Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1538: Happy's full output lineup

Latest website: But now that Ye Xiu isn't playing. Then Liu Hao's goal would naturally change, and after talking about their brief discussion, his latest target was Luo Ji.

This was also a natural alternation after Ye Xiu didn't show up. The Howling crowd just made some arrangements, and didn't put much thought into it. After all, almost all of Happy's members were rookies now. Even if there were changes to their plans, the difficulty had dropped a lot. This makes them feel very good.

Of course, with the exception of Tang Hao, who failed to fight Ye Xiu again, his hard-planned play style had no chance of being realized, and now he had his dignified vice-captain staring at the weakest guy in all of Happy.

This kind of feeling made Liu Hao feel that he was despised when he was at Excellent Era, even though he knew very well that his teammates didn't mean it. Having such a result was a normal replacement, but this feeling of being underestimated still lingered in his heart, making him even more irritable.

"Defeat them directly!" Wind Howl's captain, Tang Hao, obviously did not notice the abnormality of his deputy team, and continued to do this pre-battle encouragement to the team members!

"Oh oh oh!" Wind Howl's teammates also responded in unison. For a while, the atmosphere of the team was very excited, but no one noticed Liu Hao.

Liu Hao: "..."

The game started soon, but the audience still did not enter the state of watching the game, and everyone didn't even come out in surprise that Ye Xiu would not appear.

But with the sound of the countdown to the game resounding throughout the audience, all the audience's attention was once again focused on the stage.

Wind Howl, as always, chose their style of play. Healer Ruan Yongbin and Priest Healer made their debut, replaced by their sixth player Guo Yang and his qigong master Qi Chong Yun Shui.

But when Happy's lineup appeared, the audience was instantly boiling.

Because this time Happy replaced their healer, An Wenyi, and let their sixth man, Mo Fan, and his Destroyer Tireless enter the starting lineup.

Seriously, such a lineup is already commonplace for Wind Howl, and there are even people complaining about them. Since they are already man-to-man, why bring an extra healer?

Of course, this kind of remark is just a rant in the end. After all, if you don't say anything else, just one more treatment will be confusing. After all, from the opponent's point of view, Wind Howl could not simply be a man-to-man tactic. This is even more confusing tactically. Even if the performance of Howl during this period of time has shown, they are using man-to-man to keep changing, but other teams have to consider whether the opponent will suddenly stop Possibility of playing this play.

Besides, the full attack of man-to-man is a very serious consumption for one's own side. If you are not careful, you may be killed due to insufficient health and endurance. So many times, they still need a treatment to stabilize them. A six-output player lineup like the one that wanted to play Misty Rain was too extreme, even Wind Howl had only used it once.

It's not surprising that this Whistling continued with their original playstyle. What really surprised everyone was that since Happy had copied their style of play directly, they placed the healer in sixth place as soon as they came up, and went straight to a full damage lineup.

"Xingxin... this is too brave..." Pan Sen couldn't help sighing when he looked at Happy's lineup. After all, Xingxin's side has not let Ye Xiu play, and now they are directly using the opponent's most familiar style of play, which can no longer be described by bravery...

Wind Howl used this style of play to play a lot of advantages in Glory. Except for their accident, there was really no other team that would go directly to the full damage lineup, and it was so determined. When this lineup came out, everyone was as surprised as Ye Xiu, who still didn't play.

"Wait, it seems that Happy has used this style of play before, but their style of play is not the man-to-man style of Wu Xiao now. If I remember correctly..." Li Yibo said hesitantly. on.

After being reminded by Li Yibo like this, Pan Lin seemed to be reminded of his guilt, as if it really happened. Replacing the healer with a sixth man increases the team's output in team matches. It seemed that this style of play was indeed the first one used by Happy.

"Then what is the purpose of them using such a lineup again this time?" Pan Lin asked curiously.

"Well, let's wait and see!" Li Yibo said.

Hearing Li Yibo's words, Pan Sen was stunned. After all, according to the original management, shouldn't it be him to analyze the reasons at this time? As a result, this Li Yibo was getting more and more extreme, and now he just pretended that nothing happened.

But no matter what, now that the game has started, Panson doesn't ask much.

On the field, the game begins. Both teams ran directly to the center of the map at the fastest speed. While Wuxiao was moving, the soldiers were divided into three groups, with two people on the left and right, and one person in the middle alone. And this two-way play is their most common starting play, and this round is their home court, and their familiarity with the map allows them to move more quickly.

On Happy's side, it was the exact opposite. Seeing that the five of them were directly charging in a group, not to mention the tactics or dispersal, and even their formations were a bit precise.

"What is Happy's formation doing?" Pan Lin said with some anxiety. His anxiety wasn't intentional incitement. He really cared a little about Happy's purpose.

"Originally, the healing position was directly replaced by the output, but the style of play shown now does not want to be a man-to-man counterattack with Howling," Pan Sen said.

"I don't think so either." This is what Li Yibo finally said.

"If Happy really wants to use the same man-to-man tactics as Wind Howl~www.readwn.com~, then Happy will have Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale to play. After all, with the current lineup, they don't count as man-to-man. You must know that Wu Howl's players have excellent overall personal strength. That's why they use man-to-man play to have such good results." Li Yibo paused for a while and continued.

"And without the main players like Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale on the field, and even most of the lineups are made up of rookie players at home. Even with Tang Yin and Mucheng, it's still a bit whimsical to want to hit people with Wind Howl."


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(End of this chapter)

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