Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1548: first person to fall

Chapter 1580 The first person to fall (please subscribe, please recommend)

Of course, the most miserable thing about Wind Howl was Lin Feng's fascination. After all, Tang Yin, his wife and Mo Fan were surrounded and beaten by three people from the beginning. That scene should not be too depressing for Lin Feng to be part-timers. Even if there is only Tang Rou and Mo Fan now, he is still suppressed to the death, it can be said that there is no way to do it.

As for Tang Hao and Zhao Yuzhe, who were the core members of the Wuhao Municipal Committee, their mentality of being entangled by a newcomer, Luo Ji, had already collapsed.

That's right, their lives are still relatively healthy now, but Luo Ji's mana has been consumed a bit, but the problem is that what they lack now is not life, but time! After all, who can't see what Luo Ji is exchanging his mana for?

You must know that whether it is Tang Hao or Zhao Yuzhe, both of them are the kind of professional players who are somewhat proud and even have high self-esteem. But now it has been delayed for so long by Luo Ji, a professional rookie who hasn't even made a few appearances. The mental blow to the two of them is not ordinary terrifying.

And what about Luo Ji? There were originally many targets to be aware of, but now there are only two. Tang Yin still throws a few frozen grenades or ice bombs every once in a while when Tang Hao and Zhao Yuzhe are not moving well. Although Tang Yin was still attacking Guo Yang, he could not hit every time, but one hit would reduce a lot of pressure on him. Even now that Tang Yin is only here, Tang Hao and the others will be distracted from Tang Yin's movements. This alone has reduced Luo Ji's pressure.

Under such circumstances, Luo Ji's hands became more concentrated. Originally, students who could take 90 points in the test have started to perform well, and they have started to get 95 points in the test.

Of course, the most desolate is still Lin Feng.

Since the beginning of the game, he has been in deep siege and has been waiting for the support of his teammates. The result? After waiting for this, it was completely lonely. Tang Hao yelled fiercely in their battle room, and asked him to persevere. However, he was still immersed in Luo Ji's sea of ​​summoned beasts, perfectly interpreting what it means to have loud thunder and little rain. The same goes for the rest of the team. There are even two more in crisis...

Although Lin Feng is relatively crippled, if he speaks from a certain direction, he is barely one-to-three, and then the current one-to-two. In this case, if it was on another team, the problem might have been solved long ago. But unfortunately, they are whistling. It might be a good solution in other teams, but it can't be solved here. Even they are being resolved by each other.

"Is there any way for Wind Howl to get them out of their current situation?" This was the most frequently asked question by Panson.

"It's a bit difficult now. If Tang Hao can drain Luo Ji's mana before his teammates die, then there is still hope for howling. After all, a summoned beast without mana is no different from a dead person. So now they need to speed up. Attack rhythm." Li Yibo said.

Pan Sen looked at Tang Hao and the others who were now attacking at a significantly faster pace, and said, "Isn't this what Tang Hao and the others are using now?"

"It should be!" Li Yibo said.

"Whistling is real steel." Pan Sen sighed.

"Hahahaha..." Li Yibo could only laugh at his partner's words. What tough. This is clearly a helpless move.

And now, it depends on whether the three players on Wind Howl's side with the suppression first emptied their health, or whether Luo Ji wanted to run out of mana.

The Herald was also very sensible and made a close-up on the three people's health and Luo Ji's mana, reminding the audience that this is the core of the game, and the players on the scene are obviously aware of this. Of course Lin Feng He will not give up and try his best to resist Tang Rou and Mo Fan's attack. Although he is said to be a combat thief, considering the current situation, he is still going to be wretched. After all, wretchedness lasts longer than hard resistance.

Seeing Lin Feng's actions, Luo Ji had no choice but to continue to persevere. Even if Tang Hao and Zhao Yuzhe quickened the pace of their attacks, he would still stand up.

Even so, Luo Ji was still a little nervous. After all, his mana was about the same as Lin Feng's health. You had to know that when Tang Yin was there, his mana was still ahead.

At this moment, Luo Ji hoped that his skills could be better, even if Luo Ji has already tried his best, what he is doing now is the ceiling of his level, and even he is playing at a super-level now, it can be said that he can't do it now. Some people have doubts about his strength.

But Luo Ji still felt that it wasn't enough. If his strength was stronger, their tactics would be more secure. After all, because of his lack of strength, he used the method of summoning beasts as cannon fodder to delay time. The mana consumption that this brings is terrible. Instead of thinking like it is now, Lin Feng relied on wretchedness and forcibly leveled the speed of his mana consumption.

"Luo Ji is stable, it's too late! Everyone speed up!" Just when Luo Ji hated his limited strength and UU reading www.uukanshu.com was a little bit of a drag on the team, a message appeared in the team channel. And it was Tang Yin who sent the message! This is when Luo Ji noticed Tang Yin's opponent Guo Yang, and found that Tang Yin had also suppressed Guo Yang's HP, which was already equal to his mana.

Tang Rou and Mo Fan also saw Tang Yin's message, and the two of them started to cooperate with each other. But their opponent is an experienced professional player after all, and they are really in trouble when they play wretched. And just when Tang Rou was at that moment, a laser cannon pierced through Lin Feng. Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

"I'm here!" Mucheng said not only on the team channel, but now in a happy and relaxed tone.

It was the audience who remembered to pay attention to Liu Hao who was blasted aside by Mucheng. Now that Mucheng has suddenly returned, what about Liu Hao? He didn't come back so.

Could it be that Liu Hao and his characters have disappeared like this?

When everyone turned to look at the place where the status of everyone in Team Howl was displayed, they were surprised to find that Liu Hao's avatar had turned gray, and the life entry next to the avatar had been completely cleared!

Since Liu Hao was the first to be killed in the audience? Go or be alone with Dancing Rain? Just solved it like that?

At this moment, the fans of Wind Howl couldn't accept this reality, which caused their heads to crash...


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(End of this chapter)


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