Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1513: Just repair the computer

Chapter 1545 Just repairing the computer (please subscribe, please recommend)

"Captain...deputy...if...if none of these work, the captain will rest again this round. Then we may need to change tactics.... .." Luo Ji said, his annoyance at the growth rate of his own strength clearly evident in his tone.

Compared to Luo Ji's scowling face, Ye Xiu and Tang Yin looked at each other and turned to Luo Ji together. That expression, the smile is very strange.

"Uh...the two captains...are you listening to me...?" Luo Ji said, a little hairy when Tang Yin and Ye Xiu saw it.

As a result, the next moment Luo Ji was holding a small screwdriver in one hand and something like an electric pen in the other.

Luo Ji: "..." Where am I? What am I here for? who I am?

"Hmm, it's pretty cool, I'll just say this method is fine." Tang Yin said while looking at Luo Ji.

"It's really good, Luo Ji relax, we'll guide you to do it, you can definitely fix this console. Perfect." Ye Xiu also thought this was a good idea.

"Meow~" Xiao Yunmi, who was in Tang Yin's arms, also meowed, indicating that this was a good idea.

"Ah?" Luo Ji continued to be stunned, but this time, he looked at Tang Yin like he wanted to set up a notebook. He didn't know where to pull out a book entitled "Computer Assembly, Maintenance, Repair, All-in-One".

"Um... Captain, are you trying to teach me how to fix a computer...?" Luo Ji felt that this time, not only did he not follow the ideas of his deputy team, but even the captain's ideas.

"Correct, it's not us, it's it." Ye Xiu pointed to the book Tang Yin took out.

"Captain, vice-captain... Or forget it, I'm worried that this state of the host will be damaged by me," Luo Ji said.

"Luo Ji, this is not something you should think about. The more you are afraid of repairing it, the easier it will be to repair it. What is Lao Ye's law called?" Tang Yin asked Ye Xiu.

"Murphy's Law!" Ye Xiu said.

"That's right, this is it, Luo Ji, please start your performance." Tang Yin said as if he was watching the game, as if he didn't break the computer.

"Oh..." Luo Ji took the tool that Ye Xiu handed over, and said hesitantly.

"Don't worry, let's start with wiring." Ye Xiu said.

"On this page!" Tang Yin placed it directly for Luo Ji.

Looking at the two who had a tacit understanding of even teaching people to repair computers, Luo Ji once again fell into deep thought. Didn't he come to solve the problem of the team competition? How did you become a computer repairer?

However, although he didn't understand what was going on, the two captains had spoken, so Luo Ji could only start. He got up and looked at Tang Yin placed beside him. The page that has been turned. Start fiddling with the host.

Grab a motherboard and start fiddling with what to do.

After successfully pressing the mainboard, they looked at Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, who were looking at the host with serious expressions, and asked, "Um... Is this okay?"

"I think there is always something strange." Tang Yin said.

"Well, it's not so pretty. I remember when I first took it apart, everything was in order." Ye Xiu also said.

"Order?" Luo Ji read the book and continued to fiddle, while Tang Yinzhu took the manual.

"That's it." Ye Xiu put the manual on a page he thought was weird and showed it to Luo Ji.

After Luo Ji read it, he found that he was pretending to be a little weird, but he couldn't tell that was the problem. After fiddling for a while, he asked again: "Two captains, is this okay?"

"It's a mess." Ye Xiu said with a wry smile, holding an extra wire from nowhere.

"Indeed...the more you repair, the worse it gets..." Luo Ji thought so too. After all, this is also the first time he has fiddled with this thing.

"Luo Ji, sit down first." Tang Yin said to Luo Ji.

"Luo Ji, you said what everyone needs to pay attention to, but you didn't mention your own. You thought it was possible not to drag others down, but you didn't think about your own feelings. Is your task so complicated? We only I just want you to fix the computer." Tang Yin said.

"That's right, Luo Ji. You don't have to think about the rest, just think about what you're going to do next. I've done this myself before, and they've done it very well. Every time I make a mistake, next time You will seldom do it again. Once you have a feeling for yourself, the next time you operate, you will have more confidence in yourself. And you just need to continue like this." Ye Xiu said.

"Everyone's growth is slow. You may feel a significant improvement in each summary at the beginning of the game, but now with the changes in the game, you find that the speed of your progress has slowed down again. So You feel flustered. But these things are normal for Luo Ji. You don't even need to consider whether there is progress or not. Just like Lao Ye said, it doesn't matter what you get, we just let you repair your computer." Tang Yin said.

Luo Ji also knew what Tang Yin and Ye Xiu meant. All he had to do now was the game. He didn't need to think about the rest. He just had to experience the game and work hard for the playoffs in the future.

"What if we lose?" But Luo Ji was still a little worried, what if his team lost the qualification to enter the playoffs, because he ruined all the team's efforts this year?

"If we lose, we will lose together. Stop playing, we are a team, all achievements and glory belong to everyone, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Similarly, we will also bear all the regrets of failure. Don't be too much. I look down on everyone, but I also have some confidence in myself." Tang Yin continued.

Hearing Tang Yin's words, Luo Ji was a little stunned. Random seems to think a lot, yes, captain, they just asked me to repair the computer...

"Oh... Captain, Deputy. I seem to know how to fix it!" Luo Ji suddenly said.

"Tell me about it!" Ye Xiu said after seeing Luo Jing's mood clearly.

"Wait." Luo Ji took out his phone and started to call.

"Master Liu? I'm Luo Ji. I want to invite you over to fix the computer. Happy Internet Cafe!" Luo Ji said, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's expressions changed.

After all, the reason why they repaired it by themselves was because the money for these masters was from which boss Chen Guo asked for. And if Chen Guo found out that they were wasting their precious time repairing computers...


After Master Liu left, Chen Guo placed the invoice issued by Master Liu directly on Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's account. Luo Ji, who was beside him, was frightened by Chen Guo's momentum and didn't dare to speak for a while.

"Wasting? Luxury? Are you embarrassed!" Chen Guo looked at Tang Yin and Ye Xiu angrily.

Tang Yin: "..."

Ye Xiu: "…"

The two guys who were all-powerful in Glory are now shivering under the momentum of our boss.  …


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(End of this chapter)


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