Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1502: do not mind the details

Ge Caijie wiped the war sickle with one hand, and a red light covered the war sickle. Immediately after that, a Soul Yu was thrown, but the target of this blow was not Luo Ji, but the Flower of the Demon Realm.


The red light before Ge Caijie's scythe is exactly the exorcist's flaming talisman, and the fire attribute attack on the flower of the devil has an extra damage bonus, and this bonus is very large, just one blow will directly The Flower of the Demon World was blown up into a black mass of unknown objects, unable to move, but not completely killed.

And just when the Flower of the Demon Realm couldn't move, Ge Caijie directly killed Luo Ji, and with a volley from the left rear, a talisman appeared in his hand again, and at this time his war sickle was already After flying back, the talisman and the war sickle blasted directly at Luo Ji.


Luo Ji watched the opponent's attacking rhythm and style of play so skillfully, even the one who was beaten couldn't help but sigh inwardly. In this song, because of the Ascension Formation just now, his spirit beasts were directly thrown behind by the opponent, and he faced the opponent's attack, but he had no chance to continue singing, let alone command the four beasts.

Before the four beasts came back to support him, their time had come. But he had no chance to call again.

It can be said that the details of all these have been communicated to the other party, but in the face of the other party's attack, Luo Ji has nothing to do.

Attention to detail!

This was something that kept echoing in Luo Ji's heart after he fell, and there was even some melancholy. After all, paying attention to details is what he is good at, but this time he lost on this point,

And Ge Caijie's hand suddenly counterattacked and played a game with a counter-kill effect, which directly filled the viewing experience of Void fans. For a while now, all Void fans were shouting excitedly.

Facing the cheers from the opponent's fans, Luo Ji didn't know how to express his direct feelings, mainly because the point of losing this time really made him very regretful.

On the other side, the big screen is playing back this just now that Ge Caijie successfully escaped from the attack range of the Flower of the Demon Realm, and very accurately caught one of the opponent's command flaws, directly creating a chance for him to counterattack. Then, the flower of the demon world, which was stunned by the opponent, was immediately interrupted. Do not kill, so that the other party cannot summon the flower of the devil to his side.

And Ge Caijie himself took advantage of this time to get close to the opponent Luo Ji, and finally completed this very handsome counter-kill.

Luo Ji looked at the replayed footage on the big screen and couldn't help shaking his head, it was really close...

Thinking of these Luo Ji, the heart is more and more unpleasant.

Not to mention, when did Ge Caijie escape from the attack range of the Flower of the Demon Realm, since he didn't notice the information at the time. These are all very important details. In professional competitions, many times the two sides fight for various details. Paying attention to various details is his greatest characteristic and strength, but now he has neglected such an important point. Under such circumstances, Luo Ji's mentality would inevitably collapse.

The failure this time was really serious, and it was difficult for Luo Ji to justify his own mistake this time. The beginning was already so good, but it turned out to be a major mistake and finally the victory was robbed by the opponent.

This is only in the regular season, what if this game is the final playoffs? What a serious incident it would be if he had such a problem in the postseason! Luo Ji also understood the seriousness of this problem, so he couldn't forgive himself.

As a result, Luo Ji still didn't dare to look up at Tang Yin and Ye Xiu even in Happy's player seat.

"It's alright? Anyone can make mistakes, but when Old Wei made mistakes at your age, it wasn't worse than you." Ye Xiu said with a bottle of mineral water.

"Bum, can you speak? If you can't speak, please donate your mouth to those in need. Whether or not Glory appears at this age is a question." Wei Chen expressed dissatisfaction.

"Oh, are you sure? How about we do the math?" Ye Xiu laughed.

"Come on! I guess you are lazy and count these boring things." Wei Chen turned his head and said.

Luo Ji just stood aside, his team Ye Xiu and Wei Chen were using their methods to comfort him, and he was very moved, but he couldn't just make this mistake this time.

"Next time I will definitely not be in the same situation!" Luo Ji said very seriously.

Seeing Luo Ji like this, Tang Yin knew that he was a little too serious, shook his head and said, "No, Luo Ji. Lao Ye is right, you can remember this mistake, but there is no need to take him too seriously. In professional games like ours, we often have to perform very frequent and fast operations. It is very normal to make mistakes. Human energy is limited. You may pay attention to all the things at one time, because carefulness will only make your The operation is becoming more and more hesitant, slow and even excessive melee combat."

"Take it easy, all you have to do is focus on winning, and give it your all and keep that belief. As for those mistakes, isn't that in itself what we're putting you out there for? Just think of a way to solve it, and if you can't solve it, bypass it. Nothing can be done overnight, and there is still time after that." Tang Yin said.

Don't you care about these details? Hearing Tang Yin's words~www.readwn.com~, Luo Ji murmured in his heart, but this time he seemed to understand what Ye Xiu and Tang Yin meant.


Maybe that's the real problem for him in this game.

At the beginning, Ge Caijie entered his trap and was at a disadvantage for a time, which made him surrounded by the joy of success. But his spirits were all happy, which caused him to ignore some important things.

Still too little knowledge.

Luo Ji knew that, on the one hand, this was due to his inexperience in the competition. After all, that person who showed that he would be happy if he succeeded, or not?

While Luo Ji was still summing up the battle for himself, Tang Yin directly pulled him to his side.

"Okay, instead of thinking about those things, Luo Ji, tell me your thoughts on this style of play. I think you have the same interesting style of play as Yifan's explosive figure." Tang Yin was excited, he has now It started to itch.

"Ah? Does my style of play have such high value?" Luo Ji didn't understand the excited expression on Tang Yin's mind when he was pulling Yifan to learn how to play his explosive figure. After all, if it was his own style of play Really so good, how could he lose? It is even more impossible to compare with Yifan's style of play that requires a delicate layout. But looking at the appearance of his deputy team, there is no joke at all.

Could it be that his style of play is actually really good?


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