Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1554: It's nice to be young...

"How is Luo Ji feeling now? Isn't it amazing?" Just after the press conference here, Luo Ji's hair was torn by Wei Chen for a while, and he immediately changed his hairstyle.

"Hehe, it's good, it's good!" Luo Ji's happiness is almost beyond words now, after all, this is the best player! You must know that in the first few rounds, he was still embarrassed and ashamed that he had dragged down the team. Unexpectedly, I got an mvp in this round and laid the final victory for the team in the team battle.

I was really moved to get this mvp Luo Ji, even if he was besieged by a group of reporters with guns and short guns, and even a little embarrassed in the end, he didn't care at all, because now he can finally play a role in the game.

"Come on, boy, your future is bright!" Wei Chen said.

"Thank you, Boss Wei!" Luo Ji responded with some excitement. After Wei Chen finished chatting, Luo Ji was surrounded by young people like Yifan, An Wenyi and the others to congratulate them, and Baozi even used it again. As the boss that Luo Ji had never acknowledged, he began to teach Luo Ji not to speak.

Seeing Luo Ji and the others looking so cheerful and energetic, Wei Chen couldn't help but sigh, "It's so good to be young..."

To be honest, even at the current level of Luo Ji, in Wei Chen's eyes, it was still not very good. Such strength, in front of the professional league, which is full of talented guys, is not so good. But there was something Wei Chen most envied about him, and that was: youth!

If he could go back to the age of ten years ago, even if he gave up all his experience and skills, and started from scratch before, Wei Chen would not have any hesitation.

The reason is very simple, because skills can be practiced and experience can be accumulated. But only young, this one is lost and can never come back.

Contrary to him, Luo Ji still has a future. In future games, he will play his role in the Happy team time and time again, but what about himself?

Thinking of this, Wei Chen once again took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a deep breath.

Because Wei Chen knew that the last few games he could play were probably the last ones left.

There is one more game in the regular season, and then the playoffs. If you can make it all the way to the finals, you will have a chance of nine games. But that adds up to only ten games.

Only these last ten games...

In his final career, even according to the most popular calculations, there are only ten games. As for the next season, I can't even think about it. Because he is very clear that if he really continues to beg Bailai to stay in the team at that time, it may really become a burden on the team.

Thinking of this, Wei Chen suddenly began to regret all kinds of things. What was wrong with him in the first place, why did he choose to retire?

Now that he is in his thirties, but he can still shine on the field, why didn't he insist more at the beginning? Even if someone finds an ordinary team, he can get a position with his strength at that time. This period is six years... I just wasted six years in vain!

Thinking of this, Wei Chen looked at the smiling young man in front of him, and couldn't help sighing again.

Unlike Luo Ji and the others, who were cheering for Happy's progress to the playoffs, Wei Chen was now grateful and melancholy for the fewer games he could play after him.

Seeing Wei Chen smoking, Ye Xiu also guessed what Wei Chen was thinking. He came to him and patted Wei Chen on the shoulder without saying anything.

"I'm going!" But Ye Xiu's sudden slap from Tang shocked Wei Chen, and the smoke fell out of his mouth. Seeing the smoke falling into a ditch, Wei Chen started trying to kill Ye Xiu with his eyes.

Ye Xiu was also embarrassed to see this scene. He took out his cigarette and handed it to Wei Chen, a panda. It was Tang Yin who sent it to Mucheng when Ye Xiu first came to Happy Internet Cafe.

"Damn it! Okay, since you have smoke!" Wei Chen's eyes lit up when he saw the smoke. Take it directly and enjoy a mouthful.

"Mucheng is in a good mood today and gave me a box." Ye Xiu also said.

Then Ye Xiu looked at Tang Yin, who was chatting with Tang Rou. Without Tang Yin, he would have only had the last ten games.

Thinking of Tang Yin's words, he will continue to play for another season. Ye Xiu didn't know how he was feeling right now. But no matter what, happiness and joy are always in the majority.

After the thirty-seven rounds, various remarks appeared one after another. Among them, the most concerned are the teams on the fringes of the playoffs. The first was Hundred Blossoms, who lost points one after another at the beginning of the game, and then 301, who won 10-0. They are the team that has received the most attention during this time.

After that, there were Thunder and Happy who had already left the danger zone. Thunder won this season's extremely strong Samsara with a score of 7-3. That alone was something to be concerned about. After that, Happy won 8-2 against Wind Howl, a big score that was rarely seen in Team Wind Howl.

But whether it was the Thunder match, Tang Yin's one-on-two, or the final team match, Su Mucheng, Luo Ji, and Tang Yin's successive wonderful performances were all highly praised by the players. And Liu Hao became the only target of verbal criticism in this round.

Among them, at Wind Howl's press conference, Tang Hao unabashedly expressed his dissatisfaction with him and defined it as a disaster.

After all, in the past, the only team would be protective, and some articles could not be written too presumptively, but now in this situation, some media with poor quality directly began to take things out of context.

Even if Tang Hao just wanted to discuss things at the time, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said that Liu Hao's performance was substandard, like a disaster. But in their writing, they directly use the title of Whistling Encountering Disaster, and directly describe Liu Hao as a cancerous tumor of Whistling. You must know that apart from this game, Liu Hao's performance this season alone is quite good, otherwise Neither will fans be selected as All-Stars. It was even less likely that Wind Howl would be appointed as the vice-captain.

However, in this match, Liu Hao's performance really couldn't be washed away. So there is no report to justify his name.

This led to the negative comments on Liu Hao on the Internet for a while, directly destroying the people who benefited from the hard work.


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