Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1566: Tang Yin and Bai Shu

Back to Happy's match, Happy's lineup for the ring match this time was Mo Fan, Tang Rou, and Tang Yin. Because it is a ring match, all players need to get used to it, so this time the map of the ring match is quite satisfactory, with complex terrain and flat areas. However, this map is one of the largest in the heads-up map.

This is also for Ren Mo Fan to have more opportunities to ambush, and at the same time, the larger open space is also better for Tang Rou to face the front.

In this match, Mo Fan made a big mistake. As a result, after the first match, he still had 50% of his health, while Tang Rou beat the second player with 40%. . Although not much, but in the end it recovered some disadvantages. However, everyone in Happy didn't see these disadvantages. Because it is Tang Yin who is defending!

Tang Yin, like Ye Xiu, didn't pick maps. Ye Xiu chose a simple map for the sole purpose of judging.

And Tang Yin also used his strength to prove that he was a rookie wall in front of all Happy teams, and all the players who tried to pass in the future were slapped on the ground. The 301 fans who were still cheering for their own team with a 40% HP advantage.

Tang Yin had 10% blood directly, and he was pressed back to solve the game.

To be fair, a two-for-one opportunity like this. Since Tang Rou and the others were gradually able to stand on their own, Tang Yin had not met for a long time.

At the beginning of the game, Tang Yin walked towards the center of the map as soon as possible. Although it is said that this map is the most similar among the heads-up maps, it is only a heads-up map after all. Soon Tang Yin and Bai Shu's knight character Tide met.

But Tang Yin's first reaction when he saw this knight was: So dazzling!

The map they chose was two extreme styles from Ye Xiu's. Tang Yin said that he was such a sunny person, how could he use a map as dark and shadowy as Ye Xiu. Definitely not for fear of ghosts or anything, absolutely not.

Therefore, the map that Happy chose was called a cloudless one, and the weather was not so good.

But the problem is that 301's momentum tide, his silver plate armor reflects this golden light in this brilliant sunshine. And the silver appearance of the shield life in his hand is like a mirror, it is really not an ordinary eye-dazzling.

"Tsk tsk, Tang Yin has no luck. Looking at this situation, tsk tsk is too pitiful." On the Happy player's seat, Zhang Jiale sighed when he saw the other party's appearance from Tang Yin's perspective. After all, as a sharpshooter, even the opponent's figure is a little blurred now, so I ask Tang Yin's psychological shadow area.

"Ah? What's wrong? Xiaoyin is out of state?" Boss Chen asked worriedly when he heard the situation of his own Oudoudou. After all, Ye Xiu's winning streak had already been achieved. So Chen Guo hoped that Tang Yin could also defend Happy's arena in this round, and carry out the big teams from the rookie wall to the end.

"The other party is too dazzling." Ye Xiu explained.

"The other party, you said that the equipment on Bai Shu's body reflects light?" Chen Guo asked.

"Yes, it can only be said that Honor is not only very good at the physical engine, but also very good in the optical engine. These will cause huge interference to the competition of professional players." Zhang Jiale said.

Hearing Zhang Jiale's words, Chen Guo became worried. Like I said before, he wasn't worried about losing points. But I was worried that if this match was lost because of this kind of thing, it would be too wrong. After all, Tang Yin is now the last game away from his perfect sniping at all the ring players.

"Don't worry, Xiao Yin is fine!" Tang Rou, who was sitting next to Chen Guo at this time, held her best friend's hand and said to Chen Guo with a gentle smile. But Chen Guo could feel that although Tang Rou reassured herself, she couldn't help but squeeze her hand...

When Happy was talking, Tang Yin had already launched an attack on Bai Shu.

Boom boom boom!

Tang Yin directly relied on his own long-range advantage, and directly fired three anti-tank guns at the opponent. After all, there are some eye changes, so even if the knight's movement speed is a little slow, Tang still can't start with a sniper rifle. Instead, opt for anti-tank guns that can explode.

Ye Xiu's Lord Grim took advantage of the distance to fire first, and three anti-tank shells flew out.


Facing Tang Yin's attack, Bai Shu had no intention of avoiding it at all. It was the directly operated character Tide, who raised his shield and attacked Tang Yin directly. Standing the shield in front of him, he directly hit Tang Yin's three anti-tank guns.

Boom boom boom!

There were three consecutive explosions, but the next moment, just after the sound of the explosion here, the tide of Bai Shu had already thrown the smoke of the explosion behind him. The distance between the two sides was quickly shortened under the operation of Bai Shu. And the silver of the life of the shield in his hand is like a flash bomb that he carries with him all the time, arbitrarily attracting the light to the sight of Tang Yin's character.

As far as the viewing experience of the live audience is concerned, they all feel that the opponent's hand is not a shield, but a flash bomb.

"Well, I'll just say...!" Wei Chen, who was also watching the game, raised his hand here. Instruct everyone to look at Bai Shu,

At this time, Bai Shu is a heroic jump!

But just when Wei Chen thought that Bai Shu was going to use the light to limit Tang Yin's view of the whole process, in Tang Yin's view, it just flashed by, and there was no more after that. In this scene, what Wei Chen wanted to say after that was directly stuck. in the throat.

sliding shovel

Facing the opponent's high-altitude attack, Tang Yin directly shoveled a shovel and slid directly under Bai Shu who had just jumped up.

This is Tang Yin's instinctive reaction, and there is no moment to avoid it. After all, he was also worried that his opponent would use the light to hide his figure. At that time, if you can't see his specific movements clearly, it's always him who suffers. So since the opponent wants to play the game of covering the figure, Tang will always keep moving and attacking. As a result, Tang Yin was surprised that the other party did not intend to use the light source.

I saw Bai Shu slashed directly from the air with a sword, and did not do anything to change the angle of the shield during the whole process. It was just such a simple cut, which surprised Tang Yin.

After all, Tang Yin, who was used to fighting against Ye Xiu, a guy with no lower limit and a dirty heart, was still a little uncomfortable for a while. The skills of the two sides were staggered, but neither one hit the other. It's just a simple return of some places.

And Tang Yin, who had just completed the transposition, turned around and jumped back, and at the same time, he was outside a wave of flying spears. He also said quickly on the public channel: "Brother, I'm not used to your integrity."

"What do you mean?" Bai Shu and Tang Yin are not familiar with each other, but he is also very curious about this guy who has beaten the great players one after another since his debut. com dodged again and asked.

"Uh... don't get me wrong, it's just that I've been playing for a long time with a guy who doesn't have the lower limit of playing tactics. Now I suddenly feel cured when I play with you." Tang Yin smiled.

"Hahaha..." Everyone in Happy burst into laughter when they saw Tang Yin's message. After all, they all knew who Tang Yin was talking about.

Ye Xiu: "…"

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