Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1472: howl of progress

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Wind Howl once again won this game, and everyone was very surprised by such a result. After all, no one thought that since the winter transfer period, the team has completely transformed, and the transformation of the 301 team has been very successful. The score was lost to the Whistling Team, which has been calling itself a soft-footed shrimp this season.

"First it was Blue Rain, and then it was 301... If the first match against Blue Rain was to take advantage of surprises and hit the opponent with an unexpected advantage, then this time 301 was just so excited. The progress is manifested. We have all seen it, and the 301 vs. Howl's style of play is already prepared. But even this still fails to stop the opponent's offensive." Li Yibo commented.

"And this time, Team Wind Howl's actions were precise and fast. It can be said that this inconspicuous man-to-man play has been used to the extreme. Depending on the situation, we can also look forward to this matchup again. Because Now they seem to have finally found a fighting method that suits them." Li Yibo continued.

"But wouldn't a play like this be too simple, and because it's more dreadful, there aren't too many restrictions, right?" Pan Lin said.

"For something like play style, the changes in it are all controlled by the players, even if it's just one style of play, all kinds of changes can be derived. I believe that Team Wind Howl will never let itself stagnate like this. , they must continue to improve, continue to practice, and continue to improve their current style of play. Of course, we also believe that they will develop other styles of play other than these tactics." Li Yibo continued.

"Anyway, this style of play is undoubtedly a good start for Wind Howl, and it is also an enrichment for their tactics, so that they will have more points to guard against against any team in the future, and among them Naturally, practice in this area is indispensable, which in itself is a restriction on the opponent." Li Yibo continued to talk eloquently.

"Well said, the match between Wind Howl and 301 has come to an end. I have to feel that this match is fast. Looking at the current report, the other teams are still in the teamfight stage. What." The speed of the broadcast this time was indeed unexpected, which forced the TV station to make some follow-up arrangements to ensure the duration. After all, although the game is over, the broadcast must continue, otherwise the rest of the All the time to watch Pan Lin and Li Yibo live chat, right? This is a TV show, not a talk show.

"That's right, we have also received information about the lineup of other regions," Li Yibo said.

"Huh?" Pan Lin was looking at the lineup reports on both sides of the major competitions that had just been sent. Suddenly a strange thing happened.

"What's wrong?" Li Yibo asked curiously.

"Xingxin and the magical competition this time, since their core Ye Xiu didn't participate in the team competition!" Pan Sen's tone was full of surprise.

"Oh, since there is still such a thing? Did Happy say anything beforehand? Or what information has been leaked, just like last time when their sub-team had a fever, and Ye Xiu's single match?" Li Yibo was just a series of question asked.

"There is no change in the individual competition, and the winning streak continues. Eh? Wait, there is an interesting thing, Happy has played a player who has not played this season, Happy's Summoner Luo Ji." Pan Sen looked at Happy's information about this round and said.

Hearing Pan Sen's words, Li Yibo immediately reacted and said, "This is to send a newcomer to the field to gain experience, and this time Ye Xiu, the core player, did not participate in the team competition, which is probably the reason. It seems that Happy is thinking about them now. Getting into the playoffs is a sure thing. Be prepared to spend the rest of your junk time training rookies."

"Huh? Since they are training newcomers, why is their deputy Tang Yin also arranged? With him in command, the training effect for newcomers should be very limited, right?" Pan Sen thought about Tang Yin's ability to defeat Zhou Zekai, and how he could Take down Xiao Shiqin's tactical command ability. Can Happy's rookies really be trained?

"Uh... Have you forgotten? Tang Yin is also a rookie." Li Yibo reminded embarrassedly.

Panson: "..."

When Pan Sen and Li Yibo were discussing Happy's game arrangement and their intentions. The team match between Happy and Magic has already started for a while.

Killing Qiao Yifan's character Yi Inch Ash first was the ideal state in He Ming's plan, but he woke up very plump, but now he is very skinny. After all, Qiao Yifan is not something they can defeat if they want to. The premise of defeat is that they want to meet each other, but when the two players meet, they don't even see an inch of gray.

But the game, of course, can't be so rigid, and now that the highest priority of attacking is not there, it can't be staring at that person all the time. Now that the two sides meet, they still have the numerical advantage. Simply open the fight directly.

That's right, the magic now has an absolute advantage in numbers.

Because there were only two people across from the five of them, it was Tang Rou and Mucheng from Happy's side.

Thinking of such a five-on-two situation, they really had nothing to be afraid of. The miraculous people didn't hesitate, but they also knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for everyone in Happy to just let them come over. Therefore, some should beware of their not letting go, although they are swarming, but they are also carefully observing the surroundings. Beware of this Happy's sudden attack by others.

As a result, when the two sides played against each other, the mentality of He Ming, Wang Zeshenjian and the others collapsed.

There is no other reason, because the combination they are facing now is the combination of a battle mage and a gunner! They are really all too familiar with this combination. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com After all, most of their careers revolved around this combination, and in that season when they all had their hearts on Ye Xiu, whether this combination was a dominant two-on-one, two-on-two, or The inferiors played three to four and five. She had fought all of these. In the subconscious of the three of them, the numerical advantage in front of them seemed not to be an advantage at all, because now they were restrained by the other party.

And this is when they were restrained, Tang Ye's figure suddenly appeared, along with their target Qiao Yifan, two points attacked directly from the left and right sides!


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(End of this chapter)

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