theoretical level of closeness as a machine. Because people are in good condition when they are in good condition. , there are times when the state is not good. And your style of play must be able to include these variables. And you can change the attack rhythm according to the different opponents." Ye Xiu continued.

Luo Ji listened to something he didn't understand, but he seemed to be a little bit worse.

Seeing Luo Ji like this, Tang Yin took Ye Xiu's words and handed him a warm towel and said, "Luo Ji, do you remember those foolish strategies you did when you were in the tenth district? ?"

"Remember." Luo Ji continued to take the towel subconsciously, put it directly on the back of his neck, and continued to stop listening to Tang Yin's words.

"Your current control method is the same as the flaw in the original fool's strategy, that is: the error tolerance rate is too low." Tang Yin said and handed Luo Ji something again.

"Oh! Huh?" The first one was that Luo Ji understood what Ye Xiu and Tang Yin said this time. After that, the thing that found the result was fluffy, and when I lowered my head and leaned on it, I found out that it was a small mica.

"Meow~" Little Mica called out in a low voice, without disturbing Luo Ji's thinking, just enjoying Luo Ji's subconscious touch.

Luo Ji didn't care about the existence of the little mica at the moment, and subconsciously licked it again and again, but his mind had returned to the previous game.

Because in his plan, the opponent had broken through the loophole he was besieging earlier and the opponent couldn't catch it, and the loophole that was caught by the opponent without Luo Ji's close attack was also in it. It's just that according to the original calculation, the opponent should not be able to catch it.

But just at that moment, the other party suddenly exploded, playing with pretentiousness and hand speed that he couldn't have done before, and this kind of dismissal was what Luo Ji thought would never happen, but it finally happened. But in the face of such a change, he himself has nothing to do.

Is it that the calculation of the opponent's ability is not accurate enough and thorough enough? These may be all but not the most important. The most important thing is the state of a person that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu said. Because everyone's state ups and downs are unpredictable, even if he himself may not be able to control it, and it is obviously impossible for him to calculate everything about others.

"Then what should I do next?" Luo Ji didn't think of a solution, so he simply asked Byte.

"The best way is also very simple and rude, and that is to make everything more precise." Ye Xiu said.

Luo Ji started to feel annoyed when he heard Ye Xiu's words. Of course he also knew what Ye Xiu and the others said. A more sophisticated attack would naturally lead to a more impeccable combo. At that time, just like Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, they would simply connect their low hands to death. But the problem is that his strength is limited, and now he can only make precision within the scope of his strength. So even if wisely this is the best option, he has no choice. After all, if he could do it, he would have done it already.

"For you right now, it's true that all precise control is not enough, but what if it's only part of it?" Tang Yin reminded.

"Partial precision?" Luo Ji recognized Tang Yin's words.

"Look at Mo Fan. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Ye Xiu also said.

Luo Ji didn't react when he heard the words of the two of them. Why did he suddenly talk about Mo Fan? But he still looked towards the stage.

Because Mo Fan is the third place in their arena, the current holographic projection and big screen are all demonstrating the match between him and his opponent.

Brush brush brush brush!

Mo Fan's extremely fast five skills attacked in a row, and there was no flaw at all. This wave of attacks directly caused the opponent to be in a hurry.

This kind of operation may be impossible for me to complete in my life... Seeing Mo Fan's cool and smooth combo. Luo Ji couldn't help but think, but Mo Fan in the game did not continue his powerful attack after these few blows and continued to cause damage to the opponent. Instead, he immediately retreated at this time, pulling away from the opponent for a certain amount of time. distance.

As for the reason for what Mo Fan did, the outside world was still speculating. As a member of Happy, Luo Ji was very clear about the reason. Thinking of this, Luo Ji seemed to have understood what Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were trying to convey.

The meaning of the two is actually very simple, so for some controls, he really cannot be absolutely accurate, but some relatively simple operations in the operation can still be controlled with his current strength and ability. .

And as long as he can control these things thoroughly, and then build a brand new attack system based on this, what will happen?


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(End of this chapter)


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