Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1479: His ID is - Qiu Musu

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Right now, Team Yi Zhan and Team Imperial Wind are in somewhat the same situation, and they are both incomparable. No matter how they play this season, it will be like this, so although they lost the game this time, it was quickly digested after being depressed. If nothing else, at least when Tang Yin and the others met, they couldn't see that they had just appeared and were beaten 2-8 by the opponent.

When Yi Zhan saw everyone from Happy coming over, they immediately pulled everyone from Happy away. After all, the day after the game was played every week was definitely the time when the players of the major teams were the most relaxed. In the post-war summary of the time period, there is nothing fixed. This is also a rare rest time for all professional players. Even if the players don't have this kind of leisure time, if the current round of the game is very smooth, there are many people who occasionally spend the weekend.

But now, after all, the interview has just ended, and it is not too early. The two pairs of players were relatively restrained and did not get together too late. At the end of the game, Lou Guanning wanted to show the friendship of the landlords and keep everyone in Xingxin here for one more day. But Ye Xiu personally rejected the other party's kindness, and Ye Xiu later expressed the same.

Lou Guanning was thinking about how to convince the two of them, and his teammates whispered in Lou Guanning's ear, "Tomorrow is the Ching Ming Festival."

Hearing this, Lou Guanning was obviously stunned. Although he said that he didn't know if the other party was because of the festival, it was not easy to ask this kind of thing. After all, it was possible to be happy with something done on Qingming Festival?

"Since that's the case, I won't delay everyone's pulling. We'll be gathering at the end of the game. When the time comes, we'll supply me with this supply!" Lou Guanning didn't hold back any longer when he thought about it, and let everyone in Happy draw.

"Well, next time we'll treat you!" Ye Xiu also laughed. After that, the two teams waved goodbye together, and everyone from Happy boarded the plane to H city the next day.

Ching Ming Festival...

Of course, Chen Guo couldn't forget this holiday. Yesterday, even if Ye Xiu and Mucheng didn't shirk, she would personally come out to shirk. But now it seemed that Ye Xiu and the others had the same destination.

"Do we just go over together? Or do you want to go back first?" Chen Guo asked Mucheng who was beside her.

"Let's go together and come back together at that time," Mucheng suggested. Then he turned to Tao Xuan in the other row and asked, "Brother Tao, are you coming?"

"Of course I will." Tao Xuan said.

"Where's Xiao Yin? Are you going?" Ye Xiu said at this time.

"I won't go, I'm going to be weird with your lineup. I used to accompany the boss to sweep the grave because I didn't have any tombs to sweep anyway, so the boss just went there alone. Now I have you to accompany the boss and I just have more rest, I'm obviously feeling more tired in the past two weeks." Tang Yin gave Ye Xiu a sullen look, after all, it was Ye Xiu's initiative to get him out and pull Tang Yin up as the team leader.

As a result, this proposal was approved by the unanimous approval of Boss Chen, Zhang Jiale, Wei Chen and other veterans one after another, without giving Tang Yin a chance to refuse.

And now Ye Xiu and Mu Cheng are a couple, Tao Xuan is almost the wife's parent, this lineup goes to see Mu Qiu. Tang Yin thought it was strange, after all, they must have a lot to talk to Mu Qiu, and Chen Guo, like Chen Guo, has experienced so many things this year, and she only has a lot to say to her father. Tang Yin on both sides and on the other side are very strange. After all, he had already thanked Mu Qiu last time. This time Tang Yin really didn't know what identity he was going to use, so he simply couldn't bother them.

So just after leaving the airport, everyone in Happy was divided into two large groups. Ye Xiu, Mu Cheng, Chen Guo, and Tao Xuan walked together. Tang Yin and the others wanted to go back to the team directly. It was the weekend anyway, so Luo Ji wasn't in a hurry to go back to school. Anyway, his school in Happy was not far away, so it would be the same as going back at night.

"Where are the four of them going?" asked the other person who didn't pay attention to their conversation while watching Ye Xiu Sanren leave without explaining anything.

"They're going to sweep the tomb." Tang Yin explained to Chen Guo and the others. It was just at this time that they could talk about Chen Guo and the others. It would save time for them to come back. An Wenyi, who didn't know it, didn't know. Questions that shouldn't be asked.

When they heard that they were going to sweep the grave, everyone in Happy was puzzled. After all, there weren't many people who knew that they went to the grave last time. It can be said that apart from Ye Xiu and the others, Wei Chen and Zhang Jiale, who were asked questions by Chen Guo, didn't know. All they knew was the untimely death of their boss's father, but Mucheng and Ye Xiu didn't know what they were doing.

"They went to see Mucheng's older brother," Tang Rou said in response to her boyfriend's words. Then she looked at Wei Chen, she had heard of Su Muqiu's existence from Chen Guohe, and she was also very curious about this sought-after **** who could compete with her boyfriend, so she looked at Wei Chen, hoping that he would know about this character.

Hearing Tang Yin and Tang Rou's words, Wei Chen also wanted to understand at this moment, and said with an expression of sudden realization, "So that's how it is."

Zhang Jiale noticed Wei Chen's expression, feeling as if he knew something and asked, "Old Wei, do you know something? No, I should know if you know it."

"Cut, after all, we're different generations, of course you wouldn't know." Wei Chen said. As he spoke, he fell into memory.

"At that time, there was no realm of God. Glory had only one area at the beginning, and then opened the second area. And we were all mixed in the first area at that time, so we knew each other very well before the game. Speaking of which, our group should be regarded as the first batch of Glory players. Back then, before the professional league, Ye Xiu and his One Autumn Leaf were already very famous, but there was another special beside him. The famous guy is not even below Ye Xiu's level!" Wei Chen said.

The level is not below Ye Xiu! Hearing this news, a group of people subconsciously looked at Tang Yin next to him. After all, under their influence, there seemed to be no one else who could compete with Ye Xiu apart from their sub-team, right?

To be fair, UU reading www.uukanshu.com This sentence alone is a very high compliment to Ye Xiu, even in their professional circles. Not to mention that these words came out of Wei Chen's mouth, if they weren't experiencing it for themselves. It was really hard for them to believe that Wei Chen would give such praise to someone other than himself. It's just so... unbelievable.

"Then what's his name?" Zhang Jiale asked immediately.

"His id is - Qiu Musu." Wei Chen said.


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(End of this chapter)

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