Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1543: too extreme

Chapter 1575 Too extreme (please subscribe, please recommend)

Tang Hao looked at the group of summoned beasts that were not very high-level. Even though he knew that their attack power was very limited, his sense of powerlessness did not weaken in the slightest, because he knew very well that Luo Ji himself didn't want to. The meaning of using these summoned beasts to take him down is simply to pester him.

The meaning of all the summoned beasts here is this, forcibly remove the sea of ​​beasts, forming a layer of defense, and the purpose is to prevent him from supporting.

In order to achieve this goal, the current Luo Ji can be said to be summoning his summoned beast without restraint, and it is precisely because of this that he consumes the fastest mana in the audience.

In a normal one-vs-one battle, Luo Ji's style of play is the most inadvisable. After all, if the opponent hasn't solved it yet, his blue bar will be emptied, and he won't be far away. But now Luo Ji's task itself is not small to eliminate opponents, because this is the job of the rest of Happy. So what Luo Ji had to do now was to keep summoning, using the number of his summoned beasts to block the opponent's attack as much as possible.

This was supposed to be an exchange. Luo Ji used his character's mana for something that lost points. Although Luo Ji's mana was dropping fast now, Lin Feng's thief lost his life even faster.

After all, under the full firepower of the three of Happy, Tang Yin alone was not something he could resist. Now that he had two helpers, he really didn't even have room to deal with it. He wanted to wait for the support of his teammates. But their teammates were all held back. Either Luo Ji's summoned beast, Tang Yin's mechanical creation, or Mucheng's long-range firepower attack. It can be said that the existence of these three things has greatly affected Wind Howl's overall process.

And since the core of these three is just a rookie summoner! And it was this rookie summoner who, with the help of Mucheng and Tang Yin, dragged their entire team abruptly.

This fact directly caused the mentality of everyone in Wind Howl to collapse.

But what can they do when their minds are broken?

In the face of Luo Ji's crazy summons to replenish the loss, summoned beasts appeared in front of them one after another, and Luo Ji was also doing his best to operate these summoned beasts, and many of them were completely controlled by AI, The original one was sent to death.

Of course, it is obviously impossible for Luo Ji to do everything right now, but he has done quite well in some details. Although he can't do the whole process, at some critical moments, he can complete some key operations. But well done.

This wave of actions by Luo Ji directly sealed the mouths of all his fellows who were originally despised. After all, anyone who knows a little bit about the operation of a fuel car can see that Luo Ji played a key role in this match. Even if he is not the main output in the team. But it was the most important part of Happy's creation of this advantage.

Just like the team's treatment, although it provides almost no output in the game, who can say that treatment has no value?

Even some people with a slightly higher level were even a little surprised to see Luo Ji's performance at this time.

The reason is very simple, although Luo Ji's operation is far from top-notch in their opinion, but he has done everything he can and is capable of doing to the extreme!

There is such a huge amount of calculation, and how careful the control of this rhythm is.

Only then did they realize that Xingxin was an inexplicable fellow.

It's no secret that Luo Ji's talent is limited. All kinds of marketing accounts have already been analyzed badly. But he can bring his limited talent to the extreme, which is not something anyone can do.

In simple terms, it is like an exam. Although some people say that they have the ability to take a 100% exam, they often only get 90% in the end because of various neglects. But Luo Ji is different, he really can only rely on 90 points, but he can guarantee that he will rely on 90 points every time, and this situation is reflected in the actual performance, which is to let Luo Ji and normal have one hundred points There is no difference in the ability of the players.

"Wind Howl is trying to figure out a way to get out of the current situation. If they are suppressed like this, they may really want to be giggled." Li Yibo commented while looking at the current situation.

"Director Li is coming soon. How will Wind Howl deal with the problems they encounter now?" Pan Sen asked.

"The whole!" Li Yibo said, "The current Wind Howl is completely divided by Xingxin's tactics, unable to support each other and help all kinds of escape from the predicament, just like Liu Hao, when he resisted the damage of the machine gun and the poisonous snake cannon, he broke the vines with broken skills. At the time, if there were team members to support him, he would be able to get out of the predicament, but the fact is that the teammates did not come, instead it was a frozen grenade of Tang Yin. And Liu Hao, who was frozen in him again, quickly entered. Being **** by the flower of the demon world again. This is a good example. As long as they can cooperate together, the question of getting close to each other will soon be able to get out of the current situation. Now they are fighting each other. Efficiency is too low."

"The whole thing..." Hearing the old partner's words, Pan Sen didn't know what to say for a while. After all, if Wind Howl could achieve this kind of overall battle that cooperated with each other, how could it have been reduced to the current situation, forced to be forced Play a man-to-man game. After all, Wind Howl's tactic now is to split the overall combat project of the team game, and it is possible to divide it into a one-on-one team battle similar to that of a single player.

But now, the only possible way to solve the current problem, since it requires their cooperation, can only be solved by the overall play.

Isn't this embarrassing?

"This might be a little difficult for Wind Howl now..." Pan Sen couldn't say too much about the live broadcast now.

Let Whistling beat the whole...

Fans and spectators watching the game were silent after hearing Li Yibo's comments.

After all, if Wind Howl can play a beautiful team game, why use such an extreme style of play now? In the final analysis, the man-to-man attacking profession is too extreme after all. This kind of play that completely ignores the matchmaking balance, as long as there is a slight mistake, the opponent will be chased by the opponent.

And this time, Wind Howl had completely ignored Luo Ji, who replaced Ye Xiu in this round at the beginning, that's why he was reduced to this point.

Does breathing have to lose like this?


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(End of this chapter)


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