Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1493: Demolition flow

Originally, there was absolutely no suspense for Happy to enter the playoffs, but who knew that the game would suddenly become so intense. It was because Happy had played well in the previous games, and they had accumulated some points difference. They could let Wei Chen and Luo Ji come out and practice more. All in hand.

As a result, they were all ready to lie down on their side, and as a result, three thousand one or two teams suddenly rolled up. Not only did the two teams bite each other's rankings to death, but they even raised the eighth-place point line, which was annoying. What's more annoying is that they also made a mistake on their own side, losing a big point directly in the match against Yanyu. This puts them out of the game.

In the thirty-third round, Happy and the others faced off against Team Void.

Team Void is not in the top eight now, and the gap between them and Happy has reached more than 30 points. Just like Huangfeng and the others, they are all teams that can give up on the playoffs. But even with their current situation and lack of pressure, it is really possible for them to give a head-to-head blow to a team like Happy and the others that are still in the quagmire of the quarterfinals.

In fact, Void and the others didn't want to give up so easily, but their schedule was so desperate that they wanted to cry without tears, because their final six rounds were divided into Happy, Hundred Blossoms, Zhaohua, Huangfeng, Blue Rain, and Ba. picture…

However, compared to the time when the Void players had given up and were simply enjoying the game. Void and their fans have conceived a very beautiful blueprint for them.

This fan's plan for the Void is: Void's next two rounds are home games, so they can take advantage of the home field advantage to take the lead in solving the two teams, Happy and Hundred Flowers, and then the weaker team Zhaohua and have already begun to fall. The Huangfeng swept away points wildly, so that after four rounds, he could accumulate a lot of points and even enter the playoffs. At this time, the situation has also become clear. Although it is said that Void will face the two giants Blue Rain and Tyranny at this time, but the two giants have already secured their names in the playoffs. In the last two games they fought, they might rest their main players and train their rookies a lot in order to ensure the smooth playoffs. At this time, Void might also score a few points on them. Is it the playoffs?

The title of this post is called "The Rhythm of the Void's Counterattack". And when this post appeared, the rental was popular with good online games, which included ridicule and support.

However, this is also an analysis by insiders. Although it is a bit bold, it is not groundless or impossible. Although the Void's schedule is also very devilish, the final four rounds may not be as difficult as imagined. In the same way, if the other teams meet the top four teams in the last few rounds, they may be able to avoid a hard fight.

And the arrangement of the semi-finals at that time cannot be said to be a release of water. After all, the main force of others has gone through a whole season of arduous battles. When there is obviously no threat, let the main force in the team rest and use the help of This opportunity to train rookies and make some more scientific arrangements and preparations for the final playoffs outbreak is not a problem at all.

Since then, the thirty-third and thirty-fourth rounds have become particularly important at once. And the Void team was directly engaged by their own fans, and suddenly felt that this matter seemed to be really messed up. Now that their fans have figured out the planned route, they naturally can't lose the chain. Changed the original indifferent mentality, and was excited to prepare for the next game. He even shouted that he would work hard to win these two games, leaving a glimmer of hope for the post-season search.

For a while, there were debates and comments about this point all over the Internet, and of course, Ruan Cheng, a fan of Happy, supported and analyzed this point of view. Looking at the analysis on the Internet, Chen Guo's insomnia caused by anxiety became more and more serious, especially after seeing the training of everyone in Happy, it seemed that there was no change in the outside world because of these circumstances, and the arrangement . This made her even more hopeless.

She sometimes even wanted to say, since these two rounds are so critical, then Wei Chen and Luo Ji should be given a break first, after all, they can enter the playoffs if they want Steamed Bun.

But looking at the training arrangements during this period, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu had no intention of making any changes.

Why don't you talk about it yourself?

Chen Guo was really hesitant now. After all, making such a statement at this time, she felt a little distrustful of Wei Chen and Luo Ji, but it was a fact that the two of them had limited strength now, and he just let them talk about it. Time not to play because it won't make them too uncomfortable. …

Ye Xiu, Tang Yin, and Neng also estimated this, so they didn't say anything.

It would be great if the two of them could take the initiative to raise these questions, so everyone would be happy, and no one would have to worry about it. But thinking about Wei Chen's unrestricted appearance, Chen Guo really didn't expect much from him. On the other hand, Luo Ji had a lot of problems. UU reading www.uukanshu.com After all, Luo Ji had a lot of Wei Chen. He had a very clear understanding of himself, and he was also very clear about Happy's current situation.

As expected by Chen Guo, when Luo Ji was discussing who would play in the thirty-third round, when he found out that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were continuing to arrange for him to play, he proposed whether to replace him with the challenge. .

How can this be so sensible! Chen Guo was really moved by people like Luo Ji who prioritized everything for everyone, and sacrificed their own interests for the team's performance. What a good kid this is? Compared to Luo Ji's sensibleness, Wei Chen was simply too irritating.

But in the end the result was something Chen Guo didn't expect. Luo Ji's suggestion was directly answered by Tang Yin: "I don't want you to think, I want me to think!" He replied, and continued to arrange the next round for him and Wei Chen. On the field, there is no chance of rejection at all.

"Luo Ji, you don't need to think too much. Don't Xiaoyin and I still know what the current form is? But you have to know that compared with the playoffs, these are not enough to make a little trouble now. If this is the case now. If you click on the form, you hide, what about the playoffs?" Ye Xiu said.

"Yes, you are an indispensable part of our playoff tactics, so instead of thinking about failure happily now, it is better to cherish every opportunity to play and let yourself grow up quickly." Tang Yin said After all, he was already discussing with Ye Xiu about Luo Ji's "demolition flow" strategy. He had been looking forward to this play for a long time.


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