Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1521: Season 10 Challenge!

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At this moment, Xiao Shiqin was extremely fortunate. Fortunately, he calmed the emotions of the players before the game, otherwise everyone would play with emotions. A little bit at the beginning is not enough and they may fall into the abyss.

The war between the two sides quickly spread all over the map. It can be said that all the players on the field showed their strength and characteristics to the fullest. But even under such chaos, Tang Yin still failed to disrupt Xiao Shiqin's layout. The Thunder Team Tournament is really strong, even in such a chaotic situation, it still persisted, and the balance of victory began to tilt in their favor.

In this team battle, the arena made the most of their team's advantages, but Happy's side was a brand-new style of play after all, and it was a little bit lacking in terms of coordination. In the end, under the total mistakes of Baozi, he was dominated by the opponent.

Thunder won.

But it wasn't easy for Lei Ting to win, and even at the last moment they reminded them to be afraid, because Tang Yin was the last to fall. And after Tang Yin fell, there was only one red-blooded Dai Yanqi left on Lei Ting's side. Originally it was Xiao Shiqin and Dai Yanqi fighting one against another, but Tang Yin had a little more HP than the two opposite.

Faced with such a situation, Xiao Shiqin directly stood in front of Dai Yanqi and asked her to sing ice magic, while he launched a suicide attack with his mechanical creation. In the end, when Tang Yin was restrained by Dai Yanqi, it was forced to use self-destruction. At that time, Tang Yin's Barrett sniper rifle also shot at Dai Yanqi. Unfortunately, Tang Yin's attack did hit Dai Yanqi first, but this time it didn't hit the head. No double damage was done, leaving Dai Yanqi with the last trace of red blood on the field.

If Xiao Shiqin blew himself up a little later, then maybe the winner in this round would be Happy. And this game is really tragic, the treatment of both sides is the first to die. In the end, he was forced to the point where there was only one elemental mage left with residual blood.

"I think I'm going to give you an ugly nickname and call you a self-destructing infantryman!" Tang Yin said, after all, this is not the first time he has been killed by Xiao Shiqin's self-destruction. Even if he is very defensive about Xiao Shiqin's move now, he will still have no hesitation, and it will be very annoying if he wants to exchange with him with the mentality of failing to succeed.

Originally, Tang Yin thought that his explosion was already very artistic, but he didn't expect anyone to be more brave than him.

"Each each other, if you can be human, I don't need to explode." Of course Xiao Shiqin wouldn't be a coward. This self-exploitation brought back the suffocation that was suppressed by Tang Yin last time. Just one word pain. God knows that the last time he was suppressed by Tang Yin's hand speed, the commander couldn't command, he could only watch how embarrassed the other party was when he mocked him in various ways.

5 to 5.

This is the score on the electronic screen after the game is over. And this score also made the Thunder on and off the field, and even the fans on the scene greatly relieved. Fortunately, they still won in the end, otherwise it would be too ugly to be shaved by the opponent.

However, they became worried later. This score kept neither of them changing their positions. The opponents after Thunder were Hundred Blossoms and Samsara. It was not easy to face them. Fortunately, entering the playoffs should be a certainty.

And their next main opponent is the Hundred Blossoms team. As for Samsara, although they have now secured the first position, they still have an extreme desire and hunger for victory. The game was probably not good either.

After the game between Happy and Thunder was over, the results quickly spread to other games. Because of the accumulation of battles, they were the first teams to complete the team competition. Because more people felt that Happy didn't take Ye Xiu this time, it could be a sure loser, so they didn't show any surprise when they saw the result, and if they just looked at the score, they didn't know how tragic this match was. .

The match between 301 and Tiny Herb, which was broadcast live on TV, also ended shortly after. 301 finally removed its home map and defeated Tiny Herb very hard, holding the five points that are very precious to them. .

The thirty-fifth round is over, but the amazing thing is that this round is over, even if the points want to eat and the edge of the playoffs is near, the ranking of the team has not changed. The victory won, but it has no impact on the ranking. The leaders are already Happy and Thunder. However, there is still no conclusion as to what the final outcome will be.

There are still three final rounds of the game, and now everyone's points are getting closer. It could be said that there is no other team that has a stable position. Happy, who is the leader of the five teams, is now eleven points behind the ninth place 301. In the eleven-point score range, there are five teams, and it is conceivable that the competition is fierce.

The battle for the top eight this season is definitely the most exciting in years. After all, at this time, the positions of each major team have been fixed, and everyone either starts to train newcomers, or they have no desires. And now? The rest of the world was indeed relatively quiet, but the competition for the fifth to ninth places became more intense. This is an unprecedented situation.

For a time, various e-sports platforms and the media are paying attention to this matter. There is simply not enough space for a while, and there are simply not too many topical reports. But at a time when every competition is vying for reporting positions, they have to give the lack of space to another e-sports event. That's the challenge of the tenth season!

Because this time the finals of the Challenger Tournament also had a very important point to watch, and that was Excellent Era's return!

Although it is said that the current Excellent Era is no longer the wealthy family it used to be, and there is no Battle God One Autumn Leaf that led everyone before, the name Excellent Era has never changed, it has been buried!

In this way, relying on his own efforts, he silently rushed to this last step. There is also the last battle, this name will be returned from the alliance!

How is Excellent Era doing now?

Facing Excellent Era who successfully made it to the finals, the major electronic buns finally gave them the report section.

The first is to introduce the two core elements of Excellent Era, both of which are battle mages.

Qiu Fei: Combat format.

Lin Hu: Fenglin Mountain Fire. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

One was a boy who was discovered by everyone in the Challenger League before, and the other was added after the establishment of New Excellent Era. And willing to cooperate with Qiu Fei's newcomer to play shadow tactics. These two didn't even debut as teenagers, so they held up this abruptly. Excellent Era, who had already collapsed a little, and the players were running away from each other.

Especially Qiu Fei, even in the face of invitations from various parties and even giants, the players still stay, stay in this team that has receded from the halo of giants, and continue to move forward.


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(End of this chapter)

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